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参考文献 1
WaggenerS. The evolution of air target warheads[C]//23th International Symposium on Ballsitstics, Tarragona, Spain, 2007: 67-75.
参考文献 2
魏继峰. 战斗部多点起爆数值模拟[D]. 北京: 北京理工大学, 2005.
WEIJi‑feng. Numerical research of multi‑point initiated warhead[D]. Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology, 2005.
参考文献 3
龚柏林,卢芳云,李翔宇. D型预制破片战斗部破片飞散过程的数值模拟[J]. 弹箭与制导学报, 2010, 30(1): 88-94.
GONGBai‑lin, LUFang‑yun, LIXiang‑yu. Simulation and study on the fragment ejection process of premade D‑shape warhead[J]. Journal of Projectiles, Rockets, Missiles and Guidance, 2010, 30(1): 88-94.
参考文献 4
李振铎,李翔宇,卢芳云,等. D字形预制破片战斗部破片能量分布特性[J]. 弹箭与制导学报, 2016, 36(1): 55-62.
LIZhen‑duo, LIXiang‑yu, LUFang‑yun, et al. Study on fragment energy distribution characteristics of premed D‑shape warhead[J]. Journal of Projectiles, Rockets, Missiles and Guidance, 2016, 36(1): 55-62.
参考文献 5
王马法,卢芳云,李翔宇,等. 非轴对称结构约束下破片飞散特性的试验和仿真研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(15): 122-139.
WANGMa‑fa, LUFang‑yun, LIXiang‑yu, et al. Tests and simulation for dispersion properties of fragments from asymmetric structures[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(15): 122-139.
参考文献 6
DINGLiang‑liang, LIZhen‑duo, LIANGMin‑zhu, et al. The dispersion rule of fragments about the asymmetric shell[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2017, 2017: 1-12.
参考文献 7
CunardD, ThomasK A. Programmable integrated ordnance suite (PIOS)[C]// 1st Annual International Missiles & Rockets Exhibition, 1992.
参考文献 8
LIYuan, WENYu‑quan. Simulation on damage effectiveness of hexagonal prism aimable warhead with multi‑point synchronous initiations[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2014, 23(1): 1-7.
参考文献 9
LIYuan, WENYu‑quan. Experiment and numerical modeling of asymmetrically initiated hexagonal prism warhead[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(1): 1-14.
参考文献 10
刘琛,李元,李燕华,等. 偏心起爆方式对棱柱形定向战斗部破片飞散规律的影响[J]. 含能材料, 2017, 25(1): 63-68.
LIUChen, LIYuan, LIYan‑hua, et al. Influence of eccentric initiation ways on fragment dispersion rule of prismatic aimable warhead[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(1): 63-68.
参考文献 11
荻耿,马天宝,宁建国. 定向战斗部爆炸驱动规律研究[J]. 高压物理学报. 2013, 27(5): 685-690.
GENGDi, Tian‑baoMA, NINGJian‑guo. Study on laws of explosion driven behaviors of aimed warhead[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2013, 27(5): 685-690.
参考文献 12
WaggenerS. Relative performance of anti‑missile warhead[C]//19th international symposium on ballistics. Inerlaken, Switzerland, 2001: 623-630.
参考文献 13
李元,李燕华,李洛,等. 一种扫描式六象限激光探测系统弹目交会算法研究[J]. 兵工学报, 2015, 36(11): 2073-2079.
LIYuan, LIYan‑hua, LILuo, et al. Research on projectile‑target encounter algorithm for six‑quadrant scanning laser proximity fuze sensor[J]. Acta Armamentarii, 2015, 36(11): 2073-2079.
参考文献 14
ConcannonB. Truegrid[CP]. XYZ Scientific Applications, 2001.
参考文献 15
CarleoneJ. Tactical missile warheads[M]. Washington, DC: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc, 1993. 412-413.
参考文献 16
李元,李燕华,刘琛,等. 预制破片战斗部爆轰产物泄露数值模拟[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2017, 37(8): 778-782.
LIYuan, LIYan‑hua, LIUChen, et al. Modeling of the gas leakage of premade fragment warhead[J]. Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2017, 37(8): 778-782.
参考文献 17
GurneyR W. The initial velocities of fragments from bombs, shell and grenades[R],
参考文献 18
隋树元. 终点效应学[M]. 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2000: 95-100.
Shu‑yuanSUI. Terminal effects[M]. Beijing: National defense Industry Press, 2000: 95-100.
目录 contents




