Abstract:A prelimnary discussion on the mechanism of chemical reactions in condensed matter induced by strong shock waves was given.Between the mechanisms suggested in literature,the“pressure induced electron activation”mechanism is believed to be the best one,which can reflect the nature of these reactions to some extent.Up to now,no direct verification has been obtained,nevertheless there exist some experimental facts supporting this mechanism,which were briefly described in this paper.
Abstract:Condensation reaction is one of the important reactions for the synthesis of high energy explosive compounds.In present paper,the application of condensation reaction in the synthesis of various cyclonitramines by eliminating a small molecule such as water,alcohol,haloid,ammonia etc.was reported and the influential factors on condensation reactions were studied.
Abstract:The energy criteria of energetic materials,such as explosives,rocket and gun propellants are volume specific kinetic energy ω,volume specific impulse I,and volume specific impetus Fv respectively.Those are discussed by means of the way combining theory with practice.
Abstract:The process of sensitive explosive charges making is dangerous and requires complicated technological equipment.In multi-component composition making,different mixing devices necessary cause mechanical effects on the processed material,which can lead to ignition and even to explosion.In St-Petersburg Technological Institute a new method which is free of these shortcomings is worked out for making explosive charge of powerful crystal explosive with melt explosive or liquid polymer.
Chen Xue-lin , Chu Shi-jin , Hu Rong-zu , Li Nan
Abstract:The calcultaion formula used in the microcalorimetric determination of the thermal conductivity of poor thermo-conductors is derived from Fourier’s Law.It is suggested that the thermal conductivity can bedetermined by a noncompensation method.The factors affecting the accuracy are discussed.
Zhang Tong-lai , Hu Rong-zu , Li Fu-ping , Chen Li , Yu Kai-bei
Abstract:The salt of[Mn(H2O)6](NTO)2·2H2O was prepared by mixing the acqueous solution of lithium 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-onate and manganese(Ⅱ)sulfate.It was characterized by thermal analysis,elemental analysis and IR measurement.The crystal structure of[Mn(H2O)6](NTO)2·2H2O was determined by a single crystal diffraction analysis.The crystal belongs to space group C2/C with crystal parameters of α=23.423(3)Å,b=6.5262(9)Å,c=19.412(3)Å,a=90.00(0)。,ß=142.713。,γ=90.00(0)。,v=1797.6(4)Å3,Z=4,Dc=1.70g.cm-3,μ=7.87cm-1,F(000)=947.75。
Abstract:The flame front,as an inside boundary,divides the fluid field into two parts,when its thickness is infinitely thin.According to conservation equations,characteristic equations and a turbulent combustion equation,parameters of the fluid field before and behind the flame front can be obtained.The structures of the fluid field in the tube at different time are got further by using Rubin-Lax-Werdroff scheme with boundary conditions at the ends of the tube and the flame front.Based on the reason above,dust explosion in a large-scale tube apparatus have been simulated mumerically and discussed in this paper.
Abstract:由中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所编制的《炸药试验方法平面飞片速度的测定》、《炸药试验方法 50mm 圆筒试验》、《炸药试验方法拉伸应力-应变曲线测定》、《炸药试验方法压缩应力-应变曲线测定》四项国军标(送审稿)审查会于一九九二年十.
Editorial Board of Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials
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Support:Beijing E-Tiller Technology Development Co., Ltd. ICP:蜀ICP备10207813号-5
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