Page 26 - 《含能材料》火工品技术合集 2015~2019
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Sub⁃microsecond Interferometry Diagnostic and 3D Dynamic Simulation of the Bridgewire Electrical
WANG Wan⁃jun ,SUN Xiu⁃juan ,ZHANG Lei ,LEI Fan ,GUO Fei ,YANG Shuang ,FU Qiu⁃bo 1
(1. Institute of Chemical Materials ,CAEP ,Mianyang 621999 ,China ;2. Second Military Representative Office of Air Fore Equipment Department in
Mianyang Area ,Mianyang 621999 ,China)
Abstract:Electrical explosion of the thin golden wire is fundamental for the EBW detonator. In this paper,the expansion process
of plasma generated in 0.04 mm wire explosion was captured using interferometry diagnostic. Moreover,the transient current
during the electrical explosion was also measured in order to establish the connection between current and plasma expansion in
time domain using a photoelectric transducer. 3D dynamic simulation of plasma expansion was conducted,in which JWL equa‑
tion of state containing energy term was selected to describe the dynamic behavior of plasma. The results shows the simulation re‑
sult was in good agreement with experimental results. And under the condition of 0.22 μF capacitor and 3900 V charging volt‑
age,the expansion velocity of plasma reaches 8913 m·s ,and then 3000-4000 m·s -1 after travelling for 1.63 mm. The pressure
of plasma is higher than 2.4 GPa. The satisfactory agreement between simulation and experiment indicates that the JWL equation
of state is suitable for plasma generated in electrical explosion. The simulation results show that the change of the pressure and
density of plasma with travelling distance could be described using polynomial function. The result in this paper was able to give
more insight of the mechanism of EBW detonator and thus provide suggestions for the design of the EBW detonator.
Key words:sub‑microsecond;electric explosion;expansion;interferometry diagnostic;dynamic simulation;JWL equation of state
CLC number:TJ55;O384;O381 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018336
(责编:姜 梅)
Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.6, 2019(473-480) 含能材料