Page 49 - 《含能材料》火工品技术合集 2015~2019
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Research Progress in the Flight Characteristics of Laser⁃driven Flyer
WANG Zhi⁃hao,LI Yong,QIN Wen⁃zhi,GAO Yuan,JIANG Xiao⁃hua,WANG Liang,HE Bi
(Institute of Chemical Materials,CAEP,Mianyang 621999,China)
Abstract:Laser‑driven flyer is an efficient shock loading method,which has essential safety as a method of initiating explosives
by laser. The reliability of initiating explosives by laser‑driven flyer is closely related to the flight characteristics of flyer. The flying
velocity and apparent morphology (planarity and integrity) of flyer are two important parameters for a successful initiation.
Therefore,in this paper,the research progresses of laser‑driven flyer technique were reviewed from two aspects of characteriza‑
tion means and influencing factors of flight properties of flyer. Focusing on laser‑driven single layer foils,the methods of observa‑
tion,characterization and reception were introduced. The research findings for the function law of influencing factors of flight
performance in recent years were analyzed and discussed. The deficiencies existing in current researches were hackled and sum ‑
marized and the future development directions,including the systematic physical model of flight process of laser‑driven flyer and
quantitative parameters of planarity and integrity of laser‑driven flyer,were pointed out.
Key words:shock initiation;laser‑driven flyer;flyer velocity;flyer morphology
CLC number:TJ45 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018235
(责编 王艳秀)
Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.3, 2019(255-264) 含能材料