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参考文献 1
刘飞.爆炸成型弹丸(EFP)研制及其工程破坏效应研究[D]. 合肥: 中国科学技术大学, 2006.
LIUFei. The explosively formed penetrator and its engineering damage effects research[D]. Hefei: University of science and Technology of China, 2006.
参考文献 2
顾文彬, 刘建青, 唐勇, 等.球缺型EFP战斗部结构优化设计研究[J]. 南京理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 32(2): 165-170.
GUWen-bin, LIUJian-qing, TANGYong, et al. Optimizing design of EFP warhead with hemispherical liner[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2008, 32(2):165-170.
参考文献 3
CardosoD, Teixeira-DiasF. Modelling the formation of explosively formed projectiles (EFP)[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 93: 116-127.
参考文献 4
FedorovS V, BayanovaY M, LadovS V. Numerical analysis of the effect of the geometric parameters of a combined shaped-charge liner on the mass and velocity of explosively formed compact elements[J]. Combustion Explosion & Shock Waves, 2015, 51(1): 130-142.
参考文献 5
RolcS, BucharJ, AksteinZ. Computer simulation of explosively formed projectiles (EFP)[C]// Proceedings of the 23rd international symposium on ballistics, Tarragona, Spain:2007, 185-192.
参考文献 6
唐蜜, 柏劲松, 李平, 等.爆炸成型弹丸成型因素的正交设计研究[J]. 火工品, 2006(5): 38-40.
TANGMi, BAIJing-song, LIPing, et al. Orthogonal design research of shaping factors of explosively formed projectile[J]. Initiators & Pyrotechnics, 2006(5): 38-40.
参考文献 7
刘建青, 顾文彬, 唐勇, 等.变壁厚球缺罩爆炸成型弹丸成型性能的数值模拟[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 9(2): 172-176.
LIUJian-qing, GUWen-bin, TANGYong, et al. Numerical investigation on EFP forming performance with variational-wall-thickness hemispherical liner[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2008, 9(2): 172-176.
参考文献 8
李伟兵, 王晓鸣, 李文彬, 等.药型罩结构参数对多模毁伤元形成的影响[J]. 弹道学报, 2009, 21(1): 19-23.
LIWei-bing, WANGXiao-ming, LIWen-bin, et al. Effect of liner configuration parameter on formation of multimode penetrator[J]. Journal of Ballistics, 2009, 21(1): 19-23.
参考文献 9
陈奎, 李伟兵, 王晓鸣, 等.双模战斗部结构正交优化设计[J]. 含能材料, 2013, 21(1): 80-84.
CHENKui, LIWei-bing, WANGXiao-ming, et al. Orthogonal design configuration parameters of dual mode warheads[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2013, 21(1): 80-84.
参考文献 10
黄风雷, 张雷雷, 段卓平.大锥角药型罩聚能装药侵彻混凝土实验研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2008, 28(1):17-22.
HUANGFeng-lei, ZHANGLei-lei, DUANZhuo-ping. Shaped charge with large cone angle for concrete target[J]. Explosive and Shock Waves, 2008, 28(1): 17-22.
参考文献 11
尹建平, 付璐, 王志军, 等.药型罩参数对EFP成型性能影响的灰关联分析[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 13(1): 101-105.
YINJian-ping, FULu, WANGZhi-jun, et al. Grey incidence analysis on liner parameters influencing formation performance
参考文献 12
YiY S, KimH J.Flight and penetration characteristics of explosively formed penetrators[C]// Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Ballistics, Long Beach,USA:2017, 1499-1502.
参考文献 13
黄正祥, 张先锋, 陈惠武.药型罩锥角对聚能杆式侵彻体成型的影响[J]. 南京理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2005, 29(6): 645-647.
HUANGZheng-xiang, ZHANGXian-feng, CHENHui-wu. Influence on formed mechanism of jetting projectile charge by liner angle[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2005, 29(6): 645-647.
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LIWei-bing, WANGXiao-ming, LIWen-bin. The effect of annular multi-point initiation on the formation and penetration of an explosively formed penetrator[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2010, 37(4): 414-424.
参考文献 15
樊雪飞, 李伟兵, 王晓鸣, 等.药型罩材料性能参数对双模毁伤元成型的影响[J]. 含能材料, 2017, 25(11): 888-895.
FANXue-fei, LIWei-bing, WANGXiao-ming, et al.Effects of liner’s material properties on the forming of dual mode damage elements[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(11): 888-895.
参考文献 16
朱传胜, 黄正祥, 刘荣忠, 等.带隔板中空装药的EFP成型研究[J]. 弹道学报, 2013, 25(1): 53-58.
ZHUChuan-sheng, HUANGZheng-xiang, LIURong-zhong, et al.Research on forming of EFP warhead with wave-shaper and center-hole charge[J]. Journal of Ballistics, 2013, 25(1): 53-58.
目录 contents




