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目录 contents




    The internal blast load in spherical vessels is simplified as a triangle pulse with subsequent quasi‑static pressure. Based on the single degree of freedom model, the analytical model of elastic dynamic response of the spherical shell is established and the solution of radial displacement response is obtained. The analytical results and LS‑DYNA numerical simulation are in good agreement, and the reliability of the analytical solution is verified. By analyzing the radial displacement response formula, effects of quasi‑static pressure on the dynamic response can be studied. It is found that the duration time of the first pulse and the quasi-static pressure have their own critical values, which have decisive influence on the time when maximum displacement occurs. The critical duration time of first pulse is related to the fundamental frequency, and the critical quasi‑static pressure is related to multi‑factors such as the duration time and the peak overpressure of the first pulse, the fundamental frequency, the thickness of the shell, Young′s modulus and Poisson′s ratio, etc. The maximum displacement increases with the increase of the quasi‑static pressure if it occurs in duration of the quasi‑static pressure, and it is not affected by the quasi‑static pressure if it occurs in the first pulse. The minimum displacement increases with the increase of quasi‑static pressure, and the amplitude of subsequent vibration decreases with the increase of quasi‑static pressure. The research results show that when using multiple‑use explosion containment vessels to make the evaluation of the explosive effect in confined space, not only the specific details of the first pulse and subsequent quasi‑static pressure of the blast load should be taken into consideration, but also the structural dynamic response history and structural parameters analysis must be closely integrated.

    Graphic Abstract



    Combined with the existing theories and simplified impulsive loading with quasi‑static pressure, the analytical solution on dynamic elastic response of spherical shells subjected to internal blast loading is proposed. The effect of quasi‑static pressure on dynamic elastic response of spherical shells is obtained.

  • 1 引 言


    1960年Baker[7]曾针对薄球壳在内部冲击载荷作用下的动态冲击响应过程,提出了单自由度(Single degree of freedom, SDoF)运动方程,获得薄球壳受冲击载荷后的位移响应时程曲线的解析解。SDoF方程为研究球壳和圆柱壳在一维应变状态下的受内部冲击载荷动态响应过程提供了一个简明有效的解析方法,并出现了很多具有代表性的应用,包括Ko[8]提出的多层式弹塑性金属薄球壳模型和赵士[9]提出的动力系数设计方法等,对金属材料爆炸容器的研究、设计和改进有着极为重要的指导性影响。相关实验和理论研[3,4,5,6,10]中发现,炸药在爆炸容器内部密闭空间内爆炸后,在首个冲击波后会出现一个比冲击波超压峰值小但作用时间较长、变化缓慢的准静态压力。之前普遍认为准静态压力因作用时间长、冲量大,对结构的毁伤效应更为显著,但还缺乏力学分析和明确认[11,12,13]。因此,针对爆炸容器在考虑准静态压力在有限空间内爆炸下的动态响应过程进行研究,对于爆炸效应评估和防护结构设计显得尤为重要。本文主要针对多次使用的球形爆炸容器,进行内爆炸准静压效应的弹性结构响应分析工作。

  • 2 力学分析模型

  • 2.1 研究模型



    图1 球形爆炸容器内爆载荷曲线[11]

    Fig.1 Internal blast loading in an spherical explosion containment vessels[11]


    a. Loading without quasi‑static pressure


    b. Loading with quasi‑static pressure

    图2 简化内爆冲击载荷

    Fig.2 Simplified internal blast loading

    在承受来自容器中心的爆炸冲击载荷时,建立如图3所示的球壳单元来分析动态响应过程。此情况下,由于冲击载荷沿径向分布作用于球壳内表面,球壳的动态响应过程简化为在径向位移上的单一自由度受迫振动问题,因此可利用单自由度运动模型对动态响应过程进行推导分析,得出位移随时间变化的解析解。对于本研究中所用到的球壳,r为球壳中线半径,41 mm;h为壳体厚度,2 mm。球壳材料为弹性材料,E为弹性模量,200 GPa;v为泊松比,0.3;ρ为密度,7830 kg·m-3。此外,图3σθσφ为经向和纬向应力,ur为径向位移。


