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参考文献 1
ZHANGXiao‑peng. Study on the high energy and high burning rate gun propellant[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing university of science &technology,2013.
参考文献 2
李玉祥. 高燃速发射药及其燃烧性能研究[D].南京:南京理工大学,2015.
LIYu‑xiang. Study on high burning rate gun propellant and its combustion performance[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing university of science &technology,2013.
参考文献 3
ChailleJ L, WalkerR B. Solid nitrocellulose‑nitroglycerin propellant with burning rate modifiers containing dinitrocetonitrile salts:US3450583[P], 1969.
参考文献 4
KettnerM A, KlapotkeT M. New energetic polynitrotetrazoles[J]. Chemistry A European Journal, 2015 21(9):3755-3765.
参考文献 5
HaigesR, ChristeK O. 5‑(fluorodinitromethyl)‑2h‑tetrazole and its tetrazolates‑preparation and characterization of new high energy compounds[J]. Dalton Transactions, 2015,44(22): 10166-10176.
参考文献 6
ParkerC O, AlaH. Dinitrocyanoacetates:US 2926484[P], 1960.
参考文献 7
ParkerC O, AlaH. Process for the preparation of dinitroacetonitrile and salts:US 3415867[P],1968.
参考文献 8
ParkerC O, EmmonsW D, RolewiczH A, et al. Preparation and properties of dinitroacetonitrile and its salts[J].Tetrahedron, 1962, 17(1): 79-87.
参考文献 9
尚雁,叶志虎,王友兵,等. HNS‑Ⅳ的制备及粒径、形貌控制[J]. 含能材料,2011,19(3):299‑304.
SHANGYan, YEZhi‑hu, WANGYou‑bing, et al. Preparation, particle size and crustal control of HNS‑Ⅳ[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2011,19(3):299-304.
参考文献 10
周群,陈智群,王伯周,等. FOX‑7晶体形貌对感度的影响[J]. 火炸药学报, 2014, 37(5): 67-69.
ZHOUQun, CHENZhi‑qun, WANGBo‑zhou, et al. Effect of morphology of fox‑7 crystals on its sensitivity[J]. Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants, 2014, 37(5): 67-69.
参考文献 11
许诚,张敏,毕福强,等. 重结晶工艺对1,1‑二羟基‑5,5‑联四唑羟胺盐热性能和机械感度的影响[J].含能材料,2017,25(5):409-412.
XUCheng, ZHANGMin, BIFu‑qiang, et al. Influence of recrystallization process on the thermal properties and mechanical sensitivity of dihydroxylammonium 5,5′‑bistetrazole‑1,1′‑diolate(HATO)(J). Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(5): 409-412.
参考文献 12
GJB 772A-1997炸药测试方法[S]. 北京:中国标准出版社.
GJB 772A-1997 Explosive test method[S]. Beijing: China Standard Press.
参考文献 13
徐容,李洪珍,黄明,等.球形化HMX制备及性能研究[J].含能材料, 2018, 18(5): 505-509.
XURong, LIHong‑zhen, HUANGMing, et al. Preparation and properties of rounded HMX[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2018, 18(5): 505-509.
参考文献 14
任晓婷,杜涛,何金选,等. 双(2,2,2‑三硝基乙基)胺的晶体形貌预测及控制[J]. 含能材料,2015,23(8):737-740.
RENXiao‑ting, DUTao, HEJin‑xuan, et al. Prediction and control of crystal morphology of BTNA[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2015,23(8):737-740.
参考文献 15
杨利,任晓婷,张同来,等.超细HNS的形貌控制及性能[J]. 火炸药学报, 2010, 33(1): 19-23.
YANGLi,RENXiao‑ting, ZHANGTong‑lai, et al. Crystal morphology control and properties of ultrafine HNS[J]. Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants, 2010, 33(1): 19-23.
参考文献 16
李岗,陈健,王晶禹,等. HNS微晶形貌控制研究[J].山西化工, 2009, 29(2): 7‑10.
LIGang, CHENJian, WANGJing‑yu, et al. Study on the crystal morphology of ultrafine HNS[J]. Shanxi Chemical Industry, 2009, 29(2): 7-10.
目录 contents


