为探究隧道内甲烷蒸气云爆炸波的传播规律与特性,采用Ls‑dyna软件中的CE/SE(时空守恒元和求解元)法建立隧道内甲烷空气预混爆炸模型,并通过试验数据验证了模型的准确性。通过数值仿真展示了9.5%浓度燃爆波传播至不同位置的典型波形,分析了超压和温度的传播演化规律,探讨了不同浓度甲烷蒸气云爆炸条件下超压和热辐射对隧道内人员的杀伤效应。研究表明:燃爆压力波在隧道轴向可分为自由扩展、反射耗散、壁面加速和马赫传播4个阶段,压力变化呈现碰壁跃升、反射衰减和稳定传播3种特征;在隧道径向表现为沿壁面做周期性反射传播,强度随甲烷的消耗逐渐递减。温度场的演化规律在隧道轴向表现为由爆炸中心向隧道出入口对称传播,温度峰值沿程衰减迅速;径向则表现为向隧道底部辐射,随着时间推移,截面温度逐渐趋于一致并缓慢降低。综合燃爆超压和热辐射的杀伤效应,5.0%浓度的甲烷燃爆致死范围为距爆源13.51 m,严重损害范围为13.51~23.51 m,中度损害范围为23.51~160 m;6.5%浓度的甲烷燃爆致死范围为距爆源16.46 m,严重损害范围为16.46~45.36 m,中度损害为范围45.36~160 m;9.5%浓度的甲烷燃爆致死范围为距爆源20.58 m,严重损害范围为20.58~160 m。
Based on the three‑dimensional CE/SE method and chemical reaction model, a methane‑air premixed vapor cloud explosion model in a tunnel was established, and the accuracy of the model was validated through experimental data. The propagation characteristics of the combustion explosion wave in both axial and radial directions of the tunnel were revealed. The evolution pattern of the temperature field following the exothermic combustion reaction was investigated. Finally, the effects of overpressure and thermal radiation from the combustion on the lethality to human inside the tunnel were studied under three different concentration scenarios.
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
(5) |
(6) |
ID | reaction chemistry equations | Ak | Eak |
1 | CH4+OH=CH3+H2O | 4.13E+13 | 6460 |
2 | CH4+O2=CH3+HO2 | 1.04E+13 | 56940 |
3 | CH4+M=CH3+H+M | 3.00E+16 | 85800 |
4 | CH3+OH=CH2+H2O | 7.00E+12 | 0 |
5 | CH3+O2=CH2O+OH | 6.38E+11 | 13500 |
6 | CH3+M=CH2+H+M | 2.24E+15 | 82700 |
7 | CH2O+HO2=HCO+H2O2 | 6.42E+12 | 18010 |
8 | CH2O+O2=HCO+HO2 | 7.07E+16 | 46720 |
9 | CH2+O2=HCO+OH | 8.06E+12 | 1500 |
10 | HCO+O2=CO+HO2 | 3.70E+13 | 3110 |
11 | HCO+M=H+CO+M | 1.05E+14 | 13000 |
12 | CO+OH=H+CO2 | 9.72E+11 | 2630 |
13 | CO+O2=CO2+O | 2.53E+13 | 47800 |
14 | H2O2(+M)=OH+OH(+M) | 2.21E+15 | 50230 |
15 | H2+HO2=H2O2+H | 3.01E+13 | 26080 |
16 | H2+OH=H+H2O | 4.38E+13 | 6990 |
17 | H2+O2=HO2+H | 1.76E+14 | 57820 |
18 | H2+O=H+OH | 6.83E+13 | 10380 |
19 | H2+M=H+H+M | 3.33E+14 | 102070 |
20 | HO2+H=OH+OH | 7.08E+13 | 1500 |
21 | O2+H=O+OH | 1.04E+14 | 15600 |
22 | O2+H(+M)=HO2(+M) | 1.14E+14 | 0 |
研究建立隧道物理模型,隧道径向截面为双曲线圆拱形,截面高度8.0 m、宽度14.2 m,衬砌厚度1.5 m、总长度200.0 m,结构剖面如
图1 隧道轴、径向模型及测点布置示意图
Fig.1 Tunnel model in different axis and measuring point layout
a. radial section
b. axial section
图2 隧道中线轴向及径向0点截面蒸气云图
Fig.2 Vapor cloud diagrams of tunnel in different axis sections
(1)初始条件:空气域和甲烷/空气预混域的气压为101.3 kPa,温度为298 K,空气部分由体积分数21%氧气和79%氮气组成,忽略气体的黏性耗散,预混气部分甲烷和空气中的氧气摩尔比分别取1∶2、1∶3、1∶4,即体积分数分别为9.5%、6.5%、5.0%。整个隧道空间处于静止状态,计算开始时气体界限消失。
(2)网格划分:CE/SE方法具有网格无关性,即不同网格下的爆轰波流场结构区别不大,不会影响爆轰波的位置和传播模态,只是激波捕捉分辨率略有不同,综合考虑计算成本和计算精度,本模型网格划分的单元尺寸设为20 cm,网格总数为9,140,432。
(4)点火设置:采用瞬时点火的方式,即在特定时间和位置瞬时引入高温和高能量,从而引发燃料燃烧。点火圆心设置在甲烷云团最厚位置的最下端,三维坐标为(0,0,5),计算开始时刻点火源温度1500 K。
a. test arrangement
b. comparison of pressure histories
图3 试验布置和数值模拟压力时程结果对比(距封闭端34.85 m处)
Fig.3 Test arrangement and comparison of test and numerical results for pressure histories(34.85 m from the closed end)
a. forward reflection
b. oblique reflection
c. mach reflection
图4 燃爆的三种反射类型
Fig.4 Three reflection patterns of combustion
图5 燃爆的两波三区流场
Fig.5 Two‑wave and three‑zone flow field of combustion
