Abstract:The ablation problem in laser ignition of energetic material was studied by means of scanning electron microscope(SEM),photoelectric method and differential thermal analysis(DTA). The effect of phenolic resin on laser ablation was investigated. The results show that after adding phenolic resin,the initiation temperature of the reaction change from 556 ℃ to 548 ℃,and reaction heat changes from 1.86 kJ·g-1 to 2.21 kJ·g-1. In comparison with B/KNO3,B/KNO3 with phenolic resin is more sensitivity,and has smaller ablation and shorter delay time as well. After adding phenolic resin,the 50% fired energy was less than that without phenplic resin,changing from 17.95 mJ to 9.11 mJ. The reduce degree of the delay time was inverse proportional to the laser energy density. When the laser energy density was 5 J·cm-2,the delay time changed from 17.5 ms to 7.2 ms. When the laser energy density was 23 J·cm-2,the difference between the delay times was little.