LIU Jin-he , GAO Ren-xiao , CHEN Zhi-qun , WANG Ke-yong , HU Rong-zu , SUN Zai-chun
Abstract:The antihygroscopicity and anticaking capacity of ammonium nitrate (AN) coated with cerium (Ⅲ) n-dodecylbenzene sulfonate (CDBS),cerium (Ⅲ) stearate (CSA) and octadecylamine nitrate (ON) were studied. The results show that compared with pure AN,the hygroscopicity and caking capacity of AN coated CDBS,CSA and ON decrease obviously. And the reasons of reducing the hygroscopicity and caking capacity of AN were theoretically analyzed. The composite additive composed of CDBS,CSA and ON has more anticaking capacity and antihygroscopicity than their single additive and the efficiency of the liquid coating is better than that of the mechanical mixing. The coating temperature and adding order of composite additive are two principal factors affecting the anticaking capacity.
ZHANG Ji , XIAO He-ming , GONG Xue-dong , LI Jin-shan
Abstract:The quantum-chemical UHF-SCF-PM3 MO method has been employed to calculate the pyrolysis initiation reactions of α、β、γ、ε and δ polymorphs of hexanitrohexaazaisowurtzitane in gas phase. Their transition states,activation energies,and potential energy curves have been obtained. The changes of the geometries,energies and atomic charges over these reactions are revealed. It is found that the mechanism of pyrolysis initiation reaction of titled compound is similar to that of usual non-caged nitramine explosives. In addition,the relationship between the activation energy and the impact sensitivity is also discussed.
SUN Jie , DONG Hai-shan , ZHENG Pei-sen , ZHANG Ling
Abstract:The mechanical properties and sensitivity of fluoropolymer (F2311,F2314) bonded HMX were studied. The results show that F2314 is prior to F2311 both in mechanical property and desensitizing effect on formulation.
Abstract:An investigation about the effects of burning rate bicatalysts on the pressure exponent of HTPB composite solid propellants over the range of 2.94~8.82 MPa was carried out by determining the static burning rate. The results show that in these propellants the pressure exponent was lowered with adding ferric oxide,ferrocene derivant,copper chromium compound,oxalate and bismuthous oxide and a optimal one of these is copper chromium compound which lowered pressure exponent by over 20%,and the capacity of oxalate is related with content. It was found that on lowered the pressure exponent there are a superposition and a preference between some bicatalysts.
CHEN Peng-wan , DING Yan-sheng
Abstract:The micromechanical phenomena and deformation and failure mechanisms of PBXs are discussed based on the experimental studies of a certain PBX material. PBX material has several kinds of failure pheno-mena. Interface debonding and matrix cavitation are the predominant failure mechanisms.
Abstract:2,4,7,9-tetrazabicyclo [4.3.0] nonanone was prepared from ethylenediamine,glyoxal and urea by Mannich reaction. In this article, the factors which affect the synthesis reaction such as reaction time,reaction temperature and pH value were studied. The yield of 2,4,7,9-tetrazabicyclo [4.3.0]nonanone was increased from 42% to 76.1% by changing the addition order of reagents,controlling the reaction time and the reaction temperature.
BAI Jing-rui , JIN Shao-hua , SONG Quan-cai
Abstract:Trinitroethyl-N-nitromethylamine(TNEMA) is well known as a powerful nitramine and was studied widely in the 1960′s. We have studied a sample TNENA stored for 35 years and want to estimate the change of its properties after a long term storage.For this aim,the chemical structure of TNEMA has been determined by IR,1HNMR,MS determination and elemental analysis. The obtained results are as follows: compared with the new synthesis sample,there are two new peaks (2 000 MHz,CDCl3,ppm): 3.549(s,3H,CH3),5.267(s,2H,CH2) in 1HNMR spectrogram for 35-year stored TNEMA,which is similar to those of TNEMA stored for 11 years.MS data demonstrate that both 11-year stored and 35-year stored TNEMA have the same molecular-ion peak and main fragmental peak as the new synthesized sample. And elemental analysis show the same CHN content for long storge and new synthesized sample.The study of thermal decomposition of TNEMA samples demonstrates that the apparent activation energy of thermal decomposition is of the same order for storage and new synthesized samples. A determination of impact sensitivity of samples with the help of Kast hammer gives next result: percent of explosion is 58%,64%,60% respectively for the samples of a new synthesis,17-year and 35-year storage.Basing on the data described above,we can obtain the conclusion that TNEMA is a quite thermally stable nitramine,because its chemical structure and kinetic parameters have not changed after a long term storage.
ZUO Yu-fen , LUO Xue-mei , ZHOU Jian-hua
Abstract:The binary systems of JH9005 and JBO9013 with CG47-2# binder, LY12 aluminum and 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel are treated by two methods of temperature and moisture circulation. The compatibility of the binary system is studied by VST,TG,DTA and Bourdon manometer method. Conclusions are drawn as follows: (1) JH9005 and JBO9013 are incompatible with CG47-2# binder from room temperature to 98 ℃ along with variable moisture while they are compatible with LY12 aluminum and 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel under the same conditions. (2) JH9005 and JBO9013 are compatible with each of CG47-2# binder, LY12 aluminum and 1Cr18Ni9Ti stainless steel under conditions of constant moisture of 90% RH and variable temperature from 20~75 ℃。
XU Rong , NIE Fu-de , LIU Chun , JANG Kai
Abstract:The energetic material,ammonium dinitramide (ADN) NH4N(NO2)2, has been investigated with regard to its thermal decomposition behavior by the technology of GC/MS. Thermal decomposition of ADN is observed at 120 ℃.The main pathway is based on the formation of NH4NO3 and N2O,and the thermal decomposition of NH4NO3 to N2O and H2O at higher temperatures. Side reactions form NO2,NO,N2 and O2.
XU Tao , HUANG Li-ming , FANG Yong-xi
Abstract:The corrosion effect of stainless steel and aluminium contacting with plastic bonded explosives is investigated. By using the superficial technique such as XPS and laser confocal scanning system,the characteristics of corrosives are detected. The results of accelerated aging tests have shown that the environmental conditions (humidity and temperature) are important factors to affect the metals. Except for that,the contents of the chloride in the plastic bonded explosives are inclined to make the metals corroded.
Abstract:In the process of investigation and production of polymer bonded explosive,it is effective to remove the production and accumulation of static electricity and decrease its damage by means of several static electricity control methods,such as using antistatic agent,conductive coating and isotope static electricity eliminator.
ZHANG Wei-bin , TIAN Yong , LUO Shun-huo
Abstract:Acoustic characteristics of two kinds of polymer bonded explosives(PBXs), JOB-9003 and JO-9159, were studied with digital ultrasonic flaw detector. The relationships between ultrasonic frequency and ultrasonic characteristic parameters of explosive, between density of explosives and ultrasonic velocity and gain coefficient, between thickness of explosives and ultrasonic gain were obtained.
Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
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Support:Beijing E-Tiller Technology Development Co., Ltd. ICP:蜀ICP备10207813号-5
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