    以氰基乙酸乙酯为原料,通过亚硝化、硝化‑水解反应,合成了二硝基乙腈钾盐,总收率为76.93%。其结构用红外光谱、核磁共振和元素分析表征。通过添加不同表面活性剂、改变降温速率和搅拌转速等手段,制备了不同形貌的二硝基乙腈钾盐样品。用DSC研究了不同晶体形貌的二硝基乙腈钾盐的热分解过程,并测试了其机械感度。结果表明,二硝基乙腈钾盐的晶体形态对样品的热分解过程影响不大。加入表面活性剂聚乙二醇(400)后得到的二硝基乙腈钾盐样品的感度最低(撞击感度为8%,摩擦感度为12%,H50>129.5 cm)。


    Potassium dinitroacetonitrile was synthesized via the reactions of nitrosation and nitration‑hydrolysis using ethyl cyanoacetate as raw material with a total yield of 76.93%, and its structure was characterized by NMR, IR and elemental analysis. The samples of potassium dinitroacetonitrile with different crystal morphologies were prepared by adding the different surfactants, changing the cooling rate and stirring speed. The thermal decomposition process of potassium dinitroacetonitrile with different crystal morphologies was studied by DSC and their mechanical sensitivities was tested. Results show that the crystal morphology of potassium dinitroacetonitrile has little effect on the thermal decomposition process of the sample. The sensitivity of potassium dinitroacetonitrile sample obtained after the addition of surfactant polyethylene glycol (400) is the lowest (the impact sensitivity is 4%, the friction sensitivity is 4% and the characteristic drop heights of impact sensitivity(H50) is >129.5 cm).

    Graphic Abstract



    Potassium dinitroacetonitrile was synthesized via the reactions of nitrosation, nitration‑hydrolysis. The samples of potassium dinitroacetonitrile with different crystal morphology were prepared by adding the different surfactants, changing the cooling rate and stirring speed The thermal decomposition process of potassium dinitroacetonitrile with different crystal morphologies was studied by DSC, and their mechanical sensitivities was tested.

  • 1 引 言



    目前,有关化合物2的合成方法有两种,一[6,7]以氰基乙酸乙酯为原料,通过肟化反应,再用15%发烟硫酸/纯硝酸硝化得到中间体2‑氰基‑2,2‑二硝基乙酸乙酯,然后水解,过滤得二硝基乙腈钾盐,总收率为69.11%;硝化后处理,需使用二氯甲烷萃取反应液、有机相水洗三次、无水硫酸镁干燥、再减压蒸馏除去溶剂方可得到中间体2‑氰基‑2,2‑二硝基乙酸乙酯。另一种方[8]以氰基乙酸为原料,用27%发烟硫酸和纯硝酸硝化得到2,2,2‑三硝基乙腈/四氯化碳溶液,然后水解,过滤得二硝基乙腈钾盐,总收率较低,仅为57.75%,硝化后处理得到沸点较低中间体2‑氰基‑2,2‑二硝基乙酸乙酯(沸点48~49 ℃),该化合物易挥发,不易稳定安全存放;两种方法均使用发烟硫酸和纯硝酸为硝化试剂,其中纯硝酸需自行制备,硝化试剂不易制得。


  • 2 实验部分

  • 2.1 试剂及仪器



    NEXUS870型傅里叶变换红外光谱仪,美国热电尼高力公司;AV500型(500 MHz)超导核磁共振仪,瑞士BRUKER公司;Vario EL‑Ⅲ型元素分析仪,德国EXEMENTAR公司;EASYMAX自动合成仪,梅特勒‑托利多公司;JMS5800型扫描电子显微镜,日本电子公司。

    美国TA公司Q‑200型差示扫描量热仪,动态氮气气氛,常压下升温速率为10 ℃·min-1,0~400 ℃,试样量0.4 mg,试样皿为铝盘。

  • 2.2 合成路线


    化合物2的合成路线如Scheme 1所示。

    Scheme 1 Synthetic route of compound 2

  • 2.3 实 验

  • 2.3.1 2‑氰基‑2‑肟基乙酸乙酯(1)的合成


    搅拌下,依次将氰基乙酸乙酯5.65 g(50 mmol),水35 g和亚硝酸钠4.22 g(60 mmol)加入反应瓶中,保持温度在25~35 ℃,滴加3.01 g磷酸(85%),滴加完毕反应1 h,反应完毕,将4.3 g浓盐酸加入反应液中,然后降温至5 ℃,过滤,冰水洗涤,干燥得白色固体6.75 g,收率94.89%,纯度为98.1%(HPLC), 1H NMR (Acetone‑d6, 500 MHz)δ: 1.34 (t, J=7.1 Hz, 3H), 4.36(q, J=7.1 Hz, 2H), 13.96(s, 1H); 13C NMR (Acetone‑d6, 125 MHz), δ:13.36, 62.64, 108.02, 126.74, 158.33; FT‑IR(KBr, ν/cm-1): 3197, 3128, 2990, 2233, 1729, 1581, 1434, 1373, 1315, 1187,1068,844,7673; 元素分析(C5H6N2O3, %): 计算值,C 42.26,N 19.71,H 4.26; 实测值,C 42.12, N 19.10, H 4.13。

