Page 79 - 《含能之美》2019封面论文
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Preparation and Application Performance of Al⁃FeF Composite Fuel
ZHU Zhao⁃yang 1,2,3 ,ZHANG Si ,XIA De⁃bin ,TANG Quan ,QIU Xian⁃ping 2,3 ,YANG Yu⁃lin ,FAN Rui⁃qing 1
(1. MIIT Key Laboratory Critical Materials Technology for New Energy Conversion and Storage,School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Harbin
Institute of Technology,Harbin 150001,China;2. Science and Technology on Aerospace Chemical Power Laboratory,Xiangyang 441003,China;3. Hubei
Institute of Aerospace Chemotechnology,Xiangyang 441003,China)
Abstract:In order to improve the combustion performance of aluminum powder in the solid propellants,the aluminum matrix
composite was prepared by high energy ball milling with aluminum powder as matrix and FeF 3 as additive. The effects of powder
ratio and milling parameters on the micromorphology,structure and thermal properties of aluminum matrix composites were
studied. The micron grade aluminum matrix composites were prepared by optimized process. TG‐DSC analysis showed that
Al‐FeF 3 composite can realize fast oxidation at lower temperature(600-1400 ℃)in the oxidation process. The end‐fired 75 en‐
gine test demonstrated that no large molten aluminum powder residue was observed in the engine shell after replacing spherical
Al with Al‐FeF 3 composite. The residue rate was decreased from 6.151% to 4.215%,indicating enhanced combustion efficiency
for the Al‐FeF 3 composite. Therefore,Al‐FeF 3 composite has potential application value in reducing combustion residue rate of
solid propellant and two‐phase flow loss of engine.
Key words:metal fuel;aluminum modification;high‐energy ball milling;agglomeration;solid propellant
CLC number:TJ76;O61 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018362
(责编:张 琪)
Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.9, 2019(720-728) 含能材料