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目录 contents


    为探索碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料在3~5 μm和8~14 μm中远红外波段烟幕干扰方面的应用,用液相法制备了碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料。采用扫描电子显微镜,对比分析了石墨烯、碳纳米管和复合材料的微观形貌。采用傅里叶红外光谱仪技术,对比分析了三种材料的静态红外吸收能力。基于烟箱实验,测试了石墨烯、碳纳米管和复合材料对3~5 μm、8~14 μm中远红外的透过率,并根据“朗伯‑比尔”定律计算了烟幕的平均质量消光系数。结果表明,经过沥青碳化,以沥青碳为骨架,碳纳米管与石墨烯形成的复杂网状空间结构的烟幕干扰复合材料,抑制了碳纳米管的结团和石墨烯的堆叠现象,改善了悬浮性。针对3~5 μm波段,计算得到碳纳米管、石墨烯及碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料平均红外透过率分别约为9%、10%和5%,复合材料的有效遮蔽时间相比碳纳米管、石墨烯分别增加了约13%和21%;对8~14 μm红外波段的平均红外透过率分别约为3%、5%和4%,复合材料有效遮蔽时间相比碳纳米管、石墨烯增加了约28%和13%。碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料改善了单一碳材料的悬浮性能和红外光谱吸收性能,对中红外的干扰性能增强,对远红外的干扰性能有所下降,但有效干扰时间仍有所提高,其远红外干扰性能有待进一步改进。


    To explore the application in smoke interference at the middle and far infrared wave‑bands of 3-5 μm and 8-14 μm, the CNT/grapheme/carbon composite was prepared by a liquid phase method. Scanning electron microscopy was used to compare and analyze the microscopic morphology of graphene, carbon nanotubes and composite. The static infrared absorption ability of the three materials was compared and analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Based on the smoke box experiment, the transmittances of graphene, carbon nanotube and composite for 3-5 μm and 8-14 μm in the middle and far infrared were measured, and the average mass extinction coefficient of the smoke screen was calculated according to the Lambert‑Beer law. The results show that after bituminous carbonization, bituminous carbon is used as the skeleton, the smoke‑screen interference composite material of the complex network structure formed by carbon nanotube and graphene inhibits the agglomeration of CNT and the stacking phenomenon of graphene, and improves the suspension properties. For the 3-5 μm wave‑band, the average transmittance of carbon nanotube, graphene and CNT/grapheme/carbon composite obtained by calculated is about 9%, 10% and 5% respectively. The effective shielding time of the composite increases by about 13% and 21% respectively compared with that of CNT and graphene. The average transmittance at the 8-14 μm infrared wave‑band is about 3%, 5% and 4%, respectively and the effective shielding time of the composite is about 28% and 13% higher than that of CNT and graphene. The CNT/grapheme/carbon composites improve the suspension performance and infrared absorption performance of the single carbon material, enhance the interference performance at the middle infrared wave‑band, decrease the interference performance at the far infrared wave‑band, but the effective interference time is still improved, and its far infrared interference time needs further improvement.

  • 1 引 言



    在红外波段中,常规烟幕对低波段的干扰效果较好,而随着波长增加,对中高波段的红外波干扰效果明显减弱,难以满足战场需[5]。近年来,研究人员针对常规烟幕材料,如红磷、赤磷[6,7]燃烧型烟幕材料,进行性能改进和配方优化,使其对中远红外的干扰性能得到一定提高。如王玄玉[8]研究了空气湿度和红磷烟幕粒子的平均粒度对红外消光性能的影响,周明善[9]采用均匀设计法,对赤磷配方进行改进,提高了远红外的干扰性能。而爆炸分散型烟幕材料以纳米材料为代表,如碳纳米管、碳纳米纤维、石墨烯等,因其具有良好的电磁吸波特性,成为红外烟幕材料研究的热[10,11,12,13]。如王红霞[14,15]研究了碳纳米材料对红外图像的遮蔽性能,得到碳纳米材料对红外辐射具有散射和吸收双重作用,且对远红外具有良好的干扰性能。李素芳[16]采用快速加热引爆法制备了石墨烯烟幕材料,计算得到8~14 μm红外波段的质量消光系数达到2.1 m2·g-1,能有效干扰远红外波段。