a. first reflection flow field
b. forming mach wave flow field
图6 三种不同浓度的甲烷蒸气云爆炸流场云图
Fig.6 Combustion flow field diagrams of methane vapor clouds with three concentrations
为探究甲烷蒸气云于隧道内爆炸的波形特征,本研究以体积浓度9.5%的甲烷蒸气云为例,模拟得到距爆炸中心5,22,41,59 m共4种典型超压波形,如
图7 隧道内燃爆波的四种超压波形
Fig.7 Four overpressure waveforms of combustion in tunnel
图8 9.5%体积浓度甲烷蒸气云爆炸沿隧道轴向超压流场云图
Fig.8 Overpressure cloud maps of combustion by 9.5% concentration methane vapor cloud along tunnel axial
自由扩展阶段为爆炸中心原点至22 m范围内,蒸气云被引燃后形成的初始火焰波迅速向隧道底板和两边扩散,开始以层流燃烧速度传播,超压曲线瞬时呈指数型增长,见
图9 甲烷爆炸时各个监测点峰值超压流场云图
Fig.9 Peak overpressure cloud maps at different monitoring points in a methane vapor cloud combustion
图10 隧道轴向截面温度演化
Fig.10 Temperature evolution maps of axial sections in tunnel
(7) |
式中,T1=298 K,k=1.4为绝热系数,p=101.3 kPa,Δp为超压,Pa。
图11 9.5%体积浓度甲烷蒸气云爆炸沿程温度曲线与理论计算比较
Fig.11 Comparison of temperature curves along the explosion path of 9.5% concentration methane vapor cloud with theoretical calculations
图12 隧道径向截面温度演化
Fig.12 Temperature evolution maps of radial sections in tunnel
根据人体平均身高及身体薄弱部位,选取距地1.5 m处的测点观察甲烷蒸气云于隧道内燃爆的杀伤效应。陈国华
overpressure strength/kPa | damage effect | degree of injury |
127.49 | most of the people died | fatal |
49.04 | severe damage or death to internal organs | severe |
23.54 | hearing organ damage or fracture | moderate |
10.79 | flesh wound | slight |
图13 三种不同浓度甲烷燃爆超压沿程衰减曲线
Fig.13 Decay curves of methane combustion overpressure in three concentrations along the tunnel
(8) |
(9) |
thermal intensity / kW· | damage effect | degree of injury |
37.5 | 1% death within 10 s; 100% death within 1 min | fatal |
25.0 | more than second‑degree severe burns within 10 s; 50% death within 1min | severe |
12.5 | first‑degree burns within 10 seconds; 1% death within 1 minute | moderate |
4.0 | exposure for more than 20 seconds can cause pain | sight |
1.6 | prolonged exposure does not cause discomfort | safe |
图14 三种不同浓度甲烷燃爆热辐射强度沿程衰减曲线
Fig.14 Decay curves of methane combustion thermal radiation intensity in three concentrations
degree of injury | volume fraction | explosion overpressure / m | thermal radiation / m | combined effect / m |
fatal | 9.5% | 0-17.84 | 0-20.58 | 0-20.58 |
6.5% | 0-12.14 | 0-16.46 | 0-16.46 | |
5.0% | / | 0-13.51 | 0-13.51 | |
severe | 9.5% | 17.84-160 | 20.58-23.87 | 20.58-160 |
6.5% | 12.14-45.36 | 16.46-19.32 | 16.46-45.36 | |
5.0% | 0-23.51 | 13.51-15.92 | 13.51-23.51 | |
moderate | 9.5% | / | 23.97-29.42 | / |
6.5% | 45.36-160 | 19.32-24.39 | 45.36-160 | |
5.0% | 23.51-160 | 15.92-20.63 | 23.51-160 | |
sight | 9.5% | / | 29.42-43.58 | / |
6.5% | / | 24.39-40.06 | / | |
5.0% | / | 20.63-37.8 | / | |
safe | 9.5% | / | 43.58-160 | / |
6.5% | / | 40.06-160 | / | |
5.0% | / | 37.8-160 | / |
(1)甲烷蒸气云爆炸超压在隧道轴向传播可分为自由扩展、反射耗散、壁面加速、马赫传播。超压峰值呈现先瞬时上升,达到峰值后骤减,且各个阶段对应的典型波形也均有差异。在隧道径向传播表现为沿壁面传播,上下反射,爆炸产生的最大超压在拱脚处,为275 kPa,强度随甲烷的消耗逐渐递减。
(2)甲烷蒸气云爆炸的温度演化规律沿轴向表现为由爆炸中心往隧道出入口对称传播,温度沿程衰减迅速,随着时间的推移核心高温区向隧道远端移动的特征。爆炸中心于径向截面产生温度峰值为920 K,高温核心区从拱顶向底板辐射,随着时间推移,截面温度逐渐趋于一致并缓慢降低。
(3)燃爆超压和热辐射均可导致人员死亡,低浓度(5.0%)的甲烷燃爆超压即会对隧道内所有位置人员造成中度以上伤害,中高浓度(6.5%和9.5%)的燃爆超压对人员存有致死威胁,致死范围分别为12.14 m、17.37 m。热辐射的致死范围更大,低中高浓度(5.0%、6.5%、9.5%)对应致死范围分别为13.51 m、16.46 m、20.58 m。
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