Page 69 - 《含能材料》优秀论文(2019年)
P. 69
新 型 亚 稳 态 合 金 材 料 冲 击 释 能 特 性 697
Shock Energy Release Characteristics of Novel Metastable Alloy Materials
ZHANG Yun⁃feng,LIU Guo⁃qing,LI Chen,SHI Dong⁃mei,ZHANG Yu⁃ling,ZHEN Jian⁃wei
(Shijiazhuang Campus of Army Engineering University,Shijiazhuang 050000,China)
Abstract:To study the shock energy release characteristics of new ZrNiAlCuAg metastable alloy material,the shock overpres‑
sure experiments of energetic fragments were processed with quasi‑sealed chamber test system. The change rule of overpressure
time history curves,the overpressure peak value and growth rates of overpressure peak value of materials under different shock
velocities were studied. The specific energy per unit mass and specific energy per volume of new ZrNiAlCuAg metastable alloy
materials and multifunctional energetic structural materials were compared. The results show that the overpressure time history
curves of materials show the characteristic of rapid rise first and slow decline later. The overpressure peak value and growth rate
of overpressure peak value have positive correlations with the impact velocities. The reaction efficiency is close to 40% when the
shock velocity is greater than 1400 m·s . The energetic density of material was closed to other type of energetic fragments under
lower shock velocities. The energetic density increases rapidly when the shock velocity reaches 1100 m·s ,which surpasses the
other kinds of energetic fragments. The specific energy per unit mass of ZrNiAlCuAg metastable alloy material reaches 3.83 kJ·g -1
and its specific energy per unit volume reaches 0.026 kJ·mm -3 when the shock velocity is 1485 m·s .
Key words:multifunctional energetic structural material;metastable alloy;shock‑induced chemical reaction;energy release char‑
acteristics;energy density
CLC number:TJ410 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018170
(责编:高 毅)
CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS 含能材料 2019 年 第 27 卷 第 8 期 (692-697)