Page 36 - 《含能之美》2019封面论文
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低 温 动 态 加 载 下 三 组 元 HTPB 复 合 固 体 推 进 剂 的 失 效 判 据
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Failure Criteria of Three⁃component HTPB Composite Solid Propellant at Low Temperature Under Dynamic
QIANG Hong⁃fu,WANG Zhe⁃jun,WANG Guang,GENG Biao
(Xi′an Hi‑Tech Institute,Xi′an 710025,China)
Abstract:Based on uniaxial and quasi‑biaxial tensile tests and microscopic damage observation experiments of three‑component
Hydroxyl‑Terminated Polybutadience(HTPB)composite solid propellant at different thermal accelerated aging time(0,32,74,
98 d),temperatures(-50,-40,-30,-20,25 ℃)and strain rates(0.40,4.00,14.29,42.86,63 s ),the effects of loading
conditions on the initial elastic modulus,strength and the corresponding strain have been analyzed. Moreover,failure criteria of
the propellant under the tests have been determined. It has been indicated that HTPB propellant fails more easily due to tensile
stress under dynamic uniaxial loading,and the thermal aging can further reduce this capability. Thus the strain at maximum ten‑
sile stress can be considered as the uniaxial failure criterion. In addition,tensile‑compressive strength ratio can better reflect the
different properties of the propellants under dynamic uniaxial loading. This value is 0.4 and 0.2-0.3 at room temperature and
low temperatures,respectively. The strain at maximum tensile stress of HTPB propellant under quasi‑biaxial tension is significant‑
ly lower than that in uniaxial tension. Furthermore,the extent of reduction increases with extended aging time and decreased
temperature. The proportion for unaged and aged propellants is 60%-85% and 40%-60%,respectively. Finally,this strain is in‑
dependent of stress state and strain rate at the lower temperature and higher strain rates. Thus the strain at maximum tensile stress
under dynamic biaxial tension can be considered as the failure criterion of HTPB propellant. It can also be used to analyze the
structure integrity of propellant grains for tactical missiles during ignition of solid rocket motor(SRM). Moreover,its value can
be determined with the master curves and aging models.
Key words:Hydroxyl‑Terminated Polybutadience(HTPB)propellant;failure criteria;low temperature;dynamic loading;thermal
accelerated aging
CLC number:TJ55;V512 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018340
(责编:张 琪)
CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS 含能材料 2019 年 第 27 卷 第 4 期 (274-281)