Page 21 - 《含能材料》优秀论文(2019年)
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龙 骨 状 纳 米 结 构 TATB 的 构 筑 与 热 分 解 动 力 学 研 究 143
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Construction and Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of the Keel⁃like Nanostructure TATB
LI Ping ,AODENG Gao⁃wa ,LI Chun⁃zhi ,DUAN Xiao⁃hui ,PEI Chong⁃hua 1
(1. Southwest University of Science and Technology,State Key Laboratory of Environment‑friendly Energy Materials,Mianyang 621010,China;2. Lu zhou
North Chemical Industries Co. Ltd.,Luzhou 646003,China)
Abstract:Based on the regulating of nanostructure on the properties of materials,the nanostructure of 1,3,5‑triamino‑2,4,
6‑trinitrobenzene(TATB)was constructed by solvent/non‑solvent method. Through strong nonsolvent effect and temperature ef‑
fect,the keel‑like nanostructure TATB was prepared.The microstructure of the sample was observed by field emission scanning
electron microscopy(FE‑SEM)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM)and the crystal phase and particle size distribution
of the sample were measured by X‑ray diffraction(XRD)and Laser Particle Size Analyzer. The results show that the whole mor‑
phology of obtained sample is keel‑like crystalline. And the crystal form does not change compared with the raw material and the
size distribution is from 70 to 400 nm. The thermal analyses at different heating rates show that the thermal decomposition peak
temperature of keel‑like nanostructure TATB is 1.54-2.91 ℃ earlier than that of raw TATB,the apparent activation energy(E a )is
increased by 0.29 kJ· mol ,and the sensitivity to thermal stimulation is decreased. The thermal decomposition mechanism of
keel‑like nanostructure TATB obtained by differential method calculationis random nucleation(a core for a particle),whereas
the raw material is three‑dimension diffusion and its kinetic equation is Jander equation with sphericalsymmetry.
Key words:1,3,5‑triamino‑2,4,6‑trinitrobenzene(TATB);solvent/non‑solvent method;keel‑likenanostructure;thermal decom‑
position kinetics
CLC number:TJ55;TQ560.72 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018129
CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS 含能材料 2019 年 第 27 卷 第 2 期 (137-143)