Abstract:Two furazan macrocyclic compounds 3,4:7,8:11,12:15, 16-tetrafurazan-1,5,9,13-tetrazocyclohexadecane (TATF) and 3,4:7,8:11,12:15,16-tetrafurazan-1,9-dioxazo-5,13-diazocyclohexadecane (DOATF) were synthesized by using 3,4-diaminofurazan(DAF). The structures were characterized by FTIR,NMR,MS and elemental analysis. The standard enthalpy (ΔH0f) of formation of TATF and DOATF were calculated to be 4526.0 kJ·kg-1 and 4144.2 kJ·kg-1 respectively. These two compounds all have excellent detonation performance with detonation velocity to be 8150 m·s-1 and 8180 m·s-1,detonation pressure to be 29.5 GPa and 29.2 GPa. Using TATF or DOATF as energetic component to substitute 20% of HMX in certain NEPE propellant,the energy pulse of two furazan-base propellants was calculated to be 252.5 s and 276.2 s respectively.