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Failure Criterion Related to Temperature for HTPB Propellant
LI Hui,XU Jin⁃sheng,ZHOU Chang⁃sheng,CHEN Xiong,ZHENG Jian
(School of Mechanical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
Abstract:To establish a failure criterion for hydroxyl‐terminated polybutadiene(HTPB)propellant which considers the effect of
temperature and strain rate. The time‐temperature shift factor of HTPB propellant was obtained by stress relaxation tests at differ‐
ent temperatures(233.15,253.15,273.15,293.15,323.15,343.15 K)of HTPB propellant. Based on cumulative damage theory
and linear viscoelastic theory,a failure criterion of propellant with time‐temperature shift factor α T was established. The damage
parameters of failure criterion were obtained by combining the uniaxial tensile test data at different temperatures and different
strain rates. The failure criterion was used to predict the damage evolution characteristics and critical failure time of propellant
material at different temperatures and strain rates. Compared with the experimental results,it is found that the relative error pre‐
dicted by the failure criterion is less than 20%,indicating that the failure criterion can predict the failure condition of HTPB pro‐
pellant in the range of low temperature 233.15-273.15 K at tensile speed of 2-500 mm·min -1 and in the range of high tempera‐
ture 293.15-343.15 K at tensile speed of 0.5-100 mm·min .
Key words:hydroxyl‐terminated polybutadiene(HTPB)propellant;temperature correlation;failure criterion;damage revolution
CLC number:TJ55;V435 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018068
Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.26, No.9 , 2018(732-738) 含能材料