    图3 球壳单元

    Fig.3 Element of the spherical shell

  • 2.2 响应过程分析























    满足t1tc且0 MPa≤pm2pm2c时,后续准静态压力段的位移最大值与小于首个脉冲作用期间的位移最大值,因此最大位移发生于首个脉冲作用期间,不随准静态压力的增大而变化;满足t1tcpm2pm2c时,后续准静态压力段的位移最大值与大于首个脉冲作用期间的位移最大值,最大位移发生于准静态压力段,受准静态压力pm2的影响,随着准静态压力的增大而增大。


  • 3 数值模拟校验

    使用LS‑DYNA[15]对球壳内部冲击载荷下的弹性动态响应过程进行数值模拟,并与理论解析结果进行对比。建立一个如图4所示的1/8球壳模型,球壳中线半径41 mm,厚度2 mm,进行有限元网格划分时使用六面体SOLID单元,沿经线方向与赤道线方向上网格数量150个,径向网格数量6个。在使用LS‑DYNA求解器进行计算时,材料属性设置为MAT_ELASTIC,弹性模量200 GPa,泊松比0.3,密度7830 kg·m-3。冲击载荷按照图2b所示的简化载荷曲线及式(1)进行定义,径向均布加载于球壳内表面。计算时长150 μs,计算步长0.1 μs。


    图4 1/8球壳有限元模型

    Fig.4 Finite element model of one‑eighth spherical shell

    如表1所示,假定多种不同的考虑准静态压力的载荷Load 1~Load 3,带入式(6)进行计算,并将公式计算得到的响应的相关特征值如最大位移、振幅和振动周期,与LS‑DYNA数值模拟结果进行对比验证。载荷Load 1~Load 3的对比结果如图5和表2所示,图5ur为径向位移,mm;表2ur max为径向最大位移,mm;Amplitude为后续阶段振幅,mm;T为振动周期,μs;εr为理论解与数值模拟结果的相对误差。可以发现理论解析公式与LS‑DYNA数值模拟结果符合情况很好,公式的准确性得到了数值模拟的验证。


    图5 位移响应理论解与LS‑DYNA数值模拟结果对比

    Fig.5 Comparison between analytical solution and LS‑DYNA simulation

    表1 冲击载荷算例

    Table 1 Examples of impulsive loading

    Impulsive loadpm1 / MPat1 / μspm2 / MPa
    Load 1800560
    Load 22002060
    Load 3200200

    表2 理论解结果与LS‑DYNA数值模拟结果对比

    Table 2 Comparison between analytical solution and LS‑DYNA simulation

    Impulsive loadur max / mmεr / %amplitude / mmεr / %T / μsεr / %
    Load 1LS‑DYNA0.6371.100.5481.0929.9-0.33
    Analytical solution0.6300.54230.0
    Load 2LS‑DYNA0.44600.3590.2829.8-0.34
    Analytical solution0.4460.35829.9
    Load 3LS‑DYNA0.4000.250.369-0.2729.9-0.33
    Analytical solution0.3990.37030.0
  • 4 准静态压力的影响

    基于前期研究经[16],图6~图7、图9,10,11的算例中,使首个脉冲冲量大小一致。图中ur max表示整个响应阶段最大位移值,mm;amplitude表示后续弹性等幅振动阶段的振幅,mm;ur min表示后续弹性振动阶段最小位移值即反向最大位移,mm。针对本研究中的球壳算例,tc=11 μs。





    图9 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs)

    Fig.9 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs)


    a. Dynamic response


    b. Parameters related to pm2

    图10 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs)

    Fig.10 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs)


    a. Dynamic response


    b. Parameters related to pm2

    图11 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=100 MPa,t1=40 μs)

    Fig.11 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=100 MPa,t1=40 μs)

  • 4.1 t1<tc的情况

    在保证首个脉冲冲量不变的情况下,针对t1<11 μs的情况,即最大位移必然发生于准静态压力作用期间情况,进行了如图6,7pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs和pm1=500 MPa,t1=8 μs等情况在不同准静态压力pm2水平下的分析。图6a和图7a分别为两种情况在pm2=0,30,60 MPa三种准静态压力下计算得到的位移响应曲线,图6b和图7b则是将pm2作为变量,得到最大位移、最小位移和振幅值关于pm2变化的关系曲线。


    a. Dynamic response


    b. Parameters related to pm2

    图6 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs)