  • 2 实验部分

  • 2.1 试剂与仪器


    试剂:KNG‑150石墨烯,平均粒径为15 μm,深圳市德方纳米科技股份有限公司;碳纳米管,平均粒径为20 nm,深圳市德方纳米科技股份有限公司;煤沥青,工业级,保定中油沥青有限公司;无水乙醇,分析纯,国药集团化学试剂有限公司;甲苯,分析纯,国药集团化学试剂有限公司;氩气,纯度≥99.999%石家庄特种气体有限公司。


  • 2.2 样品制备


    称取一定量的煤沥青按照一定浓度加入适量的煤油溶剂并在常温下搅拌,直到沥青完全溶解,利用双层定性中速滤纸过滤得到沥青溶液。将获取的沥青溶液,按照一定比例加入碳纳米管(carbon nanotube,CNT)和石墨烯(Graphene[17,18,19],超声振荡并在60 ℃水浴条件下搅拌直到煤油完全蒸发,并放入鼓风干燥箱,在60 ℃下干燥12 h,得到碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳粗制样品。将粗制样品放入箱式气氛炉800 ℃碳化处理,同时通入氩气进行保护,待温度降为室温,得到碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳精制样品。

  • 2.3 烟箱实验

  • 2.3.1 主要测试系统


    (1)烟箱:容积为16.5 m3(4.3 m×2.1 m×1.8 m),光程为2.1 m,内部有两个用于搅拌的风扇。

    (2)JHF‑Ⅱ红外辐射计:工作波段分别为3~5 μm和8~14 μm,通过测试辐射计在烟幕前后接收到辐射源的信号电压值,计算获取不同时刻的烟幕透过率。

    (3)滤膜直径20 cm、流量2~5 L·min-1的滤膜浓度采样器:采用滤膜称重法测试烟幕浓度是烟箱实验常用的方[20]。通过抽取烟幕内一定量的体积,并通过玻璃纤维滤膜,使烟幕粒子残留在滤膜上,称量通过前后滤波的质量差,计算得到烟幕的质量浓度。为减小由于分布不均匀带来的测量误差,确保烟幕质量浓度的测试精度,分别在不同位置布设三组采样器,并计算平均值作为烟幕的质量浓度。

  • 2.3.2 测试原理




    a. schematic diagram of smoke box test system


    b. physical image of smoke box test system

    图1 烟箱测试系统布置图

    Fig.1 Smoke box test system layout

  • 2.3.3 测试方法


    测试过程中,首先对红外辐射计接收电压进行稳定调试,然后分别称取16.5 g碳纳米管、石墨烯、碳纳米管/石墨烯复合材料的样品,将其装入喷撒罐体中,利用高压气泵将罐体中材料喷撒到烟幕箱中,并启动风扇搅拌20 s,然后停止风扇并开始计时,50 s后待浓度稳定,浓度采样器开始采样,每次采样时间为50 s,间隔50 s,进行下一次采样,共采样三次。

  • 3 实验结果分析

  • 3.1 SEM结果与分析



  • 3.2 红外结果与分析




    图3 碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料的红外透过率光谱

    Fig.3 Infrared transmittance spectra of CNT, graphene and CNT/grapheme/carbon composite


    a. CNT


    b. graphene


    c. CNT/grapheme/carbon composite

    图2 碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料的SEM图

    Fig.2 SEM images of CNT, graphene and CNT/grapheme/carbon composite

    由图3可知,碳纳米管和石墨烯在1375 cm-1和3400~3500 cm-1存在宽吸收峰,这两个峰为C—O—H的特征峰。石墨烯在1612 cm-1存在吸收峰,此为C C的伸缩振动峰。而复合材料无明显特征峰,但红外透过率降低,这可能是由于碳纳米管与石墨烯复合形成的复杂结构,增强了复合材料在整个红外波段的红外吸收性能,弱化了官能团对红外透过率的影响。

  • 3.3 烟箱测试结果与分析

  • 3.3.1 透过率





    通过烟箱测试得到碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料烟幕对3~5 μm和8~14 μm中远红外的透过率曲线,如图4和图5所示。

