School of Chemical Engineering, NUST, Nanjing 210094, China 在知网中查找 在百度中查找 在本站中查找
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The outfield static blast experiment of a new type single-event fuel air explosive (SEFAE) and its test equipment was carried out. The blast/shock wave parameters were measured and the after-burning phenomena were studied. Results show that the biggest blast fireball diameter of the testing bomb with 30 kg SEFAE is 17.4 m, which is 76.65 times of the original diameter of charge. According to the overpressure curves, two positive pressure zones are found. The second positive pressure zone which is aroused by after-burning is in regulation. The second shock wave is formed outside fireball and the pressure flat roof accumulated by compressed waves is inside fireball. The peak value of the second shock wave is no less than 40% of the first one′s and the second impulse is 12.5%-43.7% of overall impulse. Thus the effect of the second shock wave on blast/shock wave power can not be neglected.
李秀丽,惠君明,王伯良.云爆剂爆炸/冲击波参数研究[J].含能材料,2008,16(4):410-414. LI Xiu-li, HUI Jun-ming, WANG Bo-liang. Blast/Shock Wave Parameters of Single-Event FAE[J]. Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,2008,16(4):410-414.