Page 10 - 《含能材料》火工品技术合集 2015~2019
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            Plasma Spectrograph and Driving Flyer Properties of Electrically Exploded Ni/Cu Multilayers

            YANG Shuang ,SUN Xiu⁃juan ,WANG Wan⁃jun,FU Qiu⁃bo
           (Institute of Chemical Materials,CAEP,Mianyang 621999,China)
            Abstract:To explore the exploding mechanism of composite multilayers,the properties of Ni/Cu multilayer exploding foil were
            studied. Ni/Cu composite multilayers(modulation period 200 nm/300 nm and 300 nm/400 nm,respectively),pure Cu and Ni
            films with the same thickness were prepared by electrochemical deposition. The plasma emission spectroscopy was measured.
            Under different discharge current conditions,the electron temperature of electrically exploded plasma of Ni/Cu composite multi⁃
            layers with different structures,pure Cu and Ni films was calculated,respectively. After matching barrels and flyers with explod⁃
            ing foils,the velocity of flyer driven by different exploding foils was measured by PDV method. The performance of the explod⁃
            ing foils driving flyer under different discharge current conditions were obtained. The results show the plasma emission spectros⁃
            copy intensity and electron temperature of(Ni 200 Cu 300 ) 8 and(Ni 300 Cu 400 ) 5 Ni 300 is higher than pure Cu and Ni at discharge current
            of 2.5 kA,indicating the Ni/Cu composites have higher electrically exploding energy density at the same condition. The Ni in
            Ni/Cu composites promotes the plasma to push flyer forward,resulting in the accelerating time and final velocity of flyer driven
            by(Ni 200 Cu 300 ) 8 and(Ni 300 Cu 400 ) 5 Ni 300 are both higher than those of flyer driven by pure Cu.
            Key words:Ni/Cu multilayers;electrically plasma;spectrograph;flyer
            CLC number:TJ45                            Document code:A                   DOI:10.11943/CJEM2018346
                                                                                                     (责编:姜 梅)

            Chinese Journal of Energetic Materials,Vol.27, No.6, 2019(456-464)  含能材料
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