    由图4和图5可知,碳纳米管、石墨烯及碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料形成的烟幕对3~5 μm波段的有效遮蔽时间分别为330,307 s和372 s,复合材料的有效遮蔽时间相比碳纳米管、石墨烯分别增加了约13%和21%;而这三种材料形成的烟幕对8~14 μm波段的有效遮蔽时间分别为344,389 s和441 s,复合材料有效遮蔽时间相比碳纳米管、石墨烯分别增加了约28%和13%。在有效遮蔽时间内,选取以一定时间间隔选取瞬时透过率,通过均值法计算得到碳纳米管、石墨烯及碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料形成的烟幕对3~5 μm红外波段的平均红外透过率分别约为9%、10%和5%,对8~14 μm红外波段的平均红外透过率分别约为3%、5%和4%。

                            三种材料在3~5 μm波段的红外透过率曲线

    图4 三种材料在3~5 μm波段的红外透过率曲线

    Fig.4 The infrared transmittance curves at the 3~5 μm wave‑band of three materials

                            三种材料在8~14 μm波段的红外透过率曲线

    图5 三种材料在8~14 μm波段的红外透过率曲线

    Fig.5 The infrared transmittance curves at the 8~14 μm wave‑band of three materials

  • 3.3.2 质量消光系数





    根据式(2)计算了碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料烟幕在3~5 μm和8~14 μm波段的质量消光系数,结果见表1

    表1 中远红外质量消光系数计算结果

    Table 1 Calculation results of middle to far infrared mass extinction coefficient

    sample namejamming band / μmsampling numberc / g·m-3τ / %αe / m2·g-1α¯e / m2·g-1
    carbon nanotube3-510.9784.5651.5031.556
    composite material3-510.9812.7031.7531.731

    NOTE: τ is the infrared transmittance. αe is the mass extinction coefficient. α¯e is the average mass extinction coefficient.

    由表1可知,单一碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料的质量消光系数均大于1 m2·g-1,说明其对中远红外均具有良好的消光性能。在3~5 μm波段,复合材料比碳纳米管和石墨烯的质量消光系数大,且透过率较低。在8~14 μm波段,碳纳米管、石墨烯比复合材料的质量消光系数稍大。因此,复合材料增强了中红外消光性能,损失了一定的远红外消光性能。综合消光性能和有效遮蔽时间分析,复合材料虽然损失了一定的远红外消光性能,但中红外性能增强,有效遮蔽时间变长,其应用前景仍然可观。

  • 4 结 论



    (2)碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料对3~5 μm和8~14 μm中远红外的平均质量消光系数均大于1 m2·g-1,对中远红外具有良好的消光性能。在3~5 μm中红外波段,该复合材料比单一的碳纳米管、石墨烯的透过率低,计算得到的平均质量消光系数大,有效遮蔽时间长。在8~14 μm远红外波段,该复合材料的平均质量消光系数有所下降,但有效遮蔽时间仍有所增加。因此,该复合材料的中红外干扰性能增强,而远红外干扰性能有所下降,这有待于通过控制粒径分布对远红外干扰性能作进一步改进。

    (责编 王艳秀)

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      马德跃, 李晓霞, 郭宇翔, 等. 红外烟幕遮蔽率及其分布表征方法[J]. 应用光学, 2014, 35(4): 708-712.

      MA De‑yue, LI Xiao‑xia, GUO Yu‑xiang, et al. Measurement of screening rate and its distribution of infrared smoke screen[J]. Journal of Applied Optics, 2014, 35(4): 708-712.

    • 4

      陈泽, 朱晨光, 封亚欧. 气凝胶基复合含能材料的制备及其红外遮蔽性能研究[J]. 火工品, 2017(4): 24-27.

      CHEN Ze, ZHU Chen‑guang, FENG Ya‑ou. Study on the preparation and infrared shielding performance of composite energetic materials based on aerogel[J]. Initators & Pyrotechnics, 2017(4): 24-27.

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      Krome U D, Schulz E. Pyrotechnic smoke for camouflage purpose: DE4337071[P], 1993.

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      王玄玉. 雾油与石墨组合烟幕10.6 μm激光的衰减特性[J].红外与激光工程, 2011, 40(9): 1706-1708.

      WANG Xuan‑yu. Extinction performance of oil fog smoke combined with superfine graphite to 10.6 μm laser emission[J]. Infrared and Laser Engineering, 2011, 40(9): 1706-1708.

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      王玄玉, 宋黎, 程乐见. 石墨气溶胶粒度分布及远红外消光因子研究[J]. 中国粉体技术, 2009, 15(1): 34-36.

