Page 21 - 《含能材料》2018年优秀论文
P. 21

Experimental Study and Numerical Simulation of CL‑20‑Based Aluminized Explosive in Underwater Explosion  687

            ble energy. Aluminum particles can react with deto‑  sion. The images of bubble of two formulations of
            nation products under the high pressure and high    the explosives were acquired by a high speed video
            temperature condition behind the detonation wave,   camera. The bubble of CL ‑ 20 ‑ based explosive was
            which are usually called secondary reaction [11-12] .  compared with that of CL‑20‑based aluminized explo‑
            Although aluminized explosives have been applied    sive and the difference between them was discussed.
            for a long time,the reaction mechanisms of them is      The paper also investigated the effect of alumi‑
            still not entirely clear. Because it is difficult to mea‑  num powder content on shock wave energy,bubble
            sure how much aluminum reacts with the detonation   energy and total energy. Compared with convention‑
            products behind C‑J state and determine the reaction  al explosive(TNT),we did an analysis of the advan‑
            rate. Different computer codes and computational    tage of the total energy of CL ‑ 20 ‑ based explosive
            software have been applied to the reaction mecha‑   and CL ‑20 ‑based aluminized explosive. In addition
            nism by more and more researchers. For example,     to the experiments,we simulated the process of bub‑
            BKW [13]  , RUBY [14] , TIGER [15]  , CHEQ [16]  , JAG‑  ble movement.
            UAR [17]  and CHEETAH [18]  codes,some of them can
            make good estimates for zero,partial,and full alu‑  2   Experiment
            minum reaction with the detonation products. Other
            computer codes and numerical methods are also           The experiment was conductedina2 m×2 m×2 m
            used to predict performance parameters of alumi‑    water tank. The surface height of water in the tank
            nized explosives  [19-21] . In addition to the above cal‑  was 1.6 m. The charge was placed at the center
            culation methods,the commercial software such as    0.8 m below the water surface. The distance be‑
            LSDYNA and AUTODYNA have been widely ap‑            tween explosion center and pressure transducer was
            plied to calculate performance parameters of alumi‑  0.7 m. The high‑speed camera was put 1.4 m away
            nized explosives in air or water,which include igni‑  from the explosion source. To avoid the influence of
            tion and growth model  [22]  and Jones ‑ Wilkins ‑ Lee  reflected shock wave on the bubble pulsation process,
           (JWL)  [23-25] equation of state(EOS)with a Miller ex‑  a white low impedance material was attached to the
            tension for the simulation of aluminized explosives.  wall of the water tank,because the low impedance
                The total expansion work of explosives can be   materials generally have an excellent shock attenuat‑
            calculated by underwater explosion method,which     ing capacity. Explosion charge,pressure transducer
            normally is a value close to the heat of explosion or  and high‑speed camera were located in the same hori‑
            detonation [26] . By computing the shock energy and  zontal line. The scheme of the small explosion water
            bubble energy,energy output structure for the under‑  tank was shown in Fig.1. In this underwater explosion
            water explosion can be obtained [27] . Many numerical  experiment,CL‑20‑based explosive and CL‑20‑based
            simulations of underwater explosion have also been  aluminized explosive were used. The mass of each
            conducted in the past few decades,including shock   sample is 5 g. The height of each sample is 15 mm. The
            waves [28-29] ,bubble pulsation [30] ,structural respons‑  composition and densities of the charges are listed in
            es [31-32] . In underwater explosion,the transient load of  Table 1. Every sample was tested twice in parallel.
            the bubble pulsation will have great impact on the      JO ‑9159(95% HMX and 5% binder,1.860 g·cm  -3
            ship. The researchers are concentrating on under‑   in density,1 cm in diameter,0.5 cm in height,det‑
            standing the bubble movement. The images of bubble  Table 1  Composition and sizes of test samples
            movement are acquired by a high speed video camera
                                                                 sample  composition        height /mm density/g·cm -3
            and processed by image processing software [33-35] .  1 #    CL‑20/Estane/G/W   14.68    1.929
                As said above,we designed an experimental in‑    2 #     95/3.5/0.5/1.0     14.68    1.929
            stallation to study CL‑20‑based explosive and CL‑20‑  3 #    CL‑20/Al/Estane/G/W  14.21  1.993
            based aluminized explosive in underwater explo‑      4 #     80/15/3.5/0.5/1.0  14.20    1.994

            CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS              含能材料                2018 年  第 26 卷  第 8 期 (686-695)
   16   17   18   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26