Page 63 - 《含能材料》优秀论文(2019年)
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ZHANG Sheng‐peng,LI Hong‐min,ZHAO Peng‐fei. Acceler‐
Review on Key Technologies for Missile Storage and Life⁃Extension Test
WANG Hao⁃wei 1,2 ,TENG Ke⁃nan ,LÜ Wei⁃min 1
(1. Collage of Coast Defence,Naval Aviation University,Yantai 264001,China;2. Yunnan Innovation Institute,Beihang University,Kunming 650233,China)
Abstract:Life‐extension of missile is a systematic project with both military and economic benefits. As the domestic test on stor‐
age and life‐extension is not scientific and systematic,it affects the effectiveness and efficiency of missile life‐extension. This pa‐
per expounded the fundamental connotation of missile storage and life‐extension test,summarized the main difficulties in stor‐
age and life‐extension test,and proposed the basic flow of missile storage and life‐extension test. The storage and life‐extension
test was divided into four parts:natural storage test,life extension test,accelerated storage test and validation test. The main re‐
search contents and research progress of each part were analyzed,and the key technologies such as storage life prediction based
on natural storage test data,failure mechanism analysis and residual life prediction,overall planning for life‐extension technical
scheme,and accelerated storage test design based on actual service environment were summarized. Finally,the development
trend and key research directions of storage and life‐extension test technology were discussed. It has certain academic value and
engineering guiding significance for promoting the technology development of missile storage and life‐extension test.
Key words:missile;storage and life‐extension;accelerated storage test;natural storage test;validation test
CLC number:TJ55;TB114.3 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2019038
Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.12, 2019(1004-1016) 含能材料