Page 24 - 《含能材料》2018年优秀论文
P. 24

690                                                                    FENG Song,RAO Guo‑ning,PENG Jin‑hua

            an underwater explosion event take place over a      Table 2  Results of shock energy,gas bubble and total energy
            much larger time than of the shock wave. The bub‑                  θ
                                                                  sample  pm          Tb     es     eb     et
            ble energy released by explosives explosion is relat‑        / MPa  / μs  / ms   /MJ·kg -1  /MJ·kg -1  /MJ·kg -1
            ed to the period of the first bubble oscillation. The  1 #   15.52  20.58  46.75  1.13  2.24   5.74
            equation used in calculating the specific bubble en‑  2 #    15.49  20.63  46.76  1.13  2.24   5.74

            ergy is expressed as follows:                         3 #    15.20  22.34  49.97  1.31  2.96   7.02
                                             3                     #
                       é               5   ù                      4      15.12  22.56  50.43  1.31  3.01   7.06
                   1   ê ê        ( )  6   ú
                                   p h
            E b =     3 ê ê  1 + 4Ct b  - 1 ú ú         (6)      that addition of aluminum powder is of advantage to
                 8C K 1 ê ê        p hn    ú
                       ë                   û                     increase the underwater explosion energy such as
                 E - E' - E ″                                    shock energy,gas bubble and total energy. The time
            e =   b   W b    b                          (7)      constant θ of CL ‑ 20 ‑ based aluminized explosive is
                Where C and K are constants at a given charge    larger than that of CL‑20‑based explosive. The bub‑
            location in a given pond,t is the first bubble peri‑  ble pulse period increases by about 7.4%. The shock
            od, s; p h  is the total hydrostatic pressure at the  wave energy of the CL‑20 ‑based aluminized explo‑
            charge depth(including atmospheric pressure),Pa;     sive is 1.31 MJ·kg ,and it is 1.16 times larger than
            as normalization pressure p hn  should use a pressure  CL ‑ 20 ‑ based explosive. The bubble energy of the
            given by the sum of the normal atmospheric pressure  CL ‑ 20 ‑ based aluminized explosive is 33.3% higher
            at the surface of the pond(for example 101325 Pa     than CL‑20‑based explosive. These are signs that alu‑
            for a sea level site) and the hydrostatic pressure at  minum powder can greatly improve the bubble ener‑
            the chosen charge depth,Pa;E is the gas bubble       gy. The total energy measured at measuring point of
            energy at measuring point,J;E′ denotes the gas       CL‑20‑based aluminized explosive increases by about
            bubble energy by booster charges at measuring        27.4%. The total underwater explosion energy per
            point,J;E″ is the gas bubble energy by No. 26 electric  mass unit of an explosive e approaches heat of deto‑
            detonator at measuring point,J;e denotes the gas     nation of the explosives [26] . The heat of detonation of
            bubble energy per kg explosives at measuring         the CL‑20‑based explosive is 5.95 MJ · kg -1[39] . The
            point,J · kg ;W denotes the charge weight of ex‑     total underwater explosion energy of CL‑20‑based ex‑
            plosive ,kg.                                         plosive is 5.74 MJ · kg ,and it is 1.4 times larger
            3.3.3  Specific Total Energy                         than TNT (4.09 MJ · kg ) in underwater explosion
                          )                                           [40]
            e t = K f (μe s + e b                       (8)      energy  . Compared with the heat of detonation of
                Where e is the total underwater explosion ener‑  the CL‑20‑based explosive,the error is about 3.5%.
            gy per mass unit of an explosive,J · kg ;K is the    The total underwater explosion energy e increases
            charge geometry factor,for cylinder shaped charge,   by 22.6% with addition of aluminum powder in
            K =1.08-1.10;µ is the shock loss factor,only re‑     CL ‑ 20. The total underwater explosion energy of
            lates to the detonation pressure of explosives;More  CL‑20‑based aluminized explosive is 1.7 times larger
            details about these equations can be found in Bjarn‑  than TNT. But beyond that,the peak pressure in pri‑
            holt  [26] . In order to get accurate results,a blank test  mary shock wave decreases slightly for CL ‑ 20 ‑ based
            must be conducted only including No. 26 electric     aluminized explosive. So the addition of aluminum
            detonator and booster charges.                       powder can attain the purpose to increase time con‑
                According to the pressure histories of shock     stant,bubble pulse period and explosion energy. Be‑
            wave in Fig.3 and Eqs.(1)-(8) [26] ,the shock ener‑  cause aluminum can react with explosion products to
            gy,gas energy and total energy of the explosives     give out a lot of heat and gas,decay of pressure slows
            can be calculated,as shown in Table 2. It is obvious  down and shock energy and total energy increase as

            Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.26, No.8 , 2018(686-695)  含能材料
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