    Fig.6 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs)


    a. Dynamic response


    b. Parameters related to pm2

    图7 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=500 MPa,t1=8 μs)

    Fig.7 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=500 MPa,t1=8 μs)

    因频率仅受结构尺寸与材料属性的影响,在不同准静态压力水平下,最大位移和最小位移出现的时间有一定的差异。在式(6)的计算中也发现因pm1t1pm2的不同,导致C1C2的区别,从而在计算中最大位移出现时刻存在差异;此外,最大位移出现在准静态压力段,受到准静态压力的影响,随着准静态压力水平的增大而增大,当首个脉冲冲量不变、t1接近临界值11 μs时,由于最大位移受到准静态压力作用时间的减少,增长趋势放缓;最小位移随准静态压力增大而增大,受到准静态压力的影响相较于最大位移更为明显;振幅随准静态压力增大呈减小趋势。

    在图8首个脉冲冲量不等情况的算例计算中,pm1=200 MPa,t1=5 μs。对比图6和图8中情况可以发现,当首个脉冲峰值减小,而作用时间不变时,首个脉冲冲量降低,pm2对最大位移、最小位移和振幅的影响程度更为明显。


    a. Dynamic response


    b. Parameters related to pm2

    图8 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=200 MPa,t1=5 μs)

    Fig.8 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=200 MPa,t1=5 μs)

  • 4.2 t1tc的情况

    在保证首个脉冲冲量不变的情况下,针对t1=11 μs,即最大位移出现时刻恰好为首个脉冲冲量结束时刻情况,进行如图9pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs情况在不同准静态压力pm2水平下的分析。图9a为该情况在pm2=0,30,60 MPa三种准静态压力下计算得到的位移响应曲线,图9b为最大位移、最小位移和振幅值关于pm2变化的关系曲线。结果显示在t1tc情况下,准静态压力对最小位移和振幅产生影响,最小位移随准静态压力增大而增大,振幅随准静态压力增大而减小,但最大位移值不会发生改变。

  • 4.3 t1tc的情况

    如图10和图11,针对t1>11 μs,即最大位移会随着准静态压力pm2大小的改变,可能出现在准静态压力作用期间,也可能出现在首个脉冲作用期间的情况,进行了pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs及pm1=100 MPa,t1=40 μs两种状态在不同准静态压力pm2水平下的分析。类似地,图10a和图11a分别为两种情况在pm2=0,30,60 MPa三种准静态压力下计算得到的位移响应曲线,图10b和图11b为最大位移、最小位移和振幅值关于准静态压力pm2变化的关系曲线。


    通过式(10),可以求解出最大位移发生于准静态压力段的pm2临界值,例如在pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs情况中计算可得pm2c=26 MPa,当pm2>pm2c后,最大位移出现在准静态压力期间并随pm2的增大而增大,而pm2pm2c时,最大位移出现在首个脉冲作用期间,不随pm2的改变而改变。这种变化在图10b中表现为最大位移随着pm2的增大而出现了一个拐点。计算中还发现,对于pm1=100 MPa,t1=40 μs情况,pm2需要超过86 MPa,才能使最大位移出现在准静态压力期间。


  • 5 能量分析方法


  • 5.1 t1<tc的情况

    t1tc时,最大位移发生于准静态压力作用期间,以图12所示pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs,pm2=60 MPa情况为例进行分析。

                            系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs,pm2=60 MPa)

    图12 系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs,pm2=60 MPa)

    Fig.12 Total energy affected by impulse(pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs,pm2=60 MPa)



  • 5.2 t1=tc的情况

    t1tc时,最大位移出现时刻恰好为首个脉冲冲量结束时刻,以图13所示pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs情况为例进行分析。

                            系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs,pm2=60 MPa)

    图13 系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs,pm2=60 MPa)

