Abstract:To investigate the effect of thermal aging on the overloading safety of explosive charge, the accelerating aging of RDX-based aluminized and pressed explosive charge was performed at high temperature of 71 ℃ for 39 days. The launching safety of charge before and after aging were checked by drop hammer loading device and the effect of explosive grain structure, deterrent and binder content and quality of RDX crystal on the launching safety of charge was analyzed. Results show that under the same drop hammer loading condition, the probability of occurring combustion and explosion of unaged sample is larger than aged sample, after aging, the structure of explosive grain of aged sample is completer, the binder of explosive grain is softened and migrated, micro pore is reduced and closed, the content of deterrent and binder of explosive grain surface increases from 5.90% to 6.20%. Compared with the RDX crystal particles before aging, the half width of Raman charavteristic peak of the RDX crystal particles after aging decreases, especially full width at half maxima for charavteristic peak at 345 cm-1 decreases by 42.2%. Showing that in the aging process, the softening and migration of deterrent and binder in explosive grain, micro defect repair, surface passivation and improvement of quality of RDX crystal etc. factors are the main reasons of lanching safety of aged charge is better than that of unaged charge.