      WANG Xuan‑yu, SONG Li, CHENG Le‑jian. Study on particle size distribution and far infrared extinction factors of graphite aerosol[J]. China Powder Science and Technology, 2009,15(1): 34-36.

    • 8

      王玄玉, 潘功配. 红磷烟幕中红外光谱和红外消光性能研究[J].红外与毫米波学报, 2006, 25(5): 397-400.

      WANG Xuan‑yu, PAN Gong‑pei. Study on middle infrared spectrum and extinction performance of red phosphorus smoke[J]. Journal Infrared Millim Waves, 2006, 25(5): 397-400.

    • 9

      周明善, 徐铭, 沈瑞琪, 等. 均匀设计法在赤磷发烟剂红外消光性能中的应用[J].含能材料, 2009, 17(3): 354-356.

      ZHOU Ming‑shan, XU Ming, SHEN Rui‑qi, et al. Application of uniform design in infrared extinction performance of red phosphorus smoke agent[J]. ChineseJournal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2009, 17(3): 354-356.

    • 10

      魏旭. 两种碳素材料的改性研究[D]. 南京:南京理工大学, 2014.

      WEI Xu. Studies on modification of the two kinds of carbon materials[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing University of Science &Technology, 2014.

    • 11

      NING Gong‑tao, LI Ping, CUI Yu‑ling, et al. Flowability and infrared interference properties of modified graphite flake with hydropho‑bic nano‑silica[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2015, 23(12): 1217-1220.

    • 12

      刘志龙, 王玄玉, 董文杰, 等. 短切碳纤维云团对毫米波/红外复合干扰性能影响[J].含能材料, 2016, 24(12): 1219-1224.

      LIU Zhi‑long, WANG Xuan‑yu, DONG Wen‑jie, et al. Composite interference performance of chopped carbon fiber clouds to millimeter wave and infrared[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2016, 24(12):1219-1224.

    • 13

      吴慧, 马拥军, 朱东升, 等. 石墨烯基纳米红外吸波材料的制备及消光性能研究[J]. 红外技术, 2013, 35(4): 242-246.

      WU Hui, MA Yong‑jun, ZHU Dong‑sheng, et al. Research on preparation and extinction characteristic of graphene‑based infrared absorbing nano‑composites[J]. Infrared Technology, 2013, 35(4): 242-246.

    • 14

      王红霞, 宋子彪, 刘代志. 碳纳米管对信息激光的消光系数测试研究[J].光学技术, 2007, 33: 125-126.

      WANG Hong‑xia, SONG Zi‑biao, LIU Dai‑zhi. Study and test on extinction coefficient of carbon nanotubes to information laser[J]. Optical Technique, 2007, 33: 125-126.

    • 15

      王红霞, 刘代志, 宋子彪. 碳纳米材料红外图像干扰特性研究[J].含能材料, 2008, 16(5): 588-591.

      WANG Hong‑xia, LIU Dai‑zhi, SONG Zi‑biao. Infrared images shielded characteristics of carbon nano materials[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2008,16(5): 588-591.

    • 16

      李素芳, 查文珂, 方建军, 等. 石墨烯烟幕红外激光消光性能研究[J].红外技术, 2010, 32(6): 366-670.

      LI Su‑fang, ZHA Wen‑ke, FANG Jian‑jun, et al. Extinction characteristic of graphene smoke to infrared and laser wave[J]. Infrared Technology, 2010, 32(6): 366-670.

    • 17

      甘雷. 碳包覆改性天然石墨与硅碳复合负极材料的制备及性能研究[D]. 湖南:中南大学, 2013.

      GAN Lei. Preparation and properties of carbon‑coated natural graphite and silicon‑carbon composite anode materials[D]. Hu Nan: Central South University, 2013.

    • 18

      ZHANG Kai‑chuang, GAO Xin‑bao, ZHANG Qian, et al. Pitch carbon coating grapheme/carbon nanotubes lightweight composite and their excellent microwave absorption capacity[J]. Journal of Materials Science‑materials in Electronics, 2017, 28(2): 1352-1358.

    • 19

      ZHANG Kai‑chuang, GAO Xin‑bao, ZHANG Qian, et al. Preparation and microware absorption properties of asphalt carbon coated reduced grapheme oxide/magnetic CoFe2O4 hollow particles modified multi‑wall carbon nanotube composites[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 723: 912-921.

