Page 50 - 《含能材料》优秀论文(2019年)
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Numerical Simulation on Damaged Charge Ignition by Fragment Impact
SUN Bao⁃ping 1,2 ,DUAN Zhuo⁃ping ,LIU Yan ,PI Ai⁃guo ,HUANG Feng⁃lei 3
(1. School of Safety and Environmental Engineering,Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100070,China;2. Beijing Key Laboratory of
Megaregions Sustainable Development Modeling,Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100070,China;3. State Key Laboratory of Explosion
Science and Technology,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)
Abstract:To study the ignition mechanism of charge under the combined action of shock wave and fragment impact,the critical
impact velocity of fragment corresponding to the ignition of impacted charge obtained by the experimental method of first com ‐
pacting charge by shock wave and then impacting damaged charge by fragment was 446.9-449.4 m·s . LS‐DYNA program was
used to numerically simulate the shock wave damage of charge based on the nodal constraint‐separation method. Then,second‐
ary simulation to the ignition reaction process of impact damaged charge under fragment impact was performed by full restart
method. The critical impact velocity of fragment corresponding to the ignition of impact damaged charge obtained by“up‐down”
method is from 452 m ·s -1 to 453 m ·s ,the experimental and numerical results are in good agreement. Results show that the
nodal constraint‐separation method and the full restart numerical simulation technology can be used to simulate the ignition of
charge under the combined action of shock wave and fragments,the critical velocity of fragments impact ignition of charge dam ‐
aged by shock wave is lower than that of non‐damaged charge,and the damaged state of charge sensitizes the impact sensitivity
of fragments. This reduces the critical velocity of fragment impact ignition.
Key words:shock wave;fragment;ignition;numerical simulation;nodal constraint‐separation method;full restart method
CLC number:TJ55;O389 Document code:A DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018198
(责编 张 琪)
CHINESE JOURNAL OF ENERGETIC MATERIALS 含能材料 2019 年 第 27 卷 第 3 期 (178-183)