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996                                                                    罗利琼,柴作虎,金波,黄琼,楚士晋,彭汝芳

            表 5  不同分解深度下 NC/DPA 的经验公式及寿命预估
            Table 5  Empirical formulas and life estimation of NC/DPA at different decomposition extents
                                                     time / a   time / a  time / a  time / d  time / d  time / min
             α/%      empirical formulas  R
                                                     298.15 K   303.15 K  323.15 K  343.15 K  363.15 K  378.15 K
             0.1      logt T =-0.0543T+24.96  0.9978  18.3      9.8      0.80      23.9       2.0      432
             0.5      logt T =-0.0564T+26.56  0.9966  174.3     91.1     6.78      184.3      13.7     2818

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            Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.12, 2019(991-997)  含能材料
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