    Fig.13 Total energy affected by impulse(pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs,pm2=60 MPa)



  • 5.3 t1>tc的情况

    t1tc时,最大位移会随着准静态压力pm2大小的改变,可能出现在准静态压力作用期间,也可能出现在首个脉冲作用期间,以pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs情况为例进行分析,通过式(10)计算得pm2c=26 MPa。因此如图14,分析pm2=0,26,60 MPa三种情况的LS‑DYNA数值模拟得到的系统总能量变化曲线,可以发现在三种工况下,都可以分为三个阶段进行功和能量的分析,0阶段首个脉冲与壳体运动方向相反,对系统做负功W0,在1阶段准静态压力与壳体运动方向同样相反,做负功W1,而在2阶段,准静态压力与壳体运动方向相同,做正功W2


    a. pm2=0 MPa


    b. pm2=26 MPa


    c. pm2=60 MPa

    图14 系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=200 MPa, t1=20 μs)

    Fig.14 Total energy affected by impulse (pm1=200 MPa, t1=20 μs)

    (1) 当pm2<26 MPa时,如图14a情况中pm2=0 MPa的情况下,(W0+W1)>W2,负功使得进入准静态压力段后系统最大总能量小于首个脉冲段,因此准静态压力段的最大位移小于首个脉冲段的最大位移,即最大位移出现在首个脉冲作用期间;

    (2) 随着pm2的增大,WW也相应的增大,直到当pm2=26 MPa时,即图14b情况下,(W0+W1)=W2,负功与正功相互抵消,此时系统最大总能量不变,因此准静态压力段的最大位移与首个脉冲段的最大位移相等;

    (3) pm2>26 MPa时,如图14c中的pm2=60 MPa情况,此时由于(W0+W1)<W2,准静态压力段的正功超过了首个脉冲与部分准静态压力段的负功总和,增大了系统最大总能量,因此准静态压力段的最大位移大于首个脉冲段的最大位移,即最大位移出现在准静态压力段。


  • 6 结论





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    • 2

      胡宏伟, 肖川, 李丽, 等. 有限空间炸药装药内爆炸威力的评估方法综述[J]. 火炸药学报, 2013, 36(4): 1-6

      HU Hong‑wei, XIAO Chuan, LI Li, et al. Review on evaluation methods of blast power in confined space[J]. Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants, 2013, 36(4): 1-6

    • 3

      段晓瑜, 郭学永, 焦清介, 等. 铝粉粒度和铝氧比对含铝炸药在密闭空间内爆炸特性的影响[J]. 含能材料, 2017, 25(6): 472-478

      DUAN Xiao‑yu, GUO Xue‑yong, JIAO Qing‑jie, et al. Effect of aluminum size and content on explosion performance of aluminized explosives in confined space[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(6): 472-478

    • 4

      张玉磊, 苏建军, 李芝绒, 等. TNT内爆炸准静态压力特性[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2018, 38(6): 1429-1434

      ZHANG Yu‑lei, SU Jian‑jun, LI Zhi‑rong, et al. Quasi‑static pressure characteristic of TNT′s internal explosion[J]. Explosion and Shock Waves, 2018, 38(6): 1429-1434

    • 5

      金朋刚, 郭炜, 王建灵, 等. 密闭条件下TNT的爆炸压力特性[J]. 火炸药学报, 2013, 36(3): 39-41.

      JIN Peng‑gang, GUO Wei, WANG Jian‑ling, et al. Explosion pressure characteristics of TNT under closed condition[J]. Chinese Journal of Explosives and Propellants, 2013, 36(3): 39-41.

    • 6

      刘文祥, 张德志, 钟方平, 等. 球形爆炸容器内炸药爆炸形成的准静态气体压力[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2018, 38(5): 1045-1050

      LIU Wen‑xiang, ZHANG De‑zhi, ZHONG Fang‑ping, et al. Quasi‑static gas pressure generated by explosive charge blasting in a spherical explosion containment vessel[J]. Explosion and Shock Waves, 2018, 38(5): 1045-1050

    • 7

      Baker W E. The elastic‑plastic response of thin spherical shells to internal blasting loading[J]. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1960, 24(1): 139-144.