    To furtherly improve the penetration capability of explosively formed penetrator(EFP), a type of cone-arc liner which can form long rod-shaped compacted EFP was proposed based on the arc section design of large cone angle liner structure. The difference in collapse process for cone-arc liner and the traditional large cone angle liner as well as arc-cone liner was analyzed. The influences and regulars of cone-arc liner structure parameters (curvature radius, cone angle and wall thickness) on the formation parameters of penetrator, such as EFP velocity, length-diameter ratio and compactness, were calculated and obtained by LS-DYNA simulation software. The range of each parameters of optimum EFP are gained: the curvature radius is 1.1-1.3 times of charge diameter, the cone angle is 155°-160°, and the wall thickness is 0.04-0.046 times of charge diameter. And a kind of cone-arc liner structure that can form EFP with length-diameter ratio as 2 and compactness as 0.88 was designed and obtained.

  • 1 引 言


    爆炸成型侵彻体(explosively formed penetrator,EFP)是利用聚能原理,通过装药的爆轰作用,使金属药型罩被压垮、闭合形成具有较高质心速度和一定结构形状的弹丸,从而利用动能侵彻目[1]。随着装甲目标防护能力的不断增强,迫切需要设计速度更高、长径比和比动能更大的高性能EFP,以满足武器系统威力设计的要[2]。药型罩结构是影响EFP成型的主要因素之一,近年来国内外学者针对药型罩结构参数对EFP毁伤元成型的影响规律开展了大量的研究,Cardoso D[3]研究了EFP速度与药型罩厚度之间的规律,提出药型罩厚度为4%~7%倍装药口径时能得到高性能EFP,Fedorov S V[4]进行了组合药型罩半球形部分的曲率半径和壁厚对密实毁伤元影响的研究,Rolc S[5]针对药型罩锥角研究了罩几何形状对EFP速度的影响;国内唐[6]、顾文[2]利用正交设计的方法,得到了球缺罩以及装药结构参数对EFP成型性能影响的主次关系,刘建[7]研究了变壁厚球缺罩的结构参数对EFP成型的影响,发现优化罩顶口壁厚差能大幅提高EFP的长径比和密实度,李伟[8]、陈[9]等基于弧锥结合形药型罩双模毁伤元战斗部进行了研究,确定了药型罩曲率半径和锥角的优化取值,黄风[10]对大锥角药型罩结构侵彻体的形成和侵彻进行了实验研究,尹建[11]运用灰关联法得出大锥角药型罩参数对EFP成型性能影响的主次关系。

    目前国内关于EFP成型方面的研究,使用的药型罩结构主要是等壁厚或变壁厚球缺形、大锥角形、弧锥结合形。但是,之前学者优化的EFP在实验中远距离飞行时,均出现不同程度的颈缩甚至断裂。而韩国的Yi Y S和Kim H J[12]在第30届国际弹道会议上报道了一种锥弧结合形结构药型罩,得到一种成型良好的尖头形EFP,试验中远距离飞行时EFP未断裂,但是未见成型装药药型罩的具体尺寸。锥弧结合形药型罩是否更适合形成远距离飞行EFP,有必要针对锥弧结合形、大锥角形及弧锥结合形药型罩的爆轰压垮过程区别及其结构参数的不同影响规律开展深入研究。

