Page 86 - 《含能材料》火工品技术合集 2015~2019
P. 86
Performance of Integrated Exploding Foil Energy Conversion Unit Based on FPC 791
Performance of Integrated Exploding Foil Energy Conversion Unit Based on FPC
GUO Fei ,LÜ Jun⁃jun ,WANG Yao ,FU Qiu⁃bo ,HUANG Hui ,SHEN Rui⁃qi 1
(1. School of Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China;2. Institute of Chemical Materials,China
Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang 621999,China;3. China Academy of Engineering Physics,Mianyang,621999,China)
Abstract:To improve the manufacturing efficiency and product consistency of exploding foil initiators,a kind of integrated ex‑
ploding foil energy conversion unit based on the flexible printing circuit(also called FPC or soft board)manufacturing process
was designed and fabricated,and the basic performances of the integrated energy conversion unit,such as electrical explosion
performance,driving flyer capability and initiating hexanitrostilbene(HNS‑Ⅳ)capability were studied. In the experiment,the
voltage curve at two ends of exploding foil was measured by a high‑voltage probe. The current curve of discharge circuit was
measured by Rogowski coil. The velocity history curve of flyer driven by electrical explosion process was measured by means
of Photonic Doppler Velocimetry(PDV). Results show that the peak current of discharge circuit and burst current of bridge
foil linearly increase with the increasing of voltage at two ends of capacitor ,in which ,the burst current increases from
2080 A to 2680 A. The burst time of bridge foil linearly decreases with the increasing of voltage at two ends of capacitor,from
232 ns to 156 ns. With charging voltage increasing,the flyer velocity increases continuously from 4056 m ·s -1 to 4589 m ·s ,
and standard deviation value of the velocity is between 38 and 48. The exploding foil energy conversion unit can reliably initiate
HNS‑Ⅳ explosive when the current peak of discharge circuit is about 2.04 kA,which is lower than that of energy conversion
unit fabricated by traditional manufacturing process(2.340 kA).
Key words:flexible printing circuit(FPC);integrated unit;exploding foil initiators;energy conversion unit
CLC number:TJ450.1 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2017390
was mainly composed of reflector, bridge foil, flyer
1 Introduction and barrel. When a large pulse current passed
through bridge foil, rapidly expanding plasma gener‑
In the 1970s, J. R. Stroud invented the slapper
detonator based on the characteristic of electrical ex‑ ated from an explosion of a metal foil drove a flyer
plosion of a metal bridge foil under a large pulse cur‑ stuck on the bridge foil across the barrel, and its
rent and the mechanism of short‑pulse shock‑initia‑ high‑velocity impact on the explosive then delivers
the energy and shock needed to initiate a detona‑
tion of explosive [1-2] . Energy conversion unit, which
could convert the electrical energy of bridge foil into tion, which could achieve energy output.
kinetic energy of flyer, was the core component of Since the slapper detonator was invented, the
slapper detonator. In general, energy conversion unit development of fabrication process of energy conver‑
sion unit could be divided to three phases: (1) the
Received Date:2017‑12‑25;Revised Date:2018‑05‑02 first‑generation energy conversion unit based on tra‑
Published Online:2018‑06‑15 ditional machining technology and precision assem‑
Project Supported:National Natural Science Foundation of China [3-5]
(11702263). bly technology ; (2) the second‑generation energy
Biography:GUO Fei(1981-),male,associate professor,Research conversion unit based on integrated design and fabri‑
field:product development of pyrotechnics. e‑ cation of circuit technology [6-10] ; (3) the third‑genera‑
Corresponding author: HUANG Hui(1961 - ),male,professor,
Research field:properties of energetic materials. tion energy conversion unit based on MEMS technol‑
e‑ ogy [11-14] . Compared to the traditional machining
引用本文:郭 菲 ,吕 军 军 ,王 窈 ,等 . 基 于 FPC 工 艺 的 集 成 冲 击 片 换 能 元 性 能 分 析[J]. 含 能 材 料 ,2018,26(9):791-795.
GUO Fei,LÜ Jun⁃jun,WANG Yao,et al. Performance of Integrated Exploding Foil Energy Conversion Unit Based on FPC[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materi⁃
als(Hanneng Cailiao),2018,26(9):791-795.
含能材料 2018 年 第 26 卷 第 9 期 (791-795)