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赖华锦, 陈雄, 周长省,等. 负压环境下铝镁贫氧推进剂激光点火及燃烧特性[J]. 含能材料, 2017, 25(10): 817-821.
LAIHua‑jin, CHENXiong, ZHOUChang‑sheng, et al. Laser ignition and combustion characteristics of Al/Mg fuel‑rich propellant at subatmospheric pressures[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(10):817-821.
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相恒升, 陈雄, 周长省,等. 环境氧含量和压力对铝镁贫氧推进剂燃烧性能的影响[J]. 含能材料, 2017, 25(3):191-197.
XIANGHeng‑sheng, CHENXiong, ZHOUChang‑sheng, et al. Effect of environment oxygen content and pressure on the combustion of aluminum‑magnesium fuel‑rich propellant[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(3):191-197.
参考文献 4
HijlkemaJ, PrevotP, PrevostM, et al. Particle size distribution measurements in the Keldysh Research Centre experimental setup at ONERA[C]//Aiaa/asme/sae/asee Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit. AIAA, 2011: 5712-5720.
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KandasamyJ, MullaI, Chakravarthy, et al. Aluminium agglomerate size measurement of the nano/micro‑aluminized composite propellants[C]//Aiaa Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition. 2013:40-47.
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目录 contents


    为了研究铝镁贫氧推进剂中铝颗粒燃烧的团聚行为和特性,采用扫描电子显微镜和光学可视化实验方法,对铝镁贫氧推进剂的燃烧过程、铝颗粒团聚产物的微观结构和粒径进行了研究,建立了铝团聚物尺寸预测模型并与实验数据进行了拟合。结果表明,在燃烧表面形成的铝液滴团聚物脱离燃烧表面后,会发生二次团聚。在1.0 MPa下,推进剂试件燃烧较充分,铝颗粒燃烧后为光滑的球状氧化铝颗粒,镁颗粒燃烧后为白色絮状;在0.2 MPa下,推进剂试件燃烧不充分,铝颗粒没有被完全氧化,表面较粗糙。随着燃烧室压强的升高,铝团聚物的体积平均粒径D(4,3)减小, 而表面积平均粒径D(3,2)增大,粒径分布趋向单峰化,说明随着压强的增加,D(4,3)和D(3,2)的值越接近,铝团聚物的形状越规则, 粒径分布越集中。团聚物粒径与燃烧速率成反比。


    To study the agglomeration behaviors and agglomeration characteristics of aluminum particles in aluminum‑magnesium (Al‑Mg) oxygen‑poor propellant, the combustion process of Al‑Mg oxygen‑poor propellants and the microstructure and particle size of agglomeration products of Al particles were investigated by using scanning electron microscopy and optical visualization experiment method. A model for predicting the aluminum agglomeration size was established and fitted to the experimental data. Results show that the secondary agglomeration occurs after the agglomerate of aluminum droplet formed on the combustion surface is separated from the combustion surface. At 1.0 MPa, the propellant specimens burns sufficiently, the aluminum particles after burning become smooth spherical alumina particles and the magnesium particles after burning become white flocculent magnesia. At 0.2 MPa, the propellant specimens burns insufficiently, the aluminum particles are not completely oxidized and the surface is rough. With the increase of combustion chamber pressure, the volume average particle size D(4,3) of aluminum agglomerate decreases, while the surface area average size D(3,2) increases, and particle size distribution tends to single peak, indicating that with the increase of pressure, the closer the values of D(4,3) and D(3,2) are, the more regular the shape of aluminum agglomerate is, and the more concentrated the agglomeration size distribution is. The agglomerate size is inversely proportional to the burning rate.

    Graphic Abstract


    The aluminum droplets are ejected from the burning surface and continue to burn, undergoing a series of changes,mergence, expansion, ejection and fragmentation. The combustion behavior of agglomerates detached from the burning surface can lead to the formation of even larger agglomerates.

