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            Safety Performance of FOX⁃7 Based Casting PBX

            XIE Xiao,WANG Shu⁃cun,HUANG Chuan,LIU Tao,ZHENG Bao⁃hui,HUANG Jing⁃lun,LI Shang⁃bin
           (Institute of Chemical Materials,CAEP,Mianyang 621999,China)

            Abstract:In order to improve the safety performance of cyclotetramethylenetetranitramine(HMX)based cast polymer bonded
            explosive(PBX),a certain amount of 1,1‐diamino‐2,2‐dinitroethylene(FOX‐7)was substituted for HMX in the formulation.
            The influence of FOX‐7 on the thermal stability,mechanical sensitivity,shock wave sensitivity and electrostatic spark sensitivity
            of the formulation was studied. The friction sensitivity of the formulation GOXL‐A was lower than that of the HMX based cast
            PBX formulation GO‐1 after the introduction of FOX‐7. The response time in the fast cook‐off and slow cook‐off tests was delayed
            by 58.8% and 18.5%,respectively. The formulation had passed the EIS slow cook‐off test with a heating rate of 3.3 ℃·h . The
            shock wave sensitivity was significantly reduced. The separator thickness(L 50 )was reduced by 15.7% compared with GO ‐ 1,
            and the 50% critical detonation pressure(p 50 ) was increased by 9.5%. Its static spark sensitivity is significantly reduced. The
            50% ignition voltage(V 50 )and 50% ignition energy(E 50 )increased by 65.3% and 187.5%,respectively.
            Key words:polymer bonded explosive(PBX);1,1‐diamino‐2,2‐dinitroethylene(FOX‐7);electrostatic spark sensitivity;insensi‐
            tive explosive
            CLC number:TJ55;O64                        Document code:A                   DOI:10.11943/CJEM2019167

            Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.11, 2019(942-948)  含能材料
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