    本研究利用 LS-DYNA 仿真软件,研究药型罩的圆弧曲率半径、锥角、壁厚等结构参数对EFP成型参数的影响规律,找出一种能形成长杆状密实EFP的药型罩结构。

  • 2 结构设计及对比

  • 2.1 基于大锥角罩结构的圆弧段设计




    综上,设计的三种药型罩如图1所示,其中图1a为大锥角罩,图1b为弧锥结合罩,圆弧段曲率半径为55 mm,图1c为锥弧结合罩,圆弧段曲率半径为120 mm,三种罩锥角均为155°,壁厚均为4.2 mm。


    a. large cone angle liner


    b. arc-cone liner


    c. cone-arc liner

    图1 三种药型罩结构图

    Fig.1 Structure diagrams of three liners

  • 2.2 战斗部结构及计算模型


    基于文献[14]对装药及药型罩结构参数的影响开展的研究,本研究采用其船尾形装药结构,当药型罩为锥弧结合罩时对应的战斗部装药结构如图2所示。装药口径Dk为100 mm,装药高度H为90 mm,采用装药底部中心单点起爆。


    图2 装药结构及起爆位置示意图

    Fig.2 Schematic diagram of charge structure and initiation position




    a.  X-ray experiment              b.  simulation

    图3 弧锥罩EFP的X光试验与仿真对比

    Fig.3 Comparison of the X-ray experiment and simulation of arc-cone liner EFP


  • 2.3 三种罩结构计算对比分析


    在药型罩锥角为155°的基础上,分别对上述大锥角罩、弧锥结合罩、锥弧结合罩运用LS-DYNA仿真软件进行数值模拟。200 μs时刻三种药型罩均形成了头尾速度一致的EFP,成型图如图4所示,图4Lm表示密实段长度,成型参数如表1所示。

                            三种结构药型罩EFP成型图(200 μs)

    a.  large cone angle line              b.  arc-cone liner              c. cone-arc liner

    图4 三种结构药型罩EFP成型图(200 μs)

    Fig.4 The formation shape of three structure liners(200 μs)

    表1 三种结构药型罩EFP成型参数

    Table 1 The formation parameters of three structure liners EFP


    tip velocity

    / m·s-1





    section length

    / mm

    large cone angle liner24270.9251.25
    arc⁃cone liner24100.8728.75
    cone⁃arc liner23911.7261.25



  • 3 锥弧结合罩结构参数影响规律



  • 3.1 曲率半径的影响


    固定药型罩壁厚0.038Dk,锥角155°,曲率半径变化范围为0.7Dk~1.6Dk(每种方案增加0.1Dk),通过数值模拟计算每种方案侵彻体的成型参数。各方案侵彻体150 μs时刻成型图如表2所示,侵彻体头部速度vtip、头尾速度差Δv、长径比L/D、密实度μ随曲率半径变化曲线如图5所示。

    表2 不同曲率半径下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)

    Table 2 The formation shape of penetrator with different curvature radius (150 µs)

    curvature radius0.7Dk0.8Dk0.9Dk1.0Dk1.1Dk1.2Dk1.3Dk1.4Dk1.5Dk1.6Dk
    formation shapeshtml/hncl/CJEM2018051/media/f9ed3a1d-9d9e-466d-8e79-c361a8e5ca95-image007.png
                    不同曲率半径下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)

    NOTE: Dk is the charge diameter.


    a. changing curves of vtip and Δv


    b. changing curves of L/D and μ

    图5 侵彻体成型参数随曲率半径变化曲线

    Fig.5 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with curvature radius

    从图5a可以看出,侵彻体头部速度、头尾速度差均呈指数减小趋势,从图5b可以看出,长径比呈指数减小趋势,密实度在曲率半径大于0.9Dk时呈指数减小趋势。结合表2发现,当曲率半径在0.7Dk~0.9Dk时,形成的是杆式侵彻体,有明显的射流和杵体部分,这是因为罩顶高度足够大,为罩单元被压垮向轴线的拉伸运动提供了更大的空间,此时头部速度、头尾速度差、长径比都很大,均随着曲率半径的增大而大幅度减小。虽然曲率半径为0.7Dk或0.8Dk时,侵彻体密实度为1,但是其头尾速度差较大容易断裂,不满足要求。当曲率半径达到1.0Dk以上时,侵彻体变为头部密实尾部中空的结构,但是头部没有完全翻转,存在占整体质量较小的杵体,这是因为罩顶部为锥形,形成的EFP头部带有射流的性质,随着曲率半径增大,头部速度几乎不变,密实段长度和长径比略有减小,而密实度呈指数减小趋势并趋于定值,EFP尾部的张角越来越大,当曲率半径增大到1.1Dk以上,头尾速度差小于200 m·s-1,长径比小于1.8,可以认为形成了头尾速度几乎一致的EFP。


