Abstract:Three high-density hydrocarbons with molecular structure of C10H16 (C10), C15H22 (C15) and C20H28 (C20) were synthesized using dicyclopentadiene as feedstocks. The density of the fuels increases in the order of C10,C15 and C20,whereas the low-temperature properties show the inverse tendency. To obtain higher density and acceptable low-temperature property,binary and ternary blendings of them were prepared. The dependence of density and viscosity on the composition of blends was analyzed,and an equation was established to predict the density of blendings. C10 can improve the low-temperature of blendings,whereas C20 can enhance the density. According to the density-viscosity-composition ternary diagrams,an optimized blending composition of C15≥75wt%,C20≤20wt% and C20≤5wt% was determined. The resulting fuel has density larger than 1.0 g·cm-3 (15 ℃),volume heat larger than 42.0 MJ·L-1,viscosity smaller than 500 mm2·s-1 (-40 ℃),and pour point smaller than -70 ℃, which is very promising for propulsion applications.