    • 8

      Ko W L, Pennick H G, Baker W E. Elastic‑plastic response of a multi‑layered spherical vessel to internal blast loading[J]. International Journal of Solids Structures, 1977, 13: 503-514

    • 9

      赵士达. 爆炸容器[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 1989, 9(1): 85-96

      ZHAO Shi‑da. Blast chamber[J]. Explosion and Shock Waves, 1989, 9(1): 85-96

    • 10

      Anderson C E, Baker W E, Wauters D K, et al. Quasi‑static pressure duration and impulse for explosions (e.g. HE) in structures[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Science, 1983, 25(6): 455-464

    • 11

      Duffey T A, Rodriguez E A, Romero C. Detonation‑induced dynamic pressure loading in containment vessels[R]. Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA‑UR‑03‑0741, 2003.

    • 12

      胡八一, 柏劲松, 刘大敏, 等. 爆炸容器的工程设计方法及其应用[J]. 压力容器, 2000, 17(2): 39-41

      HU Ba‑yi, BAI Jin‑song, LIU Da‑min, et al. The engineering design method of explosion‑containment vessel and its application[J]. Chinese Pressure Vessel Technology, 2000, 17(2): 39-41

    • 13

      朱文辉, 薛鸿陆, 韩钧万, 等.爆炸容器动力学研究进展评述[J]. 力学进展, 1996, 26(1): 68-77

      ZHU Wen‑hui, XUE Hong‑lu, HAN Jun‑wan, et al. The research advances in the dynamic of explosive chambers[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 1996, 26(1): 68-77.

    • 14

      Feldgun V R, Karinski Y S, Edri I, et al. Prediction of the quasi‑static pressure in confined and partially confined explosions and its application to blast response simulation of flexible structures[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 90: 46-60

    • 15

      Livermore Software Technology Corporation. LS‑DYNA Keyword User′s Manual (Version 971)[Z], 2007.

    • 16

      Dong Q, Li Q M, Zheng J Y. Interactive mechanisms between the internal blast loading and the dynamic elastic response of spherical containment vessels[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2010, 31(4): 349-358


机 构:中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所, 四川 绵阳 621999

Affiliation:Institute of Chemical Materials, CAEP, Mianyang 621999 , China

邮 箱



机 构:中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所, 四川 绵阳 621999

Affiliation:Institute of Chemical Materials, CAEP, Mianyang 621999 , China

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author

邮 箱



机 构:中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所, 四川 绵阳 621999

Affiliation:Institute of Chemical Materials, CAEP, Mianyang 621999 , China


机 构:中国工程物理研究院化工材料研究所, 四川 绵阳 621999

Affiliation:Institute of Chemical Materials, CAEP, Mianyang 621999 , China

Impulsive loadpm1 / MPat1 / μspm2 / MPa
Load 1800560
Load 22002060
Load 3200200
Impulsive loadur max / mmεr / %amplitude / mmεr / %T / μsεr / %
Load 1LS‑DYNA0.6371.100.5481.0929.9-0.33
Analytical solution0.6300.54230.0
Load 2LS‑DYNA0.44600.3590.2829.8-0.34
Analytical solution0.4460.35829.9
Load 3LS‑DYNA0.4000.250.369-0.2729.9-0.33
Analytical solution0.3990.37030.0

图1 球形爆炸容器内爆载荷曲线[11]

Fig.1 Internal blast loading in an spherical explosion containment vessels[11]

图2 简化内爆冲击载荷 -- a. Loading without quasi‑static pressure

Fig.2 Simplified internal blast loading -- a. Loading without quasi‑static pressure

图2 简化内爆冲击载荷 -- b. Loading with quasi‑static pressure

Fig.2 Simplified internal blast loading -- b. Loading with quasi‑static pressure

图3 球壳单元

Fig.3 Element of the spherical shell

图4 1/8球壳有限元模型

Fig.4 Finite element model of one‑eighth spherical shell

图5 位移响应理论解与LS‑DYNA数值模拟结果对比

Fig.5 Comparison between analytical solution and LS‑DYNA simulation

表1 冲击载荷算例

Table 1 Examples of impulsive loading

表2 理论解结果与LS‑DYNA数值模拟结果对比

Table 2 Comparison between analytical solution and LS‑DYNA simulation

图9 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs) -- a.

