Page 22 - 《含能材料》2018年优秀论文
P. 22

688                                                                    FENG Song,RAO Guo‑ning,PENG Jin‑hua

            onation velocity D = 8862 m·s ,heat of detonation
            Q = 5.23 kJ·g )booster charges of 0.7 g and elec‑
            tric detonator(detonator No. 26)were used for firing.
            Figure 2 shows the explosive charges of sample 4 .

                                                                                    a.  sample 2 #

            Fig. 1  Schematic diagram of the experimental setup

                                                                                    b.  sample 4 #
            Fig. 2  Explosive charges of sample 4 #              Fig. 3  Pressure histories of shock wave measured by sensor
                                                                 placed at the distance of 0.7 m from different samples
                The pressure histories were captured and record‑
            ed by an integral circuit piezoelectric crystal pres‑  3.2  Bubble Motion
            sure transducer(PCB138A05),a sensor signal con‑          Figure 4 shows the bubble generation,expan‑
            ditioner (PCB482A20), digital phosphor oscillo‑      sion and contraction of sample 2 . When the bubble
            scope(Tektronix DPO7104C). The images of bub‑        radius reached maximum(t=22.5 ms,R=59.9 cm),
            ble pulses were obtained by a high ‑ speed camera    the pressure inside the bubble reached minimum.
           (Photron APX‑RX)system.                               The bubble radius reached minimum at t = 46.5 ms.
                                                                 During the whole moving process of the bubble,the
            3   Results and Discussion                           explosion products escaped from the bubble surface.

            3.1  Pressure Histories of Shock Wave and Bubble
                Figure 3 present pressure histories of shock wave
            and bubble pulses measured by sensor placed at the
            distance of 0.7 m from sample 2 and sample 4 ,
            respectively. The incident shock wave arrived at
            327.6 μs,with a peak of value of 15.49 MPa. For
            CL‑20‑based aluminized explosive,the incident shock
            wave arrived at 329.7 μs,with a peak of value of     Fig. 4  Experimental pictures of bubble pulse for sample 2 #
            15.12 MPa. In Fig. 3,it is obvious that the bubble
            pulsation periods of two samples are 46.76 ms and        Figure 5 shows the bubble generation,expansion
            50.43 ms.                                            and contraction of sample 4 . The bubble of maxi‑

            Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.26, No.8 , 2018(686-695)  含能材料
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