  • 2.3.2 二硝基乙腈钾盐(2)的合成


    搅拌下,保持温度不高于20 ℃,向反应瓶中加入1.8 g(28 mmol)浓硝酸,滴加8.05 g(82 mmol)浓硫酸,然后在0~5 ℃下,分批加入1.42 g(10 mmol)化合物1,加毕,缓慢升温至15 ℃反应1.5 h,反应完毕,用5 mL二氯甲烷萃取反应液,分离有机相,将有机相加入反应瓶中,室温滴加2.46 g(11 mmol)氢氧化钾溶液(25%),加毕,保持此温度反应1 h,冷却至0 ℃,过滤,乙醇洗涤,干燥的黄色固体1.71 g,用水重结晶得淡黄色晶体1.37 g,收率81.07%,纯度为99.99%(HPLC)13C NMR(DMSO‑d6,125 MHz)δ:113.47, 206.01; FT‑IR(KBr,ν/cm-1): 2235,1504,1429,1261,1155,773,746,568;元素分析(C2N3O4K, %): 计算值,C 14.20,N 24.84; 实测值,C 14.07,N 24.49。

  • 2.3.3 二硝基乙腈钾盐(2)不同形貌样品制备


    搅拌下,将2.3.2节制备的未精制化合物2(样品a)5 g、25 mL蒸馏水和表面活性剂聚乙烯醇、羟甲基纤维素钠、聚乙二醇(400)分别加入反应瓶中,调节转速为600 r·min-1,升温至80 ℃全溶,热过滤将滤液倒入反应瓶内,然后设置0.2 ℃·min-1降温速率,降温至20 ℃,过滤,冰水洗涤,乙醇洗涤,干燥分别得化合物样品b,c,d。

  • 2.4 感度测试实验


    撞击感度按照GJB772A-1997方[12]601.1测试,落锤10 kg,落高25 cm,药量50 mg;特性落高H50按照GJB772A-1997方法601.2测试,落锤5 kg,药量50 mg;摩擦感度按照GJB772A-1997方法602.1测试,表压3.92 MPa,摆角90°,药量20 mg。

  • 3 结果与讨论

  • 3.1 化合物2的合成反应条件

  • 3.1.1 硝化试剂的影响




    表1 硝化试剂对硝化反应的影响

    Table 1 Effect of nitrating reagent on nitration reaction

    nitrating reagentyield / %purity / %
    sulfuric acid(98%)/nitric acid(98%)81.0799.99
    fuming sulfuric acid(15%)/nitric acid(98%)77.3999.97
    sulfuric acid(98%)/pure nitric acid78.8699.98
    fuming sulfuric acid(15%)/pure nitric acid74.4499.98
  • 3.1.2 氢氧化钾用量的影响



    表2 氢氧化钾用量对水解反应的影响

    Table 2 Effect of dosage of potassium hydroxide on hydrolysis reaction

    n(1)∶n(KOH)yield / %purity / %


  • 3.2 化合物2的热行为


    对不同形貌的化合物2样品进行了DSC分析,结果如图1所示。由图1可知,不同形貌的化合物2样品吸热峰均在273 ℃左右,分解峰温均在371 ℃左右,化合物2粗品(a)与加入表面活性剂精制后的样品(b,c,d)吸热峰,起始分解温度和分解峰温均相差无几,这是因为,晶体形貌修饰只是对化合物表面进行处理,不影响化合物内部品[13],所以不同形貌的化合物2样品热分解温度基本相同。


    图1 化合物2的DSC曲线

    Fig.1 DSC curves of compound 2

  • 3.3 化合物2的形貌与机械感度



    表3 化合物2的感度数据

    Table 3 Sensitivity data of compound 2

    sampleIS / %H50 / cmFS / %

    NOTE: IS is the impact sensitivity. H50 is the characteristic drop heights of impact sensitivity. FS is the friction sensitivity.


    a. sample a b. sample b


    c. sample c d. sample d

    图2 化合物2的扫描电镜图

    Fig.2 SEM images of compound 2



  • 4 结 论




    (3)加入表面活性剂聚乙二醇(400)后,得到的二硝基乙腈钾盐样品机械感度最低(撞击感度为8%,摩擦感度为12%,H50>129.5 cm)。

  • 参考文献

    • 1


      ZHANG Xiao‑peng. Study on the high energy and high burning rate gun propellant[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing university of science &technology,2013.

