Abstract:Bruckman-Guillet′s formula for calculating the critical temperature of hot-spot initiation(Tcr) in energetic materials(EMs) was derived. A numerical method of estimating the value of Tcr was presented. The corresponding computer program was programmed. The literature values of Tcr of nine EMs: PETN,RDX,HMX,EDNA,tetryl,EDADN,AN,NG and TNT,were certificated with the programmed program,considering that the programmed program is suitable for fast computation of Tcr and reported values of Tcr for eleven EMs: TATB,HNS,HNDACO,HHTDD,BTNDNG,keto-RDX,BTNEDA,PBX-JH-94,PBX-JO-96,TB propellant M32 and TB propellant SD are believable to a certain extent.