Fig.9 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs) -- a.

图9 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs) -- b.

Fig.9 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs) -- b.

图10 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

Fig.10 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

图10 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

Fig.10 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=200 MPa,t1=20 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

图11 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=100 MPa,t1=40 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

Fig.11 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=100 MPa,t1=40 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

图11 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=100 MPa,t1=40 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

Fig.11 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=100 MPa,t1=40 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

图6 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

Fig.6 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

图6 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

Fig.6 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

图7 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=500 MPa,t1=8 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

Fig.7 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=500 MPa,t1=8 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

图7 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=500 MPa,t1=8 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

Fig.7 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=500 MPa,t1=8 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

图8 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=200 MPa,t1=5 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

Fig.8 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=200 MPa,t1=5 μs) -- a. Dynamic response

图8 位移响应曲线和不同准静压下的关键计算参数(pm1=200 MPa,t1=5 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

Fig.8 Dynamic response and calculated key parameters with different quasi‑static pressure (pm1=200 MPa,t1=5 μs) -- b. Parameters related to pm2

图12 系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs,pm2=60 MPa)

Fig.12 Total energy affected by impulse(pm1=800 MPa,t1=5 μs,pm2=60 MPa)

图13 系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs,pm2=60 MPa)

Fig.13 Total energy affected by impulse(pm1=364 MPa,t1=11 μs,pm2=60 MPa)

图14 系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=200 MPa, t1=20 μs) -- a. pm2=0 MPa

Fig.14 Total energy affected by impulse (pm1=200 MPa, t1=20 μs) -- a. pm2=0 MPa

图14 系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=200 MPa, t1=20 μs) -- b. pm2=26 MPa

Fig.14 Total energy affected by impulse (pm1=200 MPa, t1=20 μs) -- b. pm2=26 MPa

图14 系统总能量受冲量影响(pm1=200 MPa, t1=20 μs) -- c. pm2=60 MPa

Fig.14 Total energy affected by impulse (pm1=200 MPa, t1=20 μs) -- c. pm2=60 MPa

image /


























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      LIU Wen‑xiang, ZHANG De‑zhi, ZHONG Fang‑ping, et al. Quasi‑static gas pressure generated by explosive charge blasting in a spherical explosion containment vessel[J]. Explosion and Shock Waves, 2018, 38(5): 1045-1050

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      Baker W E. The elastic‑plastic response of thin spherical shells to internal blasting loading[J]. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 1960, 24(1): 139-144.

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      Ko W L, Pennick H G, Baker W E. Elastic‑plastic response of a multi‑layered spherical vessel to internal blast loading[J]. International Journal of Solids Structures, 1977, 13: 503-514

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      Duffey T A, Rodriguez E A, Romero C. Detonation‑induced dynamic pressure loading in containment vessels[R]. Los Alamos National Laboratory report LA‑UR‑03‑0741, 2003.

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      胡八一, 柏劲松, 刘大敏, 等. 爆炸容器的工程设计方法及其应用[J]. 压力容器, 2000, 17(2): 39-41

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      朱文辉, 薛鸿陆, 韩钧万, 等.爆炸容器动力学研究进展评述[J]. 力学进展, 1996, 26(1): 68-77

      ZHU Wen‑hui, XUE Hong‑lu, HAN Jun‑wan, et al. The research advances in the dynamic of explosive chambers[J]. Advances in Mechanics, 1996, 26(1): 68-77.

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      Feldgun V R, Karinski Y S, Edri I, et al. Prediction of the quasi‑static pressure in confined and partially confined explosions and its application to blast response simulation of flexible structures[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 90: 46-60

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      Livermore Software Technology Corporation. LS‑DYNA Keyword User′s Manual (Version 971)[Z], 2007.

    • 16

      Dong Q, Li Q M, Zheng J Y. Interactive mechanisms between the internal blast loading and the dynamic elastic response of spherical containment vessels[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2010, 31(4): 349-358