    • 2

      李玉祥. 高燃速发射药及其燃烧性能研究[D].南京:南京理工大学,2015.

      LI Yu‑xiang. Study on high burning rate gun propellant and its combustion performance[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing university of science &technology,2013.

    • 3

      Chaille J L, Walker R B. Solid nitrocellulose‑nitroglycerin propellant with burning rate modifiers containing dinitrocetonitrile salts:US3450583[P], 1969.

    • 4

      Kettner M A, Klapotke T M. New energetic polynitrotetrazoles[J]. Chemistry A European Journal, 2015 21(9):3755-3765.

    • 5

      Haiges R, Christe K O. 5‑(fluorodinitromethyl)‑2h‑tetrazole and its tetrazolates‑preparation and characterization of new high energy compounds[J]. Dalton Transactions, 2015,44(22): 10166-10176.

    • 6

      Parker C O, Ala H. Dinitrocyanoacetates:US 2926484[P], 1960.

    • 7

      Parker C O, Ala H. Process for the preparation of dinitroacetonitrile and salts:US 3415867[P],1968.

    • 8

      Parker C O, Emmons W D, Rolewicz H A, et al. Preparation and properties of dinitroacetonitrile and its salts[J].Tetrahedron, 1962, 17(1): 79-87.

    • 9

      尚雁,叶志虎,王友兵,等. HNS‑Ⅳ的制备及粒径、形貌控制[J]. 含能材料,2011,19(3):299‑304.

      SHANG Yan, YE Zhi‑hu, WANG You‑bing, et al. Preparation, particle size and crustal control of HNS‑Ⅳ[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2011,19(3):299-304.

    • 10

      周群,陈智群,王伯周,等. FOX‑7晶体形貌对感度的影响[J]. 火炸药学报, 2014, 37(5): 67-69.

      ZHOU Qun, CHEN Zhi‑qun, WANG Bo‑zhou, et al. Effect of morphology of fox‑7 crystals on its sensitivity[J]. Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants, 2014, 37(5): 67-69.

    • 11

      许诚,张敏,毕福强,等. 重结晶工艺对1,1‑二羟基‑5,5‑联四唑羟胺盐热性能和机械感度的影响[J].含能材料,2017,25(5):409-412.

      XU Cheng, ZHANG Min, BI Fu‑qiang, et al. Influence of recrystallization process on the thermal properties and mechanical sensitivity of dihydroxylammonium 5,5′‑bistetrazole‑1,1′‑diolate(HATO)(J). Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(5): 409-412.

    • 12

      GJB 772A-1997炸药测试方法[S]. 北京:中国标准出版社.

      GJB 772A-1997 Explosive test method[S]. Beijing: China Standard Press.

    • 13

      徐容,李洪珍,黄明,等.球形化HMX制备及性能研究[J].含能材料, 2018, 18(5): 505-509.

      XU Rong, LI Hong‑zhen, HUANG Ming, et al. Preparation and properties of rounded HMX[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2018, 18(5): 505-509.

    • 14

      任晓婷,杜涛,何金选,等. 双(2,2,2‑三硝基乙基)胺的晶体形貌预测及控制[J]. 含能材料,2015,23(8):737-740.

      REN Xiao‑ting, DU Tao, HE Jin‑xuan, et al. Prediction and control of crystal morphology of BTNA[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2015,23(8):737-740.

    • 15

      杨利,任晓婷,张同来,等.超细HNS的形貌控制及性能[J]. 火炸药学报, 2010, 33(1): 19-23.

      YANG Li,REN Xiao‑ting, ZHANG Tong‑lai, et al. Crystal morphology control and properties of ultrafine HNS[J]. Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants, 2010, 33(1): 19-23.

    • 16

      李岗,陈健,王晶禹,等. HNS微晶形貌控制研究[J].山西化工, 2009, 29(2): 7‑10.