    To enhance the damage probability of munitions at various encounter distances, a faceted prismatic warhead composed of flat faces and convex faces is numerically studied in this work, and the dispersion patterns and lethality parameters of fragment beams from different faces are analyzed. The results reveal that this warhead structure could produce two types of fragment beams. One is the fragment beam with high speed and small scattering angle, and the other shows low speed and wide coverage. These fragment beams are suitable for attacking targets at different missing distances. The asymmetrical initiations could enhance the fragment velocity of flat face by 21.68%, reduce the dispersion angle of 3.38° and improve the lethality of fragment opposite to detonating point without changing the property of producing two kinds of fragment beams. The lateral two line initiations could change the fragment dispersion angle of the flat face of 4.94° without reducing the velocity of the fragment, which is higher than other initiations. Under large warhead‑target missing distance, this change could alter the aiming direction and improve the damage probability.

  • 1 引 言




  • 2 战斗部结构及模型验证


    本研究的战斗部结构及尺寸如图1所示,由装药Comp B(RDX/TNT 60/40)炸药、钨合金球破片、硬铝衬筒和端盖组成,装药长径比为2。不同于传统圆柱战斗部和六棱柱战斗部结构,该战斗部周向由三个平面和三个凸面交替组成。每一个面上交叉排布球形破片,其中每个平面上排1341枚破片,每个凸面上排1419枚破片,整个战斗部共排破片2760枚。


    图1 战斗部结构

    Fig.1 Warhead structure



    a. axis view          b. side view

    图2 战斗部有限元模型

    Fig.2 Elements model of the warhead


    在文献[9]中对棱柱形和圆柱形战斗部毁伤效能进行了靶场试验研究和数值模拟研究,如图3所示。激光测速靶的测量结果表明端面中心起爆时的圆柱形和棱柱形战斗部的最大破片速度分别为1903.20 m·s-1和2038.65 m·s-1。相应的数值模拟计算结果分别为1982.31 m·s-1和1913.87 m·s-1,相对于试验结果的相对误差分别为4.16%和-1.22%。可见,破片速度的最大误差不超过5%,数值模拟结果与试验吻合较好。另外,数值模拟得到的破片着靶分布也与试验结果吻合较好。因此,为保证结果准确可靠,本研究参考文献[9]进行数值模拟。


    a. test layout


    b. numerical model

    图3 靶场布置及仿真模[9]

    Fig.3 Arena test layout and numerical models[9]

  • 3 战斗部威力特性

  • 3.1 端面中心起爆



    分析原因认为,圆柱面上的爆轰泄露与装药和壳体的曲率有[16]。假设破片近似沿壳体法向方向向外飞散,那么由于圆柱面的曲率较大,破片在向外飞行过程中,破片之间的周向间隙被拉大;而平面的曲率为0,平面上的破片在飞行时其周向间隙不会被拉大或者变化很小。因此,平面上未出现爆轰产物泄露而圆柱面出现了爆轰产物的泄露。端面中心起爆200 μs时的破片飞散情况如图5所示。


    a. 17 μs b. 33 μs


    c. 42 μs d. 48 μs

    图4 异面棱柱战斗部起爆过程

    Fig.4 Detonation process of the faceted prismatic warhead

                            200 μs时的破片飞散

    a. axis view                 b. side view

    图5 200 μs时的破片飞散

    Fig.5 Fragments dispersion at 200 μs

    从图5可以看出,异面棱柱战斗部的六个面形成了6个破片束(或破片群),其中平面形成的破片束外沿轮廓呈抛物线形,即中心的破片速度最高而两边的较低;而凸面所形成的破片束外沿轮廓近似呈圆弧形,表明破片速度较均匀。这与爆轰产物的泄露情况相吻合。对于平面破片束来说,由于爆轰产物只在棱角处泄露,因此两边的破片速度较低。而对于凸面破片束来说,棱角处和凸面上同时存在爆轰产物的泄露,因此破片速度较均匀且低于平面破片束的最高速度。为统计破片束信息,基于C语言编写了后处理程序。由该程序统计得知,平面破片束的平均速度为1561.20 m·s-1,最高速度为1867.05 m·s-1;而凸面破片束的平均速度为1479.42 m·s-1,最高速度为1754.88 m·s-1。进一步统计破片束的速度区间分布,如表1所示。

