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Microfluidics and Energetic Materials

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    • Reviews on the Structure and Morphology Control of Explosives Based on Microfluidic Technology

      2022, 30(5):511-526. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022023

      Abstract (561) HTML (378) PDF 6.38 M (7328) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The comprehensive performance of explosives depends not only on their chemical components, but also on their structures and morphologies to a greater extent. Microfluidics has become a new research focus owing to its superb mass transfer and heat transfer efficiency, precise parameter control and intrinsic safety. This paper analyzed and summarized the research status of droplet flow and continuous flow in the aspects of particle size, particle size distribution, crystal morphology and aggregate structure of primary and high explosives. The stable reaction environment and flexible residence time of the droplet flow are applicable to the structural control of the primary explosives, and the superior size uniformity and monodispersity of the droplet flow are appropriate for the preparation of spherical explosive particles. The high mixing efficiency of the continuous flow is in line with the crystalline properties of the high explosive. Combined with the deficiencies of current related research in post-processing methods, theoretical applicability, microfluidic manipulation methods and the degree of intelligence, suggestions and ideas for the further development of microfluidic technology in the field of explosives were put forward.

    • Design, Preparation and Emulsification Performance of Microporous Array Chip

      2022, 30(5):459-466. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022028

      Abstract (359) HTML (286) PDF 2.61 M (6795) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to explore a continuous, safe and controllable microfluidic synthesis strategy of emulsion explosive, silicon-based microporous array chips with four apertures(10 μm,20 μm,30 μm,40 μm) were designed and prepared by MEMS technology, and the microfluidic reaction device of emulsion explosive was constructed. It is found that the main factors affecting the droplet size of dispersed phase in latex matrix are micropore diameter and continuous phase velocity. The effects of pore size and oil-water two-phase flow rate on the particle size distribution and exothermic properties of emulsion droplets were studied. The results show that the particle size distribution of dispersed droplets in the matrix is the narrowest when the pore size is 30 μm and the continuous phase flow rate is 0.5 mL·min-1 and D50=8.169 μm. Microporous array chip can generate highly homogeneous droplets in batch, which provides a new choice for emulsification in the preparation of emulsion explosive.

    • Preparation and Modification Technology of Lead Azide Primary Explosive Based on Microfluidics

      2022, 30(5):451-458. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022011

      Abstract (1188) HTML (886) PDF 1.67 M (10285) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The conventional lead azide (Pb(N32, LA) preparation process has problems such as the risk of self-explosion. Aiming at the above problems, the spin-T microfluidic chip with the characteristics of short diffusion distance, large specific surface area, and continuous reaction was used as a microreactor. And then, the LA primary explosive synthesized by microfluidics was spherically modified by using the flow-focusing droplet chip. The effects of the flow rate, crystal form control agent, and other factors on the product were investigated by SEM, XRD, and DSC. The sensitivity and explosion performance of microfluidic LA, microsphere LA, and powder LA were compared. The results show that by controlling the microfluidic reaction parameters, the particle size of the LA can be effectively controlled, and they were all α-type. After the spheroidization, the impact sensitivity H50 (25.5 cm to 12.1 cm) was significantly improved, but the electrostatic spark E50 (1.98 kV to 2.97 kV) and flame sensitivity L50 (26.3 cm to 16.1 cm) were reduced. At the same time, the detonation pressure was increased (by 63.6%). It shows that the microfluidic technology was an effective method that can safely prepare and modify the LA primary explosive, which provided an idea for the controllable preparation and regulation of sensitive primers.

    • Preparation of Nano-LLM-105 by Ultrasonic-assisted Microfluidic Technology

      2022, 30(5):446-450. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022018

      Abstract (357) HTML (220) PDF 3.19 M (3656) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Nano 2,6-diamino-3,5-dinitropyrazine-1-oxide (LLM-105) was prepared by ultrasound-assisted microfluidic technology based on the solvent and non-solvent method to improve the morphology and reduce the particle size. The microscopic morphology and crystal structures of the samples were characterized by field emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). In addition, The promotion of fluid mixing by ultrasonic method was demonstrated by fluid visualization. The results showed that the spherical particles prepared by ultrasound were smaller and homogeneous, with an average particle size of 137.65 nm. Meanwhile, the crystal structures remained unchanged from the raw material. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) showed that the thermal decomposition temperature of nano-LLM-105 was reduced compared to the raw material, demonstrating that ultrasonic assistance can not only improve the efficiency of preparing nano-LLM-105, but also significantly reduce the particle size.

    • Preparation of TATB-based PBX Composite Microspheres by Droplet Microfluidic Technology

      2022, 30(5):439-445. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022006

      Abstract (495) HTML (229) PDF 1.49 M (3470) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To control the morphology, particle size distribution and coating covering effect of high polymer binder explosives (PBXs), TATB/F2602 microspheres could be prepared via high sensitivity droplet microfluidic technology, and investigated the effects of binder content and flow rate on the morphology and particle size of TATB-based microspheres. Moreover, it studied the morphology, structure, composition and thermal behavior of microsphere samples systematically using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, specific surface area, DSC and TG, respectively. Results show that, when the binder content is 5%, the microspheres have smooth surfaces, regular spherical shapes and high spherical monodispersity, and the average roundness is 0.921 (span=0.04). With the increase of flow ratio, the D50 of microsphere sample decreased from 51.73 to 44.31 μm, and the particle size distribution is narrow (span<0.4). Fluororubber (F2602) is uniformly distributed in the interior and surface of TATB microspheres, and uniform coating of TATB particles delay the thermal decomposition of microspheres by 4.08 ℃. Compared with raw TATB, the true density of TATB/F2602 increases to 1.9780 g∙cm-3 during spheroidization. The droplet microfluidic technology can effectively control the morphology and particle size of explosive microspheres, and provide experimental reference for the spherical preparation of polymer bonded explosives.