  • 3.2 锥角的影响


    固定药型罩壁厚0.038Dk,曲率半径1.1Dk,锥角变化范围为140°~165°(每种方案增加5°),计算每种方案侵彻体的成型参数。各方案侵彻体150 μs时刻成型图如表3所示,侵彻体头部速度vtip、头尾速度差Δv、长径比L/D、密实度μ随锥角变化曲线如图6所示。


    a. changing curves of vtip and Δv


    b. changing curves of L/D and μ

    图6 侵彻体成型参数随锥角变化曲线

    Fig.6 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with cone angle


    表3 不同锥角下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)

    Table 3 The formation shape of penetrator with different cone angle (150 µs)

    cone angle


    formation shapeshtml/hncl/CJEM2018051/media/f9ed3a1d-9d9e-466d-8e79-c361a8e5ca95-image012.png
                    不同锥角下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)


  • 3.3 壁厚的影响


    固定药型罩曲率半径1.1Dk,锥角155°,壁厚变化范围为0.036Dk~0.05Dk(每种方案增加0.002Dk)。各方案侵彻体150 μs时刻侵彻体成型图如表4所示,侵彻体头部速度vtip、头尾速度差Δv、长径比L/D、密实度μ随壁厚变化曲线如图7所示。

    表4 不同壁厚下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)

    Table 4 The formation shape of penetrator with different wall thickness (150 µs)

    wall thickness0.036Dk0.038Dk0.040Dk0.042Dk0.044Dk0.046Dk0.048Dk0.050Dk
    formation shapeshtml/hncl/CJEM2018051/media/f9ed3a1d-9d9e-466d-8e79-c361a8e5ca95-image013.png
                    不同壁厚下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)

    NOTE: Dk is the charge diameter.

  • html/hncl/CJEM2018051/media/f9ed3a1d-9d9e-466d-8e79-c361a8e5ca95-image014.png

    a. changing curves of vtip and Δv


    b. changing curves of L/D and μ

    图7 侵彻体成型参数随壁厚变化曲线

    Fig.7 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with wall thickness

    分析表4可以发现,壁厚的改变对侵彻体形态的影响很小,均为头部密实尾部中空的结构,结合图7a和图7b得到,随着壁厚增大,EFP头部速度、头尾速度差呈线性减小,头部直径略有增大,而密实度、长径比几乎不变。为保证EFP头部速度较大以及头尾速度差尽可能小,同时考虑头部直径不至于太大,壁厚取0.04 Dk~0.046 Dk

  • 4 较优弧锥结合罩EFP成型计算



    壳体厚度取5 mm,进行数值模拟计算,200 μs时刻EFP成型形态如图8所示。

    此时EFP头部速度为2368 m·s-1,头尾速度差为0,长度为83.75 mm,密实段长度为73.75 mm,密实度为0.88,长径比为2,为尾部收缩良好的长杆状密实EFP,并且未发生断裂。EFP长径比与密实段长度均较大,考虑长径比大、密实段长度长均有利于侵彻,因此成型性能较佳,这为之后长杆状密实EFP的进一步研究提供依据。

                            EFP成型图(200 μs)

    图8 EFP成型图(200 μs)

    Fig.8 Formation shape of EFP(200 μs)

  • 5 结论





  • 参考文献

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      刘飞.爆炸成型弹丸(EFP)研制及其工程破坏效应研究[D]. 合肥: 中国科学技术大学, 2006.

      LIU Fei. The explosively formed penetrator and its engineering damage effects research[D]. Hefei: University of science and Technology of China, 2006.

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      顾文彬, 刘建青, 唐勇, 等.球缺型EFP战斗部结构优化设计研究[J]. 南京理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 32(2): 165-170.

      GU Wen-bin, LIU Jian-qing, TANG Yong, et al. Optimizing design of EFP warhead with hemispherical liner[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2008, 32(2):165-170.

    • 3

      Cardoso D, Teixeira-Dias F. Modelling the formation of explosively formed projectiles (EFP)[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2016, 93: 116-127.

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      Fedorov S V, Bayanova Y M, Ladov S V. Numerical analysis of the effect of the geometric parameters of a combined shaped-charge liner on the mass and velocity of explosively formed compact elements[J]. Combustion Explosion & Shock Waves, 2015, 51(1): 130-142.