    从表1可以看出,尽管平面和凸面的平均速度相差不大,但是在高速区间(1700~1900 m·s-1)内,平面可以产生更多的破片,平面破片个数130,远远高于凸面破片个数15。此高速破片对应于图5a中平面破片束的中间位置破片。而对于凸面来说,其在中低速区间内的破片个数更多。从理论上分析,由于异面战斗部结构不再满足Gurney公式的相关假[17],因此直接利用Gurney公式计算破片速度并不可行。为此,沿对角线将战斗部分割为平面部分和凸面部分,则平面和凸面部分的局部装填比(局部装药质量与相应壳体质量的比)可分别计算为0.41和0.44。利用Gurney公式以及平面和凸面部分的局部装填比则可计算得到相应的最大破片速度分布为1583.96 m·s-1和1636.61 m·s-1,与仿真结果的相对误差分别为-15.16%和-6.74%。由于平面部分的爆轰驱动过程与Gurney假设相差较大,因此平面部分的Gurney计算结果误差较大;而凸面部分爆轰驱动过程近似满足Gurney假设,其Gurney计算结果与仿真结果相近。这表明可以利用Gurney公式和凸面部分的局部装填比对凸面的破片速度进行计算。


    表1 不同速度区间破片个数分布

    Table 1 Fragments number distribution of different velocity rangeskm·s-1

    face typefragments number of different velocities
  • 3.2 偏心两线起爆




    图6 偏心两线起爆位置示意图

    Fig.6 Initiator locations of asymmetrical two lines initiation

    偏心起爆200 μs时,不同面作为打击面时的破片飞散如图7所示。图中向上方向为目标方向,即打击方向。

                            偏心两线起爆200 μs时破片飞散示意图

    a. flat face as the attack face           b. convex face as the attack face

    图7 偏心两线起爆200 μs时破片飞散示意图

    Fig.7 Fragments dispersion of asymmetrical two lines initiation at 200 μs

    NOTE: a. flat face as the attack face b. convex face as the attack face

    从图7可以看出,采用偏心两线起爆之后,平面破片束的外沿轮廓变得更加陡峭,表明中间破片速度与边沿的破片速度差更大;而凸面破片束的破片外沿轮廓仍然近似为圆弧。同样,利用后处理程序提取偏心起爆时不同面所产生的破片束信息,得平面作为打击面时的破片束平均速度为1899.67 m·s-1,凸面作为打击面时的破片束平均速度为1825.84 m·s-1。对于破片平均速度来说,偏心起爆使得平面破片束的平均速度相对端面中心起爆提高了21.68%,而使凸面破片束平均速度提高了23.42%。凸面破片平均速度增益略高于平面破片速度增益,但是就破片平均速度绝对值以及高速区间内的破片个数来说,偏心起爆时平面破片束依然高于凸面破片束。偏心起爆时的速度区间破片个数分布如表2所示,在大于2.1 km·s-1的速度区间内平面破片束有138枚破片,而凸面破片有68枚。

    表2 偏心起爆时速度区间破片个数分布

    Table 2 Fragments number distribution of asymmetrical initiationkm·s-1

    face typesfragments number of different velocities


  • 4 起爆方式对威力方向的影响




    a. asymmetrical one line        b. lateral one line        c. lateral two lines        d. asymmetrical three lines       

    图8 不同起爆方式示意图

    Fig.8 Different initiation modes




    a. asymmetrical one line        b. lateral one line        c. lateral two lines        d. asymmetrical three lines       

    图9 200 μs时不同起爆方式下破片飞散

    Fig.9 Fragments dispersion of different initiations at 200 μs


    表3 不同起爆方式下的破片束参数

    Table 3 Parameters of fragment beams under different initiation ways

    initiation waysaverage velocity / m·s-1circumferential dispersion angle / (°)maximum velocity / m·s-1deflection angle / (°)
    end face center1561.2040.541867.050
    asymmetrical two lines1899.6737.162358.000
    asymmetrical one line1788.2237.052126.202.10
    lateral one line1540.7940.231807.925.68
    lateral two lines1645.8141.241959.084.94
    asymmetrical three lines1759.6941.692148.592.33
  • 5 结 论