      LI Gang, CHEN Jian, WANG Jing‑yu, et al. Study on the crystal morphology of ultrafine HNS[J]. Shanxi Chemical Industry, 2009, 29(2): 7-10.


机 构:西安近代化学研究所, 西安 710065

Affiliation:Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 71065,China

邮 箱



机 构:西安近代化学研究所, 西安 710065

Affiliation:Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 71065,China


机 构:西安近代化学研究所, 西安 710065

Affiliation:Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 71065,China


机 构:西安近代化学研究所, 西安 710065

Affiliation:Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 71065,China


机 构:西安近代化学研究所, 西安 710065

Affiliation:Xi′an Modern Chemistry Research Institute, Xi′an 71065,China

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author

邮 箱


nitrating reagentyield / %purity / %
sulfuric acid(98%)/nitric acid(98%)81.0799.99
fuming sulfuric acid(15%)/nitric acid(98%)77.3999.97
sulfuric acid(98%)/pure nitric acid78.8699.98
fuming sulfuric acid(15%)/pure nitric acid74.4499.98
n(1)∶n(KOH)yield / %purity / %
sampleIS / %H50 / cmFS / %

Scheme 1 Synthetic route of compound 2

表1 硝化试剂对硝化反应的影响

Table 1 Effect of nitrating reagent on nitration reaction

表2 氢氧化钾用量对水解反应的影响

Table 2 Effect of dosage of potassium hydroxide on hydrolysis reaction

图1 化合物2的DSC曲线

Fig.1 DSC curves of compound 2

表3 化合物2的感度数据

Table 3 Sensitivity data of compound 2

图2 化合物2的扫描电镜图 -- a. sample a b. sample b

Fig.2 SEM images of compound 2 -- a. sample a b. sample b

图2 化合物2的扫描电镜图 -- c. sample c d. sample d

Fig.2 SEM images of compound 2 -- c. sample c d. sample d

image /





IS is the impact sensitivity. H50 is the characteristic drop heights of impact sensitivity. FS is the friction sensitivity.



  • 参考文献

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      ZHANG Xiao‑peng. Study on the high energy and high burning rate gun propellant[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing university of science &technology,2013.

    • 2

      李玉祥. 高燃速发射药及其燃烧性能研究[D].南京:南京理工大学,2015.

      LI Yu‑xiang. Study on high burning rate gun propellant and its combustion performance[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing university of science &technology,2013.

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      Chaille J L, Walker R B. Solid nitrocellulose‑nitroglycerin propellant with burning rate modifiers containing dinitrocetonitrile salts:US3450583[P], 1969.

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      Kettner M A, Klapotke T M. New energetic polynitrotetrazoles[J]. Chemistry A European Journal, 2015 21(9):3755-3765.

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      Haiges R, Christe K O. 5‑(fluorodinitromethyl)‑2h‑tetrazole and its tetrazolates‑preparation and characterization of new high energy compounds[J]. Dalton Transactions, 2015,44(22): 10166-10176.

    • 6

      Parker C O, Ala H. Dinitrocyanoacetates:US 2926484[P], 1960.

    • 7

      Parker C O, Ala H. Process for the preparation of dinitroacetonitrile and salts:US 3415867[P],1968.

    • 8

      Parker C O, Emmons W D, Rolewicz H A, et al. Preparation and properties of dinitroacetonitrile and its salts[J].Tetrahedron, 1962, 17(1): 79-87.

    • 9

      尚雁,叶志虎,王友兵,等. HNS‑Ⅳ的制备及粒径、形貌控制[J]. 含能材料,2011,19(3):299‑304.

      SHANG Yan, YE Zhi‑hu, WANG You‑bing, et al. Preparation, particle size and crustal control of HNS‑Ⅳ[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials(Hanneng Cailiao), 2011,19(3):299-304.

    • 10

      周群,陈智群,王伯周,等. FOX‑7晶体形貌对感度的影响[J]. 火炸药学报, 2014, 37(5): 67-69.

      ZHOU Qun, CHEN Zhi‑qun, WANG Bo‑zhou, et al. Effect of morphology of fox‑7 crystals on its sensitivity[J]. Chinese Journal of Explosives & Propellants, 2014, 37(5): 67-69.

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      许诚,张敏,毕福强,等. 重结晶工艺对1,1‑二羟基‑5,5‑联四唑羟胺盐热性能和机械感度的影响[J].含能材料,2017,25(5):409-412.

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