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      Rolc S, Buchar J, Akstein Z. Computer simulation of explosively formed projectiles (EFP)[C]// Proceedings of the 23rd international symposium on ballistics, Tarragona, Spain:2007, 185-192.

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      唐蜜, 柏劲松, 李平, 等.爆炸成型弹丸成型因素的正交设计研究[J]. 火工品, 2006(5): 38-40.

      TANG Mi, BAI Jing-song, LI Ping, et al. Orthogonal design research of shaping factors of explosively formed projectile[J]. Initiators & Pyrotechnics, 2006(5): 38-40.

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      刘建青, 顾文彬, 唐勇, 等.变壁厚球缺罩爆炸成型弹丸成型性能的数值模拟[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2008, 9(2): 172-176.

      LIU Jian-qing, GU Wen-bin, TANG Yong, et al. Numerical investigation on EFP forming performance with variational-wall-thickness hemispherical liner[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2008, 9(2): 172-176.

    • 8

      李伟兵, 王晓鸣, 李文彬, 等.药型罩结构参数对多模毁伤元形成的影响[J]. 弹道学报, 2009, 21(1): 19-23.

      LI Wei-bing, WANG Xiao-ming, LI Wen-bin, et al. Effect of liner configuration parameter on formation of multimode penetrator[J]. Journal of Ballistics, 2009, 21(1): 19-23.

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      陈奎, 李伟兵, 王晓鸣, 等.双模战斗部结构正交优化设计[J]. 含能材料, 2013, 21(1): 80-84.

      CHEN Kui, LI Wei-bing, WANG Xiao-ming, et al. Orthogonal design configuration parameters of dual mode warheads[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2013, 21(1): 80-84.

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      黄风雷, 张雷雷, 段卓平.大锥角药型罩聚能装药侵彻混凝土实验研究[J]. 爆炸与冲击, 2008, 28(1):17-22.

      HUANG Feng-lei, ZHANG Lei-lei, DUAN Zhuo-ping. Shaped charge with large cone angle for concrete target[J]. Explosive and Shock Waves, 2008, 28(1): 17-22.

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      尹建平, 付璐, 王志军, 等.药型罩参数对EFP成型性能影响的灰关联分析[J]. 解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 13(1): 101-105.

      YIN Jian-ping, FU Lu, WANG Zhi-jun, et al. Grey incidence analysis on liner parameters influencing formation performance

      of EFP[J]. Journal of PLA University of Science and Technology (Natural Science Edition), 2012, 13(1): 101-105.

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      Yi Y S, Kim H J.Flight and penetration characteristics of explosively formed penetrators[C]// Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Ballistics, Long Beach,USA:2017, 1499-1502.

    • 13

      黄正祥, 张先锋, 陈惠武.药型罩锥角对聚能杆式侵彻体成型的影响[J]. 南京理工大学学报(自然科学版), 2005, 29(6): 645-647.

      HUANG Zheng-xiang, ZHANG Xian-feng, CHEN Hui-wu. Influence on formed mechanism of jetting projectile charge by liner angle[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 2005, 29(6): 645-647.

    • 14

      LI Wei-bing, WANG Xiao-ming, LI Wen-bin. The effect of annular multi-point initiation on the formation and penetration of an explosively formed penetrator[J]. International Journal of Impact Engineering, 2010, 37(4): 414-424.

    • 15

      樊雪飞, 李伟兵, 王晓鸣, 等.药型罩材料性能参数对双模毁伤元成型的影响[J]. 含能材料, 2017, 25(11): 888-895.

      FAN Xue-fei, LI Wei-bing, WANG Xiao-ming, et al.Effects of liner’s material properties on the forming of dual mode damage elements[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials (Hanneng Cailiao), 2017, 25(11): 888-895.

    • 16

      朱传胜, 黄正祥, 刘荣忠, 等.带隔板中空装药的EFP成型研究[J]. 弹道学报, 2013, 25(1): 53-58.

      ZHU Chuan-sheng, HUANG Zheng-xiang, LIU Rong-zhong, et al.Research on forming of EFP warhead with wave-shaper and center-hole charge[J]. Journal of Ballistics, 2013, 25(1): 53-58.


