Page 89 - 《含能材料》火工品技术合集 2015~2019
P. 89
794 GUO Fei,LÜ Jun‑jun ,WANG Yao ,FU Qiu‑bo ,HUANG Hui,SHEN Rui‑qi
could be obtained. Mean and standard deviation of dard deviation of flyer velocity may increase. From
flyer maximum velocity of each five tests could be the experiment results, integrated energy conversion
calculated and analyzed, and the results were shown unit has significant advantages in terms of energy ef‑
in Fig. 7. From Fig. 7, with capacitor charging voltage ficiency and action consistency in the flyer driving
increasing, mean value of flyer velocity generated by process.
integrated energy conversion unit continuously in‑ 3.3 Initiating Explosive Capability
creased from 4056 m·s -1 to 4589 m·s , and standard Slapper detonator was composed of energy con‑
deviation value of that were stable between 38 and version unit, HNS‑Ⅳ pellet, connectors and shell.
48,which was compared with mean value of flyer ve‑ Detonation sensitivity tests were carried out accord‑
locity generated by manual assembly energy conver‑ ing to D‑optimal method. In the tests, the discharge
sion unit increasing from 4150 m · s -1 to 4320 m · s -1 capacitance value of test device was 0.22 μF. The
and standard deviation value of that varying be‑ firing current with probability value of 50% and
99.9% of detonating HNS‑Ⅳ explosive were respec‑
tween 109 and 220. It is obvious that standard devia‑
tion generated by manual assembly energy conver‑ tively calculated at a confidence level of 0.95 as
sion unit greatly exceed that of integrated energy shown in Table 1. At a confidence level of 0.95, fir‑
ing current of the integrated energy conversion sam‑
conversion unit. This′s due to axial compression de‑ ple with 50% probability of detonating HNS‑Ⅳ ex‑
pending on the traditional manual assembly sample plosive never exceeds 1.89 kA, while that with
may lead to gaps among bridge foil, flyer and barrel. 99.9% probability of detonating HNS‑Ⅳ explosive
Meanwhile, these gaps can increase energy dissipa‑ does not exceed 2.1 kA. Under the same experimen‑
tion and decrease driving flyer energy. Besides, be‑ tal condition, the firing current of energy conversion
cause manual assembly can bring uncertainty, stan‑ unit based on traditional manual assembly with 50%
probability of detonating HNS‑Ⅳ explosive never
exceed 2.07 kA, while that with 99.9% probability
of detonating HNS‑Ⅳ explosive does not exceed
2.34 kA. It′s obvious that the detonation threshold of
the integrated energy conversion unit is lower, which
further indicates that the energy conversion unit
based on FPC process has significant advantages in
terms of energy efficiency and action consistency.
Fig. 6 Experimental results of flyer velocity at peak current Table 1 Experimental results for initiating HNS‑ Ⅳ explosive
of 2300 A
method shot I 50 /kA I 99.9 /kA σ optimal method
FPC 18 1.890 2.040 0.053 D‑optimization
traditional 18 2.070 2.340 0.083 D‑optimization
4 Conclusions
An integrated energy conversion unit compo‑
nent based on FPC process, utilizing capacitor dis‑
charge circuit, was designed and fabricated. Mean‑
Fig. 7 Experimental results of flyer velocity for five times while, performances of energy conversion unit, such
Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.26, No.9 , 2018(791-795) 含能材料