  • 1 引 言




  • 2 实验部分

  • 2.1 实验样品

    铝镁贫氧推进剂由西安近代化学研究所提供,其基本组分包括氧化剂(高氯酸铵,AP)、聚合物粘合剂(端羟基聚丁二烯,HTPB)、金属添加剂(铝粉和镁粉,Al和Mg)和少量其他添加剂,如表1所示。在实验中,使用ϕ5 mm×5 mm的圆柱形试件。为了保证实验数据的准确性和实验现象的清晰度,在试件外圆柱面上涂有耐高温绝缘橡胶,以防止燃烧时试件侧向燃烧。

    表1 铝镁贫氧推进剂组分

    Table 1 Composition of aluminum‑magnesium oxygen‑poor propellant

    compositionmass fraction/%particle diameter/μm
  • 2.2 仪器装置

    Mastersizer 2000激光粒度仪,英国马尔文仪器公司;HITACHI SU3500扫描电子显微镜(SEM),日本日立公司;Aztec X射线能谱仪(EDS),英国OXFORD公司; 激光点火实验装置,自制。

    激光点火实验系统主要由控制系统、CO2激光器、光学系统、燃烧室、数据采集系统和燃烧产物收集系统组成,如图1所示。控制系统由计算机软件和控制卡组成,可控制CO2激光器的激光加载时间和热通量。CO2激光器功率300 W,为点火源。光学系统的功能是将激光器发出的水平激光束改变为垂直激光束,并通过燃烧室顶部的激光入射窗完全覆盖到试件表面。燃烧室是尺寸为150 mm×150 mm×300 mm的长方体,其前、后分别设有50 mm×100 mm的观察窗,顶部设有直径为ϕ20 mm的激光入射窗。燃烧室内压强通过压力传感器监测,环境压力通过高压气瓶调节。燃烧室底部安装有尺寸为149 mm×149 mm×10 mm的收集盘,完全覆盖燃烧室底面,可收集试件燃烧后的固体产物。数据采集系统可通过两个光电二极管获取激光信号和推进剂初始火焰信号。


    图1 激光点火实验系统示意图

    Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the laser ignition experimental system

  • 2.3 实验过程

    在常温(25 ℃)条件下,分别在燃烧室压强为0.1、0.2、0.6 MPa和1.0 MPa环境中进行实验,为减小实验误差,保证实验数据的准确性,每个工况下进行5次重复实验。实验时,试件由燃烧室底部中心孔旋入,完成装药。之后调整光学系统,使激光器发射出的光束可以完全覆盖试件端面。设定激光热流密度为2.8 W·mm-2。通过流量阀控制高压气瓶中导入燃烧室的气体流量,使用压力传感器监测燃烧室的环境压强达到设定值。当激光开始加载时,光电二极管将采集到的光信号转化为电信号,并经过放大电路输出给发光二极管,发光二极管发光并被高速摄像机捕捉到后,此时刻记为实验开始时刻。高速摄像机以240 fps的帧频记录试件的燃烧过程。激光加载一段时间后,推进剂产生的火焰光强度逐渐增强,采集到的电信号也逐渐增强,直到达到光电二极管的饱和,此时停止激光加载,当火焰信号持续10 s时,打开排气孔并向燃烧室内吹入高压低温氮气,中断试件燃烧。取出熄火后的试件和收集盘,进行微观结构和粒径分析。

  • 3 结果与讨论

  • 3.1 二次团聚过程




    图2 脱离燃烧表面后铝团聚产物的二次团聚过程

    Fig.2 The secondary agglomeration process of the agglomerates leaving the burning surface

  • 3.2 推进剂燃烧表面微观结构分析

    采用扫描电子显微镜对未燃烧和0.1 MPa下已燃烧的推进剂表面进行微观结构分析,如图3所示,其中图3a和图3b的放大倍数均为500倍。图3a为原始贫氧推进剂试件在未燃烧时,切开推进剂后其表面的微观结构,其中较大的颗粒为氧化剂AP[17],由显微标尺测得其尺寸约为100 μm,较小的颗粒为铝粉颗粒和镁粉颗粒。在常压下对推进剂试件进行点火燃烧,中断其燃烧后对已燃推进剂表面进行微观形态分析,如图3b所示。从微观上看,已燃推进剂试件的表面层呈珊瑚状骨架结构,由于氧化剂AP和粘合剂HTPB的分解,表面存在一些大小不一的空孔,不同大小的球形铝颗粒不均匀地分布在表[17]


    a. unburned


    b. burned


    c. the breaken oxide layer surface


    d. the hollow oxide spherical shells

    图3 未燃烧和0.1 MPa下已燃烧推进剂的表面微观结构

    Fig.3 The microstructures of tunburned propellant surface and burned propellant surface at 0.1 MPa


