State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China 在知网中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
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A firing reliability design method for hot bridgewire electroexplosive device was put forward. Firstly,the temperature rising model of bridgewire and temperature distribution model of explosive were constructed; secondly,the critical firing energy of explosive was calculated based on energybalance equation and selected parameters; finally,margin of firing reliability of initiator was calculated. If the margin can not meet the reliability requirement of product,parameters would be adjusted and margin of firing reliability would be calculated again. By using the method above and adjusting the design parameters,the critical firing voltage of an electroexplosive actuated device is 4.75 V and its margin is 1.2. The calculation result shows that the product can meet the reliability requirements.
董海平,蔡瑞娇,穆慧娜,等.灼热桥丝式电火工品发火可靠性设计方法[J].含能材料,2008,16(5):560-563. DONG Hai-ping, CAI Rui-jiao, MU Hui-na, et al. Firing Reliability Design of Hot Bridge-wire Electro-Explosive Device[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,2008,16(5):560-563.