    (1) 该战斗部可以形成两种威力特性的破片束,其中平面所产生的破片速度较大,且飞散角小;凸面破片束速度相对低,而破片覆盖范围大。

    (2) 偏心起爆相对端面中心起爆可提高平面破片束平均速度21.68%,减小平面破片束飞散角3.38°,在提高起爆点对侧破片威力的同时,不改变异面战斗部可形成两种不同威力破片束的性质。

    (3) 侧向两线起爆在保证破片速度不降低的情况下可获得4.94°的平面破片束偏转角,而偏心一线可以得到2.10°的偏转角。相对于偏心一线,偏心三线对提高平面破片束威力没有明显优势。




  • 参考文献

    • 1

      Waggener S. The evolution of air target warheads[C]//23th International Symposium on Ballsitstics, Tarragona, Spain, 2007: 67-75.

    • 2

      魏继峰. 战斗部多点起爆数值模拟[D]. 北京: 北京理工大学, 2005.

      WEI Ji‑feng. Numerical research of multi‑point initiated warhead[D]. Beijing: Beijing Institute of Technology, 2005.

    • 3

      龚柏林,卢芳云,李翔宇. D型预制破片战斗部破片飞散过程的数值模拟[J]. 弹箭与制导学报, 2010, 30(1): 88-94.

      GONG Bai‑lin, LU Fang‑yun, LI Xiang‑yu. Simulation and study on the fragment ejection process of premade D‑shape warhead[J]. Journal of Projectiles, Rockets, Missiles and Guidance, 2010, 30(1): 88-94.

    • 4

      李振铎,李翔宇,卢芳云,等. D字形预制破片战斗部破片能量分布特性[J]. 弹箭与制导学报, 2016, 36(1): 55-62.

      LI Zhen‑duo, LI Xiang‑yu, LU Fang‑yun, et al. Study on fragment energy distribution characteristics of premed D‑shape warhead[J]. Journal of Projectiles, Rockets, Missiles and Guidance, 2016, 36(1): 55-62.

    • 5

      王马法,卢芳云,李翔宇,等. 非轴对称结构约束下破片飞散特性的试验和仿真研究[J]. 振动与冲击, 2016, 35(15): 122-139.

      WANG Ma‑fa, LU Fang‑yun, LI Xiang‑yu, et al. Tests and simulation for dispersion properties of fragments from asymmetric structures[J]. Journal of Vibration and Shock, 2016, 35(15): 122-139.

    • 6

      DING Liang‑liang, LI Zhen‑duo, LIANG Min‑zhu, et al. The dispersion rule of fragments about the asymmetric shell[J]. Shock and Vibration, 2017, 2017: 1-12.

    • 7

      Cunard D, Thomas K A. Programmable integrated ordnance suite (PIOS)[C]// 1st Annual International Missiles & Rockets Exhibition, 1992.

    • 8

      LI Yuan, WEN Yu‑quan. Simulation on damage effectiveness of hexagonal prism aimable warhead with multi‑point synchronous initiations[J]. Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2014, 23(1): 1-7.

    • 9

      LI Yuan, WEN Yu‑quan. Experiment and numerical modeling of asymmetrically initiated hexagonal prism warhead[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2017, 9(1): 1-14.

    • 10

      刘琛,李元,李燕华,等. 偏心起爆方式对棱柱形定向战斗部破片飞散规律的影响[J]. 含能材料, 2017, 25(1): 63-68.

      LIU Chen, LI Yuan, LI Yan‑hua, et al. Influence of eccentric initiation ways on fragment dispersion rule of prismatic aimable warhead[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(1): 63-68.

    • 11

      荻耿,马天宝,宁建国. 定向战斗部爆炸驱动规律研究[J]. 高压物理学报. 2013, 27(5): 685-690.

      GENG Di, MA Tian‑bao, NING Jian‑guo. Study on laws of explosion driven behaviors of aimed warhead[J]. Chinese Journal of High Pressure Physics, 2013, 27(5): 685-690.

    • 12

      Waggener S. Relative performance of anti‑missile warhead[C]//19th international symposium on ballistics. Inerlaken, Switzerland, 2001: 623-630.

    • 13

      李元,李燕华,李洛,等. 一种扫描式六象限激光探测系统弹目交会算法研究[J]. 兵工学报, 2015, 36(11): 2073-2079.