  • 3.3 燃烧产物微观结构分析

    为更好地理解铝团聚物从燃烧表面脱离后的燃烧过程,对实验系统中收集盘内的残余燃烧产物进行了微观结构分析。图4为铝镁贫氧推进剂燃烧产物的SEM图像和EDS分析图,放大倍数为5000倍。由图4a可知,当燃烧室压强为0.2 MPa时,其燃烧产物由不同尺寸的球状物质聚结而成,为不规则簇团,这些球状物质基本小于10 μm,且表面粗糙。对球状物质进行EDS分析,结果表明其主要由Al、Mg、O等元素组成,其质量百分数分别为55.25%、16.56%和28.19%。依据Al2O3中Al元素和O元素的质量比为9∶8,MgO中Mg元素和O元素的质量比为3∶2,如果所含Al元素和Mg元素全部生成相应的氧化物,则需要60.15%的O元素,而实际O元素含量为28.19%,表明球状物质中含有氧化铝、氧化镁和部分没有氧化的铝颗粒。从而可以了解到铝镁贫氧推进剂燃烧产物除了含有铝、镁氧化物外,还含有部分没有燃烧的铝颗粒,说明推进剂燃烧不充分。同时,在一些较大的氧化物球体表面上覆盖了一些较小的氧化物球体,这表明从燃烧表面脱离的铝液滴团聚物除了会与其他团聚物碰撞、合并、聚结在一起外,在燃烧过程中也可能会发生膨胀、喷射和破碎。根据实验观察,这种喷射和破碎在较低压力下发生的频率更高。


    a. 0.2 MPa


    b. 1.0 MPa

    图4 不同压强条件下燃烧产物的SEM和EDS图

    Fig.4 SEM and EDS images of combustion products under the condition of different pressures

    图4b可知,当燃烧室压强为1 MPa时,燃烧产物也是由许多球状物质聚结而成,但与图4a相比,该球状物质表面更光滑,通过EDS分析可知,其主要元素Al、O、Mg的质量百分数分别为51.20%、47.57%和1.23%,Al元素和O元素的质量比大于Al2O3中Al元素和O元素的质量比9∶8,所以该球状物质为氧化铝颗粒,球状完整性较好,这也能说明当燃烧室压强升高时,铝聚团脱离燃烧表面后燃烧更充分。同时,在图4b中还观察到少量的絮状氧化镁。

  • 3.4 铝团聚物粒径分析

    采用激光粒度分析仪(Mastersizer 2000)对不同实验压强下收集的铝团聚物进行粒径测量,粒径分析结果如图5所示。其中,d(0.1)、d(0.5)、d(0.9)分别表示体积累积到10%、50%、90%的样品粒径值。


    a. 0.2 MPa


    b. 0.6 MPa


    c. 1.0 MPa

    图5 不同压强下燃烧产物中铝团聚物的尺寸分布

    Fig.5 Size distributions of Al agglomerates in combustion products at different pressures


    (1)随着压强的升高,粒度分布趋向单峰化。实验压强为1.0 MPa时, 粒径分布呈现出较为规则的单峰;在0.6 MPa下,呈现出明显的双峰分布;而在0.2 MPa下,双峰分布更加明显。说明压强越低,粒度分布越趋向多峰化。

    (2)随着压强的升高,小于10 μm的颗粒增多,大于250 μm的大颗粒减少,而峰值颗粒尺寸大约为40 μm,它受实验压强的影响较小。从燃烧机理上讲,低压时,燃烧相对不够充分,未被完全氧化的单颗粒铝尺寸比完全被氧化的氧化铝颗粒尺寸大,而高压时,燃烧过程中铝颗粒的燃烧更充分,导致了高压时大粒径铝团聚物的减少,粒径分布更为集中。


    表2 不同压强下铝镁贫氧推进剂的燃烧速率和铝团聚物的D(4,3)、D(3,2)值

    Table 2 The burning rate and values of D(4,3), D(3,2) of Al agglomerates for aluminum‑magnesium oxygen‑poor propellants at different pressures

    p / MPar / mm·s-1D(4,3) / μmD(3,2) / μm

    NOTE: r is the burning rate. p is the pressure. D(4,3) is the volume average size. D(3,2) is the surface area average size.








    式中,r为燃烧速率,mm·s-1a为拟合系数。根据式(2),采用最小二乘法对不同燃烧速率下铝团聚物粒径实验数据D(4,3)进行拟合,所需参数ρAP=1.95×103 kg·m-3ρAl=2.7×103 kg·m-3DAP=120 μm,得到拟合系数a为2.95。铝镁贫氧推进剂中铝团聚物尺寸的实验数据和模型预测数据之间的比较如图6所示。由图6可以看出燃烧速率对铝团聚物尺寸的影响趋势与实验结果一致,但预测值偏离实验值较大,说明基于仅含有铝颗粒的复合推进剂团聚模型推导出的铝团聚物尺寸预测模型不太适用于金属含量高的铝镁贫氧推进剂,特别是在较高燃烧速率时,预测结果偏离实验较大,初步考虑是由于高压高速燃烧条件下,颗粒燃烧的不确定性引起的。