    • 20

      姚禄玖, 高钧麟, 肖凯涛, 等. 烟幕理论与测试技术[M]. 北京:国防工业出版社, 2004: 105-162.

      YAO Lu‑jiu, GAO Jun‑lin, XIAO Kai‑tao, et al. Theory and testing technique of smoke[M]. Beijing: National Defense Industry Press, 2004: 105-162.

    • 21

      陈文建, 穆让修, 张若凡, 等. 固体发烟剂烟幕几种波段透过率测试[J]. 应用光学, 2016, 37(5): 739-741.

      CHEN Wen‑jian, MU Rang‑xiu, ZHANG Ruo‑fan, et al. Transmittance measurement on smog of solid smoke agent in several wavebands[J]. Journal of Applied Optics, 2016, 37(5):739-741.


机 构:陆军工程大学 石家庄校区,河北 石家庄 050003

Affiliation:Shijiazhuang Campus of Army University of Engineering, Shijiazhuang 050003, China



机 构:陆军工程大学 石家庄校区,河北 石家庄 050003

Affiliation:Shijiazhuang Campus of Army University of Engineering, Shijiazhuang 050003, China

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author

邮 箱



机 构:63983部队,江苏 无锡 214035

Affiliation:3983 Army, Wuxi 214035, China


机 构:陆军工程大学 石家庄校区,河北 石家庄 050003

Affiliation:Shijiazhuang Campus of Army University of Engineering, Shijiazhuang 050003, China


机 构:陆军工程大学 石家庄校区,河北 石家庄 050003

Affiliation:Shijiazhuang Campus of Army University of Engineering, Shijiazhuang 050003, China

sample namejamming band / μmsampling numberc / g·m-3τ / %αe / m2·g-1α¯e / m2·g-1
carbon nanotube3-510.9784.5651.5031.556
composite material3-510.9812.7031.7531.731

图1 烟箱测试系统布置图 -- a. schematic diagram of smoke box test system

Fig.1 Smoke box test system layout -- a. schematic diagram of smoke box test system

图1 烟箱测试系统布置图 -- b. physical image of smoke box test system

Fig.1 Smoke box test system layout -- b. physical image of smoke box test system

图3 碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料的红外透过率光谱

Fig.3 Infrared transmittance spectra of CNT, graphene and CNT/grapheme/carbon composite

图2 碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料的SEM图 -- a. CNT

Fig.2 SEM images of CNT, graphene and CNT/grapheme/carbon composite -- a. CNT

图2 碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料的SEM图 -- b. graphene

Fig.2 SEM images of CNT, graphene and CNT/grapheme/carbon composite -- b. graphene

图2 碳纳米管、石墨烯和碳纳米管/石墨烯/碳复合材料的SEM图 -- c. CNT/grapheme/carbon composite

Fig.2 SEM images of CNT, graphene and CNT/grapheme/carbon composite -- c. CNT/grapheme/carbon composite

图4 三种材料在3~5 μm波段的红外透过率曲线

Fig.4 The infrared transmittance curves at the 3~5 μm wave‑band of three materials

图5 三种材料在8~14 μm波段的红外透过率曲线

Fig.5 The infrared transmittance curves at the 8~14 μm wave‑band of three materials

表1 中远红外质量消光系数计算结果

Table 1 Calculation results of middle to far infrared mass extinction coefficient

image /









τ is the infrared transmittance. αe is the mass extinction coefficient. α¯e is the average mass extinction coefficient.

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      吴慧, 马拥军, 朱东升, 等. 石墨烯基纳米红外吸波材料的制备及消光性能研究[J]. 红外技术, 2013, 35(4): 242-246.

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      ZHANG Kai‑chuang, GAO Xin‑bao, ZHANG Qian, et al. Preparation and microware absorption properties of asphalt carbon coated reduced grapheme oxide/magnetic CoFe2O4 hollow particles modified multi‑wall carbon nanotube composites[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2017, 723: 912-921.

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      姚禄玖, 高钧麟, 肖凯涛, 等. 烟幕理论与测试技术[M]. 北京:国防工业出版社, 2004: 105-162.

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      CHEN Wen‑jian, MU Rang‑xiu, ZHANG Ruo‑fan, et al. Transmittance measurement on smog of solid smoke agent in several wavebands[J]. Journal of Applied Optics, 2016, 37(5):739-741.