      LI Yuan, LI Yan‑hua, LI Luo, et al. Research on projectile‑target encounter algorithm for six‑quadrant scanning laser proximity fuze sensor[J]. Acta Armamentarii, 2015, 36(11): 2073-2079.

    • 14

      Concannon B. Truegrid[CP]. XYZ Scientific Applications, 2001.

    • 15

      Carleone J. Tactical missile warheads[M]. Washington, DC: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc, 1993. 412-413.

    • 16

      李元,李燕华,刘琛,等. 预制破片战斗部爆轰产物泄露数值模拟[J]. 北京理工大学学报, 2017, 37(8): 778-782.

      LI Yuan, LI Yan‑hua, LIU Chen, et al. Modeling of the gas leakage of premade fragment warhead[J]. Transactions of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2017, 37(8): 778-782.

    • 17

      Gurney R W. The initial velocities of fragments from bombs, shell and grenades[R],

      Ballistics Research Laboratories, Aberdeen, Md, USA, 1943.

    • 18

      隋树元. 终点效应学[M]. 北京: 国防工业出版社, 2000: 95-100.

      SUI Shu‑yuan. Terminal effects[M]. Beijing: National defense Industry Press, 2000: 95-100.


机 构:清华大学 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京 100084

Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China

邮 箱



机 构:清华大学 汽车安全与节能国家重点实验室,北京 100084

Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China


机 构:北京理工大学 爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室,北京 100081

Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China


机 构:北京理工大学 爆炸科学与技术国家重点实验室,北京 100081

Affiliation:State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author

邮 箱


face typefragments number of different velocities
face typesfragments number of different velocities
initiation waysaverage velocity / m·s-1circumferential dispersion angle / (°)maximum velocity / m·s-1deflection angle / (°)
end face center1561.2040.541867.050
asymmetrical two lines1899.6737.162358.000
asymmetrical one line1788.2237.052126.202.10
lateral one line1540.7940.231807.925.68
lateral two lines1645.8141.241959.084.94
asymmetrical three lines1759.6941.692148.592.33

图1 战斗部结构

Fig.1 Warhead structure

图2 战斗部有限元模型

Fig.2 Elements model of the warhead

图3 靶场布置及仿真模[9] -- a. test layout

Fig.3 Arena test layout and numerical models[9] -- a. test layout

图3 靶场布置及仿真模[9] -- b. numerical model

Fig.3 Arena test layout and numerical models[9] -- b. numerical model

图4 异面棱柱战斗部起爆过程 -- a. 17 μs b. 33 μs

Fig.4 Detonation process of the faceted prismatic warhead -- a. 17 μs b. 33 μs

图4 异面棱柱战斗部起爆过程 -- c. 42 μs d. 48 μs

Fig.4 Detonation process of the faceted prismatic warhead -- c. 42 μs d. 48 μs

图5 200 μs时的破片飞散

Fig.5 Fragments dispersion at 200 μs

表1 不同速度区间破片个数分布

Table 1 Fragments number distribution of different velocity rangeskm·s-1

图6 偏心两线起爆位置示意图

Fig.6 Initiator locations of asymmetrical two lines initiation

图7 偏心两线起爆200 μs时破片飞散示意图

Fig.7 Fragments dispersion of asymmetrical two lines initiation at 200 μs

表2 偏心起爆时速度区间破片个数分布

Table 2 Fragments number distribution of asymmetrical initiationkm·s-1

图8 不同起爆方式示意图 -- a. asymmetrical one line b. lateral one line

Fig.8 Different initiation modes -- a. asymmetrical one line b. lateral one line

图8 不同起爆方式示意图 -- c. lateral two lines d. asymmetrical three lines

Fig.8 Different initiation modes -- c. lateral two lines d. asymmetrical three lines

图9 200 μs时不同起爆方式下破片飞散 -- a. asymmetrical one line b. lateral one line

Fig.9 Fragments dispersion of different initiations at 200 μs -- a. asymmetrical one line b. lateral one line

图9 200 μs时不同起爆方式下破片飞散 -- c. lateral two lines d. asymmetrical three lines

Fig.9 Fragments dispersion of different initiations at 200 μs -- c. lateral two lines d. asymmetrical three lines

表3 不同起爆方式下的破片束参数

Table 3 Parameters of fragment beams under different initiation ways

image /


a. axis view         b. side view



a. axis view               b. side view





a. flat face as the attack face b. convex face as the attack face







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