    图6 团聚物尺寸的实验数据与模型预测的比较

    Fig.6 Comparison of the experimental data and the model prediction ones of agglomerate sizes

  • 4 结 论



    (3)铝镁贫氧推进剂燃烧产物的微观组织结构为不同尺寸的球状物质聚结而成的不规则簇团。当燃烧室压强为1MPa时,球状物质为氧化铝颗粒,光滑且球状完整性好,同时还有少量的絮状氧化镁存在。当燃烧室压强为0.2 MPa时,球状物质表面较粗糙,主要成分主要有氧化铝、氧化镁和部分没有氧化的铝颗粒。



    (责编: 张 琪)

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      Mullen J, Brewster M. Characterization of aluminum at the surface of fine‑AP/HTPB composite propellants[C]//Aiaa/asme/sae/asee Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit. 2008:5259-5266.

    • 9

      Korotkikh A G, Glotov O G, Arkhipov V A, et al. Effect of iron and boron ultrafine powders on combustion of aluminized solid propellants[J]. Combustion & Flame, 2017, 178:195-204.

    • 10

      敖文, 刘佩进, 吕翔,等. 固体推进剂燃烧过程铝团聚研究进展[J]. 宇航学报, 2016, 37(4):371-380.

      Ao Wen, Liu Pei‑jin, Lv Xiang, et al. Review of aluminum agglomeration during the combustion of solid propellants[J]. Journal of Astronautics, 2016, 37(4):371-380.

    • 11

      Liu T K. Experimental and model study of agglomeration of burning aluminized propellants[J]. Journal of Propulsion & Power, 2015, 21(5):797-806.

    • 12

      Anand K V, Roy A, Mulla I, et al. Experimental data and model predictions of aluminium agglomeration in ammonium perchlorate‑based composite propellants including plateau‑burning formulations[J]. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34(2): 2139-2146.

    • 13

      Takahashi K, Oide S, Kuwahara T. Agglomeration characteristics of aluminum particles in AP/AN composite propellants[J]. Propellants,Explosives,Pyrotechnics, 2013, 38:555-562.

    • 14

      Yavor Y, Rosenband V, Gany A. Reduced agglomeration in solid propellants containing porous aluminum[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014, 228(10):1857-1862.

    • 15

      Sippel T R, Son S F, Groven L J, et al. Exploring mechanisms for agglomerate reduction in composite solid propellants with polyethylene inclusion modified aluminum[J]. Combustion & Flame, 2015, 162(3):846-854.

    • 16

      鲍福廷, 黄熙君, 张振鹏, 等. 固体火箭冲压组合发动机[M]. 北京:中国宇航出版社, 2006:145-164.

      Bao Fu‑ting, Huang Xi‑jun, Zhang Zhen‑peng, et al. Integral solid propellant ramjet rocket motor[M]. Beijing: China Aerospace Press, 2006:145-164.

    • 17

      Ao W, Liu X, Rezaiguia H, et al. Aluminum agglomeration involving the second mergence of agglomerates on the solid propellants burning surface: experiments and modeling[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 136:219-229.

    • 18

      Lianbo L, Xiong C, Musa O, et al. The effect of pressure and oxygen concentration on the ignition and combustion of aluminum‑magnesium fuel‑rich propellant [J]. Aerospace Science & Technology, 2018,76:394-401.

    • 19

      Cohen N S. A pocket model for aluminum agglomeration in composite propellants[J]. AIAA Journal, 1983,21(5): 720 -726.

    • 20

      Duterque J. Experimental studies of aluminum agglomeration in solid rocket motors[J]. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 1997, 4(1-6): 693-705.


机 构:南京理工大学机械工程学院,江 苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China

邮 箱



机 构:南京理工大学机械工程学院,江 苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author

邮 箱



机 构:南京理工大学机械工程学院,江 苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China


机 构:南京理工大学机械工程学院,江 苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China


机 构:南京理工大学机械工程学院,江 苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:School of Mechanical Engineering, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China

compositionmass fraction/%particle diameter/μm
p / MPar / mm·s-1D(4,3) / μmD(3,2) / μm

表1 铝镁贫氧推进剂组分

Table 1 Composition of aluminum‑magnesium oxygen‑poor propellant

图1 激光点火实验系统示意图

Fig.1 Schematic diagram of the laser ignition experimental system

图2 脱离燃烧表面后铝团聚产物的二次团聚过程

Fig.2 The secondary agglomeration process of the agglomerates leaving the burning surface

