Page 85 - 《含能材料》火工品技术合集 2015~2019
P. 85
88 陈清畴,马弢,李勇
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Research Progress in the Function Mechanism of Exploding Foil Initiator
CHEN Qing⁃chou,MA Tao,LI Yong
(Institute of Chemical Materials,CAEP,Mianyang 621999,China)
Abstract:From three aspects of metal foil bridge electrical explosion,electrical explosion drive flyer and flyer shock initiation ex‑
plosive,the research progress in the function mechanism of exploding foil initiators was reviewed. It is considered that the ex‑
ploding foil initiators have made important progress in the sectional resistivity model,advanced flyer velocity measurement tech‑
nology,calculation model of the electrical explosion drive flyer velocity based on the energy conversion coefficient and the sen‑
sitivity prediction based on the critical initiation criterion etc aspects. Some regular knowledges have been obtained and the low
energy design is promoted to some extent. It is pointed out that the quantitative description of energy dissipation and flyer abla‑
tion,temporal shape of the flyer in the flight,non‑ideal detonation performance prediction at small scale and the micro reaction
flow observation technology after the wave front will become the key points in the future research of exploding foil initiators in
the electrical explosion drive flyer process under the small size condition.
Key words:exploding foil initiators(EFIs);electrical explosion;flyer velocity;flyer shape;shock initiation
CLC number:TJ45 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018055
Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.1, 2019(79-88) 含能材料