Page 26 - 《含能材料》2018年优秀论文
P. 26

692                                                                    FENG Song,RAO Guo‑ning,PENG Jin‑hua

            Table 5  Material parameters of JWL‑Miller model for explo‑

             sample A/GPa  B/GPa  R1     R2    ω     E0/GJ·m -3
             2 #   1887.64  162.39  6.5  2.75  0.547  11.50
             4 #   908.2  12.03   4.77   1.036  0.25  10.20
             sample D/m·s ‑1  p CJ /GPa  Q/GJ·m ‑3  a  m  n

             2 #   9100   40      -      -     -     -
             4 #   8780   25      4.65   0.028  0.5  0.167
                                                                                  a.  shock wave
            nized explosive had not light inside. So the sample
            2 was used as an example. Figure 7 shows the ex‑
            perimental and numerical simulation of bubble pul‑
            sation of sample 2 .

                                                                                  b.  bubble pulse
                             a.  experimental                   Fig. 8  Pressure histories of shock wave and bubble pulse
                                                                calculated using AUTODYN at the distance of 0.7 m from
                                                                the sample 2 #

                              b.  simulated
            Fig. 7  Comparison of experimental and simulated results for
            sample 2 about the first pulse of the bubble
                During the expansion and collapse,the calcu‑
            lated motion was in excellent agreement with that in                  a.  shock wave
            experiment. The entire process of bubble pulsation
            could be clearly and directly observed in the numeri‑
            cal simulation. The simulation results of the bubble
            pulse properties and bubble pulsation phase were in
            good agreement with experimental results. Except
            the light and size,the movement of bubbles be‑
            tween sample 2 and sample 4 were the same. In
            comparison with experimental values,the explosion
            products did not escape from the surface of bubble.                  b.  bubble pulse
            During the process of bubble pulsation,the experi‑  Fig. 9  Pressure histories of shock wave and bubble pulse cal‑
            mental results were corresponding with simulation   culated using AUTODYN at the distance of 0.7 m from the
            results. Figure 8 and Fig.9 are show that the pressure  sample 4 #

            Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.26, No.8 , 2018(686-695)  含能材料
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