图3 未燃烧和0.1 MPa下已燃烧推进剂的表面微观结构 -- a. unburned

Fig.3 The microstructures of tunburned propellant surface and burned propellant surface at 0.1 MPa -- a. unburned

图3 未燃烧和0.1 MPa下已燃烧推进剂的表面微观结构 -- b. burned

Fig.3 The microstructures of tunburned propellant surface and burned propellant surface at 0.1 MPa -- b. burned

图3 未燃烧和0.1 MPa下已燃烧推进剂的表面微观结构 -- c. the breaken oxide layer surface

Fig.3 The microstructures of tunburned propellant surface and burned propellant surface at 0.1 MPa -- c. the breaken oxide layer surface

图3 未燃烧和0.1 MPa下已燃烧推进剂的表面微观结构 -- d. the hollow oxide spherical shells

Fig.3 The microstructures of tunburned propellant surface and burned propellant surface at 0.1 MPa -- d. the hollow oxide spherical shells

图4 不同压强条件下燃烧产物的SEM和EDS图 -- a. 0.2 MPa

Fig.4 SEM and EDS images of combustion products under the condition of different pressures -- a. 0.2 MPa

图4 不同压强条件下燃烧产物的SEM和EDS图 -- b. 1.0 MPa

Fig.4 SEM and EDS images of combustion products under the condition of different pressures -- b. 1.0 MPa

图5 不同压强下燃烧产物中铝团聚物的尺寸分布 -- a. 0.2 MPa

Fig.5 Size distributions of Al agglomerates in combustion products at different pressures -- a. 0.2 MPa

图5 不同压强下燃烧产物中铝团聚物的尺寸分布 -- b. 0.6 MPa

Fig.5 Size distributions of Al agglomerates in combustion products at different pressures -- b. 0.6 MPa

图5 不同压强下燃烧产物中铝团聚物的尺寸分布 -- c. 1.0 MPa

Fig.5 Size distributions of Al agglomerates in combustion products at different pressures -- c. 1.0 MPa

表2 不同压强下铝镁贫氧推进剂的燃烧速率和铝团聚物的D(4,3)、D(3,2)值

Table 2 The burning rate and values of D(4,3), D(3,2) of Al agglomerates for aluminum‑magnesium oxygen‑poor propellants at different pressures

图6 团聚物尺寸的实验数据与模型预测的比较

Fig.6 Comparison of the experimental data and the model prediction ones of agglomerate sizes

image /













r is the burning rate. p is the pressure. D(4,3) is the volume average size. D(3,2) is the surface area average size.


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      敖文, 刘佩进, 吕翔,等. 固体推进剂燃烧过程铝团聚研究进展[J]. 宇航学报, 2016, 37(4):371-380.

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      Anand K V, Roy A, Mulla I, et al. Experimental data and model predictions of aluminium agglomeration in ammonium perchlorate‑based composite propellants including plateau‑burning formulations[J]. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34(2): 2139-2146.

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      Yavor Y, Rosenband V, Gany A. Reduced agglomeration in solid propellants containing porous aluminum[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part G Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014, 228(10):1857-1862.

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      Sippel T R, Son S F, Groven L J, et al. Exploring mechanisms for agglomerate reduction in composite solid propellants with polyethylene inclusion modified aluminum[J]. Combustion & Flame, 2015, 162(3):846-854.

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      鲍福廷, 黄熙君, 张振鹏, 等. 固体火箭冲压组合发动机[M]. 北京:中国宇航出版社, 2006:145-164.

      Bao Fu‑ting, Huang Xi‑jun, Zhang Zhen‑peng, et al. Integral solid propellant ramjet rocket motor[M]. Beijing: China Aerospace Press, 2006:145-164.

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      Ao W, Liu X, Rezaiguia H, et al. Aluminum agglomeration involving the second mergence of agglomerates on the solid propellants burning surface: experiments and modeling[J]. Acta Astronautica, 2017, 136:219-229.

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      Lianbo L, Xiong C, Musa O, et al. The effect of pressure and oxygen concentration on the ignition and combustion of aluminum‑magnesium fuel‑rich propellant [J]. Aerospace Science & Technology, 2018,76:394-401.

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      Cohen N S. A pocket model for aluminum agglomeration in composite propellants[J]. AIAA Journal, 1983,21(5): 720 -726.

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      Duterque J. Experimental studies of aluminum agglomeration in solid rocket motors[J]. International Journal of Energetic Materials and Chemical Propulsion, 1997, 4(1-6): 693-705.