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二 苯 胺 对 硝 化 棉 的 等 温 热 分 解 动 力 学 的 影 响                                                             997

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                HU Rong‑zu,GAO Sheng‑li,ZHAO Feng‑qi,et al. Thermal

            Effects of Diphenylamine on Isothermal Thermal Decomposition Kinetics of Nitrocellulose

            LUO Li⁃qiong,CHAI Zuo⁃hu,JIN Bo,HUANG Qiong ,CHU Shi⁃jin,PENG Ru⁃fang
           (State Key Laboratory of Environmental⁃friendly Energy Materials,Southwest University of Science and Technology,Mianyang 621010,China)
            Abstract:The influence of diphenylamine(DPA)on the thermal stability of nitrocellulose(NC)was investigated by isothermal
            decomposition kinetics. Pressure versus time curves of the gas generated by the thermal decomposition of NC/DPA(3%)mixed
            sample at 378.15-398.15 K were obtained by using the isothermal decomposition gas metering device. There is a visible inflec‑
            tion point in this curve. The thermal decomposition kinetic parameters of NC/DPA(3%)composite were calculated by Arrhenius
            equation and model‑fitting method. The storage life of NC and NC/DPA composite was estimated using Berthelot equation. The
            results show that the activation energy of NC/DPA(3%)before the inflection point is 164.6 kJ·mol ,and the activation energy
            of NC/DPA(3%)mixed sample after the inflection point is 150.4 kJ·mol . Compared with the NC raw material,the activation
            energy of NC/DPA(3%)before the inflection point is increased by 17.7 kJ·mol . With a decomposition extent of 0.1% as the
            criterion,the storage life of NC/DPA(3%)at room temperature is 18.3 years,indicating that the storage life of NC can be ex‑
            tended by 7.7 years after the addition of 3%DPA.
            Key words:nitrocellulose;diphenylamine;isothermal thermal decomposition;kinetics;storage life
            CLC number:TJ55;O65                        Document code:A                  DOI:10.11943/CJEM2019118


            CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS              含能材料               2019 年  第 27 卷  第 12 期 (991-997)
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