为了完善无水肼的危险等级分类,依据联合国橘黄书爆炸品危险性分级程序,对制式包装无水肼(包括2种尺寸:18 kg和120 kg)分别开展EIDS隔板试验和外部火烧试验。分别采用高速摄像、红外热成像和压力数采测试系统表征样品在火灾刺激下的燃爆过程、火球表面最高温度以及冲击波效应。结果表明:外部火灾条件下,无水肼‑18 kg样品的TNT当量为0.724,是无水肼‑120 kg样品的1930.67倍。无水肼在特定条件下具有明显的爆炸特性,不同制式包装设计压力下的无水肼分别显示出了1.1 C和1.3 C的危险等级。无水肼的危险等级分类与其包装设计压力联系密切,应在实际使用允许范围内,降低无水肼等液体推进剂的包装强度,以有效降低其危险性。
Anhydrous hydrazine was assigned to Class 8 (corrosivity) and the subsidiary hazard classes of which were inflammability (Class 3) and toxicity (Division 6.1). However, as one of the typical energetic materials, anhydrous hydrazine should follow the explosive hazard classification procedure and hence be classified in Class 1. In this context, to improve the hazard classification of packaged anhydrous hydrazine, the hazard classification of packaged anhydrous hydrazine (18 kg and 120 kg) was investigated by means of extremely insensitive detonating substance (EIDS) gap test and external fire test.
Note: the package was shaped like a cylinder.
图1 EIDS隔板试验测试方法
Fig.1 EIDS gap test
图2 外部火烧试验测试系统
Fig.2 Diagram of external fire test apparatus
图3 无水肼的EIDS隔板三发实验结果
Fig.3 three times EIDS gap test results of anhydrous hydrazine
净重分别为18 kg和120 kg的制式不锈钢包装无水肼燃爆过程部分高速录像结果如
a. anhydrous hydrazine‑18 kg
b. anhydrous hydrazine‑120 kg
图4 无水肼样品燃爆过程高速录像图
Fig.4 High‑speed video images of the deflagration process for anhydrous hydrazine samples
火烧条件下,无水肼的受热温度远超其热分解温度(无水肼沸点为113.5 ℃),与储罐接触部分的推进剂不断发生快速热分解反应,并产生大量的高温、高压气体产物(N2和H2
a. anhydrous hydrazine‑18 kg
b. anhydrous hydrazine‑120 kg
图5 火烧试验后验证板及包装的破损情况
Fig.5 Witness plates and damage conditions of the packages after external fire tests
无水肼‑18 kg和无水肼‑120 kg样品的反射冲击波超压峰值随距离的衰减趋势结果如
a. anhydrous hydrazine‑18 kg
b. anhydrous hydrazine‑120 kg
图6 地面反射冲击波超压峰值衰减趋势
Fig.6 Peak pressure attenuation trends of the ground‑reflected shock waves
a. anhydrous hydrazine‑18 kg
b. anhydrous hydrazine‑120 kg
图7 样品地面反射超压拟合曲线
Fig.7 The fitting curves of the ground reflected pressure of samples
(1) |
(2) |
(3) |
(4) |
图8 样品反应过程火球表面最高温度
Fig.8 The highest temperature of the fireball surface in the reaction process.
(2)火灾刺激条件下,无水肼‑18 kg样品的TNT当量为0.724,是无水肼‑120 kg样品的1930.67倍。无水肼在特定条件下具有明显的爆炸特性,不同包装强度下,无水肼分别显示出了1.1 C和1.3 C的危险等级。
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