Page 78 - 《含能材料》优秀论文(2019年)
P. 78

716                                                                          周静,张俊林,丁黎,毕福强,王伯周

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            Progress in the Construction of Cage⁃like Skeleton Energetic Compounds

            ZHOU Jing 1,2 ,ZHANG Jun⁃lin 1,2 ,DING Li 1,2 ,BI Fu⁃qiang 1,2 ,WANG Bo⁃zhou 1,2
           (1. Xi′an Modern Chemistry Institute,Xi′an 710065,China;2. State Key Laboratory of Fluorine & Nitrogen Chemicals,Xi′an 710065,China)
            Abstract:Cage‑like structure has become an ideal skeleton of energetic compounds due to its high symmetry,high ring tension
            and dense bulk density,which is a hot spot in the research field of energetic materials. In this paper,the reported cage‑like skele‑
            ton energetic compounds were reviewed by classifying elementary energetic compounds and metal complex‑type energetic com ‑
            pounds. Among them,the elementary energetic compounds of cage‑like skeleton are mainly summarized as cubane‑like,wurtzi‑
            tane‑like,adamantine‑like structures and other systems,typical compounds as octanitrocycloalkane and hexanitrohexaazai‑
            sowurtzitane have become the elementary energetic compound with the highest energy level. Metal complex type energetic com‑
            pounds with cage‑like skeletons focus on structures with three‑dimensional network cage‑like spaces. These compounds form
            dense network structures by compact arrangement way,and the other components are incorporated into the cage‑like structure
            by wrapping way. It is pointed out that the further research direction of elementary energetic compounds with cage‑like skeleton
            should focus on solving the problems of long preparation routes and high cost,providing a basis for application research. The re‑
            search on the metal complex‑type energetic compounds with cage‑like skeletons is still in the initial stage and the limited species
            have become the major problem,but these compounds are generally simple to prepare,low in cost and higher in energy level,
            which should be the key direction for the future development of cage‑like skeleton energetic compounds.
            Key words:cage‑like skeleton energetic compounds;ring tension;dense;synthesis;energetic materials
            CLC number:TJ55;O62                        Document code:A                   DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018302

            Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.8, 2019(708-716)  含能材料
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