机 构:南京理工大学智能弹药技术国防重点学科实验室, 江苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:ZNDY of Ministerial Key Laboratory, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China

邮 箱



机 构:南京理工大学智能弹药技术国防重点学科实验室, 江苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:ZNDY of Ministerial Key Laboratory, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China

邮 箱

角 色:通讯作者

Role:Corresponding author



机 构:重庆红宇精密工业有限责任公司, 重庆 402760

Affiliation:Chongqing Hongyu Precision Industrial Co., Ltd., Chongqing 402760, China


机 构:南京理工大学智能弹药技术国防重点学科实验室, 江苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:ZNDY of Ministerial Key Laboratory, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China


机 构:南京理工大学智能弹药技术国防重点学科实验室, 江苏 南京 210094

Affiliation:ZNDY of Ministerial Key Laboratory, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Nanjing 210094, China


tip velocity

/ m·s-1





section length

/ mm

large cone angle liner24270.9251.25
arc⁃cone liner24100.8728.75
cone⁃arc liner23911.7261.25
curvature radius0.7Dk0.8Dk0.9Dk1.0Dk1.1Dk1.2Dk1.3Dk1.4Dk1.5Dk1.6Dk
formation shapeshtml/hncl/CJEM2018051/media/f9ed3a1d-9d9e-466d-8e79-c361a8e5ca95-image007.png

cone angle


formation shapeshtml/hncl/CJEM2018051/media/f9ed3a1d-9d9e-466d-8e79-c361a8e5ca95-image012.png
wall thickness0.036Dk0.038Dk0.040Dk0.042Dk0.044Dk0.046Dk0.048Dk0.050Dk
formation shapeshtml/hncl/CJEM2018051/media/f9ed3a1d-9d9e-466d-8e79-c361a8e5ca95-image013.png

图1 三种药型罩结构图 -- a. large cone angle liner

Fig.1 Structure diagrams of three liners -- a. large cone angle liner

图1 三种药型罩结构图 -- b. arc-cone liner

Fig.1 Structure diagrams of three liners -- b. arc-cone liner

图1 三种药型罩结构图 -- c. cone-arc liner

Fig.1 Structure diagrams of three liners -- c. cone-arc liner

图2 装药结构及起爆位置示意图

Fig.2 Schematic diagram of charge structure and initiation position

图3 弧锥罩EFP的X光试验与仿真对比

Fig.3 Comparison of the X-ray experiment and simulation of arc-cone liner EFP

图4 三种结构药型罩EFP成型图(200 μs)

Fig.4 The formation shape of three structure liners(200 μs)

表1 三种结构药型罩EFP成型参数

Table 1 The formation parameters of three structure liners EFP

表2 不同曲率半径下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)

Table 2 The formation shape of penetrator with different curvature radius (150 µs)

图5 侵彻体成型参数随曲率半径变化曲线 -- a. changing curves of vtip and Δv

Fig.5 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with curvature radius -- a. changing curves of vtip and Δv

图5 侵彻体成型参数随曲率半径变化曲线 -- b. changing curves of L/D and μ

Fig.5 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with curvature radius -- b. changing curves of L/D and μ

图6 侵彻体成型参数随锥角变化曲线 -- a. changing curves of vtip and Δv

Fig.6 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with cone angle -- a. changing curves of vtip and Δv

图6 侵彻体成型参数随锥角变化曲线 -- b. changing curves of L/D and μ

Fig.6 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with cone angle -- b. changing curves of L/D and μ

表3 不同锥角下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)

Table 3 The formation shape of penetrator with different cone angle (150 µs)

表4 不同壁厚下侵彻体成型图(150 µs)

Table 4 The formation shape of penetrator with different wall thickness (150 µs)

图7 侵彻体成型参数随壁厚变化曲线 -- a. changing curves of vtip and Δv

Fig.7 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with wall thickness -- a. changing curves of vtip and Δv

图7 侵彻体成型参数随壁厚变化曲线 -- b. changing curves of L/D and μ

Fig.7 Changing curves of the formation parameters of penetrator along with wall thickness -- b. changing curves of L/D and μ

图8 EFP成型图(200 μs)

Fig.8 Formation shape of EFP(200 μs)

image /





a. X-ray experiment            b. simulation

a. large cone angle liner b. arc-cone liner  c. cone-arc liner


Dk is the charge diameter.






Dk is the charge diameter.




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