
张行程1, 邹芳芳2, 高畅1, 杨培1, 胡文祥2, 周秋菊1
1.信阳师范学院化学化工学院, 河南 信阳 464000;2.武汉工程大学化工与制药工程学院, 湖北 武汉 430205
摘要:以2,3,4-三氟硝基苯为原料,采用硝化、成环及再硝化三步反应合成了12,52-二氟-14,16,34,36,54,56,74,76-八硝基-2,4,6,8-四氧桥连-1,3,5,7(1,3)-杯[4]芳烃(ZXC-20)。采用溶剂挥发法得到ZXC-20·EtOH的单晶,并利用X射线单晶衍射技术表征了该单晶结构。用全自动真密度仪和综合热分析仪测定该化合物的密度和热稳定性,并采用EXPLO5 v6.01程序预测了其爆轰性能。结果表明,ZXC-20晶体属于P1空间群,晶胞参数为a=10.620(6) Å,b=10.641(6) Å,c=16.549(12) Å。V=1524.5(16) Å3,Z=2,F(000)=788.0;在298 K下,ZXC-20的实测密度为1.912 g·cm-3,热分解温度为333.76 ℃,理论爆速和理论爆压分别为8070 m·s-1和29.5 GPa,均优于TATB,是一种潜在的含氟耐热炸药。

Synthesis and Properties of Heat-resistant Explosive ZXC-20

ZHANG Xing-cheng1, ZOU Fang-fang2, GAO Chang1, YANG Pei1, HU Wen-xiang2, ZHOU Qiu-ju1
1.College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China;2.School of Chemical Engineering & Pharmacy, Wuhan Institute of Technology, Wuhan 430205, China
Abstract:12,52-difluoro-14,16,34,36,54,56,74,76-octanitro-2,4,6,8-tetraoxa-1,3,5,7(1,3)-tetrabenzenacyclooctaphane (ZXC-20) was synthesized from 2,3,4-trifluoro-nitrobenzene by nitration, cyclization and nitration. The single crystal of ZXC-20·EtOH was obtained by solvent evaporation method, and its single crystal structure was characterized by X-ray single crystal diffraction. The density of the compound was determined by automatic densitometer. The thermal decomposition temperature of ZXC-20 were recorded on a differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). The detonation parameters such as detonation velocity and detonation pressure of ZXC-20 were calculated by EXPLO5 v6.01. The results show that the crystal belongs to P-1 space group. Its cell parameters are a =10.620(6) Å, b =10.641(6) Å, c=16.549(12) Å, V=1524.5(16) Å3, Z=2, F(000)=788.0. The actual density of ZXC-20 is 1.912 g·cm-3 at 298 K. The thermal decomposition temperature is 333.76 ºC. The crystal belongs to P-1 space group. The theoretical detonation velocity and theoretical detonation pressure of ZXC-20 are 8070 m·s-1 and 29.5 GPa, respectively, which are better than TATB. ZXC-20 is a potential fluorine-containing heat-resistant explosive.
Key words:heat-resistant explosive;synthesis;calixarene;fluorinated high-energy explosive;detonation performance
Received:July 04, 2019