    • Measuring Method of Solubility and Metastable Zone of HNS Based on Optofluidics

      2022, 30(5):431-438. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022025

      Abstract (426) HTML (295) PDF 1.76 M (4696) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A measurement method of explosive crystallization thermodynamic parameters based on optofluidics was proposed to obtain the crystallization thermodynamic parameters such as solubility and metastable zone width of explosive crystal, and the applicability of this method was verified by taking HNS explosive as a sample. The solubility of HNS in DMSO/DMF solvent system with volume ratio of 10∶0, 7∶3, 5∶5, 3∶7 and 0∶10 from 318.15 to 353.15 K and the metastable zone width of HNS in the above DMSO/DMF solvent system from 318.15 to 333.15 K were measured with a step of 5 K. Apelblat model and λh model were employed to fit the collected solubility data. The effect of solvent system on the metastable zone width was studied, and the crystallization parameters were screened. According to the classical nucleation theory, the apparent nucleation order m of HNS was calculated, and the nucleation mechanism of HNS by cooling crystallization was analyzed. The results indicate that the measurement method of crystallization thermodynamic parameters based on optofluidics exhibit exceptional applicability to HNS crystals. With the increase of temperature and the volume ratio of DMSO in the system, the solubility of HNS increases. With the increase of DMSO volume ratio in the system, the width of metastable zone becomes narrower. The optimum crystallization conditions are as follows: pure DMSO is utilized as solvent, the solution temperature is set at 333.15 K, and the solute concentration is 0.029 g·mL-1. The value of m is approximately 4, which is not affected by the initial temperature. It can be inferred that the nucleation mechanism of HNS belongs to continuous nucleation.

    • Continuous Flow Preparation of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol and its Kinetics

      2022, 30(5):424-430. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022019

      Abstract (484) HTML (347) PDF 1.11 M (7463) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the economic benefit of producing 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol(TMDP), a more efficient and safe microchannel continuous flow process was selected to replace the traditional kettle-type batch production method with using isobutyl aldehyde as raw material and sodium hydroxide solution as catalyst. The effects of catalyst sodium hydroxide concentration, dosage, temperature and residence time on the reaction were investigated. The optimum conditions were determined as follows: sodium hydroxide concentration 50%, v(isobutyral)∶v(NaOH)=1, residence time 10 min, reaction temperature 40 ℃. Under these conditions, the conversion of isobutyraldehyde was 99.02%, the selectivity of TMDP was 93.57%, and the yield was 92.65%. The process made full use of the excellent mass and heat transfer characteristics of the microchannel reactor, greatly shortened the reaction time, increased the reaction rate, extended the selection range of process conditions, and realized the effective control of the reaction process of hydroxylaldehyde condensation. At the same time, the kinetic studies were carried out at different temperatures and concentrations of sodium hydroxide, and the kinetic equations and corresponding parameters were obtained with the concentration of sodium hydroxide being 50% and 45% respectively. The macroscopic kinetics obtained by fitting is second-order, and the activation energy and pre-exponential factors are: 26.34 kJ·mol-1, 2888.26 L·K-1·mol-1·min-1.

    • Microscale Continuous Flow Preparation and Characterization of Ultrafine Zr@NC

      2022, 30(5):417-423. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022024

      Abstract (411) HTML (231) PDF 1.62 M (4375) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to achieve the safety of the preparation process of ultrafine zirconium (Zr) powder, a method for preparing core-shell Zr powder by continuous flow at microscale was studied. A continuous microfluidic system consisting of microfluidic unit and spray-drying unit was established to verify the feasibility. The system can realize the microscale mixing of components, the formation of core-shell structure and the post-processing of samples continuously. Using Zr powder and nitrocellulose (NC) as composite components, the structure regulation of Zr@NC was studied by controlling content of NC and adjusting dry gas pressure at the microscale. In addition, the activity and safety of Zr@NC were analyzed by thermal analysis and electrostatic spark sensitivity test. The results show that the Zr powder with uniform morphology and core-shell structure can be prepared by the continuous microfluidic system. Thermal analysis results show that the oxidation weight gain of Zr@NC is only 1.04% lower than that of the raw Zr, and the energy release is faster. According to the electrostatic spark sensitivity test, it was found that the 50% ignition energy of Zr@NC is increased from 1.42 mJ to 197.82 mJ compared with the raw Zr, which means the electrostatic spark sensitivity is greatly reduced.

    • Development of Microfluidic Synthesis and Preparation of Energetic Materials

      2022, 30(5):415-416. DOI: 10.11943/CJEM2022070

      Abstract (700) HTML (447) PDF 371.75 K (10968) Comment (0) Favorites


    • Energetic Express--2022No5

      2022, 30(5):413-414.

      Abstract (318) HTML (314) PDF 936.44 K (7175) Comment (0) Favorites
