Abstract:With the help of the initial temperature(T0), at which DSC curves deviate from the basline, the onset temperature(Te) and maximum peak temperature(Tp) from the non-isothermal DSC curves at different heating rates(β), the thermal decomposition activation energy(EK and EO) and pre-exponential constant(AK) obtained by Kissinger′s method and Ozawa′s method, the value of be0(or p0) from Hu-Zhao-Gao′s equation and the value of ae0(0r p0) from Zhao-Hu-Gao′s equation, the values of specific heat capacity(Cp) obtained by microcalorimetry, density(ρ) and thermal conductivity(λ), the decomposition heat(Qd, taking half-explosion heat), Zhang-Hu-Xie-Li′s formula, Hu-Yang-Liang-Xie′s formula, Hu-Zhao-Gao′s formula, Zhao-Hu-Gao′s formula, thermodynamic relation formulae, Smith′s equation, Friedman′s formula, Bruckman-Guillet′s formula, Frank-Kamenetskii′s formula, Wang-Du′s formulas and Yoshida′s formulas, the values(T00, Te0 and Tp0) of T0, Te and Tp corresponding to β→0, thermodynamic parameters of activation reaction(ΔG≠、ΔH≠、ΔS≠), thermal explosion temperature(Tbe0 and Tbp0), adiabatic time-to-explosion(tTiad), 50% drop height(H50) of impact sensitivity, critical temperature of hot-spot initiation(Tcr, hot-spot), critical ambient temperature of thermal explosion(Tacr), safety degree(Sd), thermal explosion probability(PTE), explosion potential(Ep) and shock sensitivity relative to m-dinitrobenzene(SS) of 1,1′-Dimethyl-5,5′-azotetrazole monohydrate(1, 1′-DMATZ) and 2,2′-Dimethyl-5,5′-azotetrazole(2, 2′-DMATZ) are calculated. The results show that(1) 1, 1′-DMATZ is thermally stable;(2) the heat-resistance ability of 1, 1′-DMATZ is better than that of 2, 2′-DMATZ; (3) the different positions of the methyl group in the molecules are the principal factor affecting the thermal safety.